[ML] Official: IMAGE THREAD Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. You are killed by

    Somebody Else

    REPAIR : 300 URI

    That is happened :)

  2. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    Great level of detail!! although the edges looks a bit choppy and low-res :D
    Well done art
  3. Omega

    Omega User

    lol I want that as a sig :)
  4. lol it's good for a retired player using forums :p
    Omega likes this.
  5. Perhaps I'm not explaining myself correctly. I'm usually guilty of that quite often. But we can do without the snippy attitude.

    I understand where you are coming from and what you've done. I did not know something like that was possible after the program changes and new UI several years back.

    Flight screen size - the number of ship lengths from your ship to the outside edge of your flight screen will determine how soon you can lock another ship. If for the sake of discussion you and I are 12 ship lengths apart and your flight screen size is 20 while mine is only 6, you have a terrible advantage over me as to who you will lock and which direction you may go.

    As for the second part, that goes more to the programming aspects of the game itself. Each ship in a map is a data packet of parameters constantly changing based on it's interaction with the other ships, other aspects of the game. A ship in battle or moving is a constant changing set of parameters as is seen when I look at the shields and HP of any ship in my outfit. When I lock a ship or NPC certain parameters change accordingly and those of other ships likewise in battle around me.

    What concern I'm expressing is not a violation of the rules but a possible situation that might cause, could cause - lag. I understand when you say it would only affect you and your connection with the server but I disagree and think that its something that Bigpoint / Dark Orbit development team needs to take a look at, isolate a couple of accounts and run some testing on to make sure.

    Every single player out here has complained about LAG at one time or another. Could this be the explanation for the lag. How many ships are out here doing this?
  6. Just wanted to share, our most successful CBS in a long time.

  7. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    The gate is still quite nice to farm some Creds and Uri even after the patch ^^

    Getting Ready to Farm!

    First wave done! Time to kill ALL RED DOTS!

    All dots Killed, time for wave 2! made about 6000-7000 Uridium (ish)

    All dots from Wave 2 Killed And already Starting with Final wave 3!


    Waves Done :D Time to die :eek:

    Final Results, made about 15,000-20.000 Uridium in just 1 hour and 30 minutes (more or less.... maybe 2 Hrs lol):eek:

    There's Actually more waves but after 3 waves, bit by bit, appears weaker and less rewarding aliens :cool: so better die and do again :p:p
    Last edited: May 21, 2014
  8. DEKE clan Global America 3. First people to have Deathmatch Vanguard there.

  9. noooooooooooob :p
  10. ya thats why you cryin for me to stay in your clan. ;P

    love ya boo tang
  11. [​IMG]
    What our battle maps are like.
    Just so you know, it's a 50 vs 50 clan war.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2014
  12. Awww, no way - is that what JP players have to face - oh me gosh?!! Anyways, great stuff!
  13. [​IMG]Here when i won THE JPA on Us3 :D
  14. Silviu

    Silviu User


    Lucky REMOVED me :))
    Already had Chaos Pilot and found Space Cleaner :))
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 11, 2014
    ~~Dark~Star~~ likes this.
  15. That sucks lol. I logged in after reset the other night, saimon with Phoenix Shock flew up to me :D
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 12, 2014
  16. Silviu

    Silviu User

    I didn't kill that saimon because i had 15h on Chaos Pilot, and today i killed a guy and got Sharpshooter :|
    ~~Dark~Star~~ likes this.
  17. lol yeah, i know why you didn't kill it.
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