Botters Staged Last Year

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Aѕѕαѕѕιηαтσя™, Jun 10, 2014.

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Did getting staged from botting (Losing LF4/BO2 upgrades & Bio) force you to:

  1. Quit the game and never come back

  2. Quit the game but came back soon after

  3. Spend money to get your upgrades and bio back

  4. Play 'legitly' by cubing & doing events etc... to get your upgrades and bio back

  5. Continued to play the game but not activly and stopped spending money / moved onto another game

  1. You were still such trash you botted. Get skill noob.
  2. Oh no please don't try to be mean on the internet.

    As I said in my post, I have no regrets about any of the botting I did and you crying about me won't change my opinion on it. You just have to accept that people did it and get everything for free whilst you paid and worked to get anything of yours, no botter is going to have trouble sleeping at night because we lost something we got for free.
  3. lol im not crying, because the best part about you scrubs having everything and me still working on it, makes me look good when i drop you fools back in your bases. You scrubs can't do anything without cheating, it's hilarious to be honest, we laugh you the noobs who needed to bot and cried the game was too hard, and another thing, when i pop you noobs, half of you assume i'm a hacker, just because i can stomp a little punk who circled npcs 24/7.
  4. i did used to bot it was worth, now this account is 100% legit, who needs bots when you got everything upgraded to lvl 16 and only need 20 LF-4's when you also have 1800 keys :p
  5. Lol denied he was a botter, gets staged, admits it lol.
  6. How can you feel you've progressed somewhere when it wasn't you doing the progressing?
  7. One interesting aspect of this is the number of players who were incorrectly staged & who didn't bot.

    This happened due to the fact that some players had their accounts linked to other players - & I was one of them.

    How is this possible some of you may think.

    Well, the answer is simple. I had 2 sons who played this game. Our accounts were linked due to the fact that my Bank Card details were on all 3 accounts as I had paid premium for my sons. The youngest of them made the stupid mistake of botting. Although it was only for a short time, it was till wrong of him to do so. Next think I know is that all 3 of our accounts were suspended & staged. the reply I got was that it was because our accounts were linked & if I wanted to dispute it, I had to get a legal representative to contact BP's legal department as they were not prepared to discuss their detection methods for fear that there were possible ways round it -so, in effect, their detection methods were & are not 100% accurate.

    Furthermore, they were not even prepared to discuss the issue of payments made by me on behalf of my sons & why they accepted those payments without checking the validity of the details of both the card holder & the account holder.

    In effect, they were saying they only give a damn about money & not bothered on how they get it. Says much for their attitude & the values they place on players!!
  8. Exactly why bots needed perma bans or account resets, you get the idea.
    Your account isn't legitimate if you used to bot and now you don't, your still botting scum who even denied it now you laugh about it, sickening.
    .USS.Goliath. likes this.
  9. Hmm...lets see. Well i've built up 3 accounts from botting. But only one of them ( which was my main at the time) had been caught botting. Funny enough, it was botting on the exact day & time, they did the ban. But i've got no regrets about it, because i've still got the other account, which i still use. Alas, i wouldn't have any regrets either if both of the accounts got staged, because i wouldn't have really lost anything due to all of the stuff gained were free. I do spend money on my account too, from time to time, ( premium and rebate) seeing as i can just bash cubes from all the stuff i gained from botting, and build gates.

    And i won't mention anything about the third account, seing as that's just a way different story. ;) But that account, also isn't staged.

    Anyway, reason? Well there's two. Like patch before i got into the 'dark' side, back in 09/10 the game was relatively easy, cheap too - meaning that i could of easily get by, by just buying £7.50 worth of uridium every two weeks or something. And then came the LF4's and all that junk which followed afterwards. That was my turning point. I started botting around late 2012, and being only 14 years old at the time, building an account up would of require tons of money. But the fact that botting was cheating did held me back. Till a friend told me all the amount of Uri, GG spins etc, he managed to make in a day from Box botting, and thats when i started botting.

    The other reason was due that i could simply build my account up, without actually being at the having to spend money ( which kinda' links in with first reason), and without hardly spending much time, to build it up too.

    But yeah, being staged didn't really make me do any of those things OP has listed seeing as only ONE of my account got staged. So i still play regularly ( well not right now because of exams.)

    And like i said, i've got no regrets about taking an advantage of what was there.
    Meh think that all you want, but just remember. You've wasted your time, building your account up ( which is still being built up) where-as we hadn't, and our accounts are built up. So if the game was to shut down lets week, you've lost all that time and effort, where-as we've lost nothing.
    And you're always crying on here about how botters still are in ranks, and still can compete in events like hitacs ( for in-game prizes), winning prizes, and it being unfair since a legit player like you spent money on hitacs only to loose to those ex-botters...etc.

    Lol, a bit of contradiction there, don't ya' think? You say we call you a cheater, when you kill an ex - botter, but then you call us the exact same thing...when you get killed by an ex - bottter?

    Ex-Botter & proud. :)
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2014
  10. Arrogance and proud of cheating, exactly why the bans should've been permanent.
  11. Lol you sounded pathetic just now. I have FUN building my account, and yeah if a botter kills me you're a cheat you cheated for your stuff you will never be known as legit if you beat someone in a fight after cheating to get your equipment.
  12. So what...I had fun building my accounts up that way? Everyone has a different definition for 'fun' :rolleyes:. Furthermore, i may have "cheated" for my equipment, but that doesn't mean I've cheated to gain your kill. Two different things. I mean are you that much of a sore loser that you only use the excuse of player 'A' cheated to gain their equipment - every time you lose in a fight? 'Cause if you were good enough, you would beat them regardless of the fact that they cheated for their equipment. Seeing as that doesn't make a difference when it comes to FIGHTING on the game.

    Like i said, i have no regrets about it, i used what was there. Move on already. Besides, it's not like they're going to suddenly hand out the permant bans, to already staged accounts.
  13. Actually it does count as cheating. If you can't gain it fairly then fight fairly you're a pathetic piece of trash, you argue like i care. I'm better then you kid, i didn't cheat for my stuff, i'm 100% legit and don't spend hundreds on this game, yet here i am over 9200 PvP kills and still thrashing you scrubs around like rag dolls. Get on my level, come GA1 work on an account legit, see how "Skilled" you noobs are.

  14. You didn't build your account, that's one problem, if your definition involves cheating then I firstly don't know how it could be fun or how you could be proud of it, if you cheated for your ammo and equipment or anything for that matter then you cheated for the kills you have, obviously a fair player, probably earned or trying to earn everything would be ticked that a cheater got away with hardly any lasting punishment and now they troll us and taunt us, they'd most likely win in a fight because they use other cheats, never leave there groups of cheating buddies, or just got everything for free and ruin the game with there ill gotten gains, now all of that is hypothetical because cheaters still do suck regardless and I'd be shocked if they get kills that aren't in enemy x-2 maps.
  15. I think this thread should just be closed before it gets out of hand. Botters are cheaters, they're losers, they have no skill, they have nothing on the legit players who are and always will be better, simple as that.
  16. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Although slightly off topic how I perceive the bot time line was:-

    bot users were more likely to buy prem and possibly rebate so as a group they spent more than the average player, until a point where more and more WW /UWW started using them. Then financially, bot users were no longer a money maker so then the ones that did not listen to the warning were slapped on the wrist, the real losses of those who used them, were the late comer high spenders.
    Some of which were suckered into spend loads more to replace what they had lost.

    Unfortunately the honest players were disregarded and lost out for being honest. With massive numbers just giving up on the game.

    There was even an interview which talked more about the financial aspect of bots rather than the effect they had on the game, but it seems to be no longer available.:rolleyes:

    The poll is unlike to get a true result for so many reasons.
  17. Just for the simple fact we have players who cheated with pride to get there gear
    and a company the facilitated the cheating until it no longer suited their needs. they

    1. Remove chance from the game
    2. Rewards for NPC's should be raised
    3. LF-4 should be in shop and auction
    5. Price for uri should be lowered

    This would be a nice start to make amends to the honest players who feel
    cheated. (Certainly this should happen. for goodness sake they get to keep
    their stuff, then come on forums and brag about it.o_O) Something has to be
    done.People have spent hundreds or sometimes thousands and still not UFE
    I believe this is the only way honest players can catchup to he cheaters.
  18. Exactly. Gaining things fairly and fighting fairly are two different things. Some players did one of the two, and some players did both. But that doesn't mean you can automatically assume that a player who botted for their gains, uses program's to win in an battle. And your kill count means nothing to me, for all we know your kill count may be made up by killing noobs. And you're better than me? At building an account up - perhaps , but in PVP...?lol.
    And if you simply stop with your derogatory remarks then the thread won't get 'out of hand' now will it? Besides OP asked a question directly to EX - Botters & their reaction to being staged. and I believe you're not one , so I don't see why you're commenting on this thread in the first place, especially when you're doing nothing but slating any ex-botter that comments, and use it a your method to try and get your point across which is hardly valid towards OP's motives...:rolleyes: And that mate, is what makes you the 'pathetic' one, not me.

    If that's how you define fun, then so be it. Again, you too assuming that just because one used a bot , they used other program's to win a battle. :rolleyes: but whatever, if that's what you think, then okay then. And I think that fact that botters still have their accounts which they built up from botting, is what taunts & 'trolls' you, not the fact the actual player themself.

    -oh and some JPA winners are ex-botters and program users (obviously on different/unstaged accounts) there goes your theory about then getting kills outside of x2. :)
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2014
  19. If you cheated to have a ahlf decent account and be able to hunt and fight, your a cheater, your not fighting legitimately with legitimately gained items, nothing changes that, ex-botters most likely won with pure cheats and glitches, we've seen plenty of both in the JPA.
    .USS.Goliath. likes this.
  20. No on the LF4's, no on reduction in uridium price, sure on the other two.