New Spearhead Designs

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VESPID, Dec 14, 2013.

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    VESPID User

    These are some Spearhead designs I believe would be fun to have in game.

    The Whisper: "grey urban cammo" Any pilots ship that the Target Marker ability is focused on will be attacked buy any and all aliens in that map even if that ship is cloaked.

    The Wisp: "Orange in color" While the Target Marker skill is active the ship only takes 5% of any damage.

    The Ninja: "Purple in color" The Ultimate Cloak can be engaged while the Spearhead is under fire.

    The Specialist: "Silver in color" The Target Marker ability can also randomly empty either gun slots, generators, extras or drones of any enemy ship.

    The Vamp: "green in color" 10% of the damage caused by the spearhead while the Target Marker ability is active will be added to the hull points and then the nano shield.

    All these designs also offer maximum damage for the lasers as long as only the lasers that the ship holds are employed and the abilities employed with active times remain active without time limit but the cool down time remains the same.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2014
  2. No -1 this will just make the spearhead way to OP for players and it sounds quite complicated :L

    VESPID User

    Whoa.....In what way will they be over powered??? They still have the same HP and for the most part they will only be allowed the guns that just the ship holds!!!

    I changed the designs a lil...
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013