Uber FE bullies dominating game...

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by HappyTurnip, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. Everytime there is an event on anyone who is not Uber might aswell log out.

    Y/day scoremaggedon was on, maps were full of opportunists looking for easy kills pulling people off cubes etc...

    Today icy's are on, me and a couple of clan newbies start shooting one only to be pulled off by another Uber FE player, then they start coming in 2's and 3's all tooled up ready for pvp, they take over our maps and now we cant shoot any icy's, EXACTLY the same as the HITAC event.

    Whats the point?
    Oracle and pecanin like this.
  2. ramnik

    ramnik User

    this is not true lol, im a normal fe. 1 lf4 and all my drones and lv 4 but in scoremageddon i still came 11th :) and for they iceys, i still manage to do them without ufes killing me aswell so its not true that just cos you not ufe means you cant do events in this game :p
    Oracle likes this.
  3. event's are maid to get some more action in to DO, and if you are a small player, a good chance to get alot of good ep and honer :)
  4. you may say this is an excuse or something
    but its a pvp game what do you expect? people to just leave you every time there is an event?
  5. So far you are all full of crap. Ramnik i forgot you were ultra pro, you toad, try doing what you do in your server on MY server USA East 3, you will get pwned. Every server is different, mine is full of REMOVED, abit like you lot. Resistance, thanks for stating the obvious, when it comes to the general public you can always rely on a stupid answer.

    Firstly its "made" secondly i know exactly how DO works, the simple fact is that the power they have allowed people to have has ruined the game, i cant shoot icys ( unless im ramnik) or hitac, so all this advertising events to me means nothing.

    Its jus like the palla fields, some spotty little tramp who is Uber FE can stop people from collecting Palla and even has the balls to tell people to keep out of palla in chat.

    Tell me what is right with that, i myself dont palla, too many clowns looking for easy kills in 5-3. This game needs some tweeking.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 19, 2013
    Lead12destroy likes this.
  6. or you can actually rely on someone who cant take the truth yes every server is diffrent and trust me comming from a global i moved to usa west and i enjoy it yes its a bit dead but makes it challenging for me and i like that :) it is a pvp game everyone has the right to participate and yes UFEs have the advantages doesnt mean they can get away im an aegis 9 drones only 7 LF4s and ive killed the top 10s alone the game is about skills and being a step ahead of the rest my friend dont be mad because you are not thinking ahead im sorry to break it to you bro but theres always a way to get around log off durring events or try using stradegies emps slow mines insta shields cloaks idk theres alot of ways to get away if needed

    let me remember you that in globals 5-3 is not an NAP MAP if you have nap map on your server youre lucky in global if you want to pally you have to kill or be killed theres no rules in DO that says 5-3 if an NAP map thats just how your server interpenetrated it
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 15, 2013
  7. pecanin

    pecanin User

    They are not bullies

    They are Big Points favourite customers.
  8. Happy Turnip. What you say is true. i have a UFE account gl 1 . and yess. if youre not FE , you have no chance. i been playing this game since it launched.
  9. Unfortunately all said above is true. I am UFE, and after achieving that status, there's almost nothing else to do, except eternal Gates and hunting. When the game had only FE status as it's top status, everyone had a decent playing field. But not anymore.
  10. That's not true. If you play for long enough, you become good at PvP, and then you can take on almost anyone (not to brag).

    I took out a UFE Spectrum with Full Nanohull, and I only had 4 LF-4. I will admit I jumped twice, but they still exploded and I didn't.

    It's not about what you've got, it's about how you do things. ^^
    INFRA-BLACK likes this.
  11. Just remember who they are cloak find them when they are low on hp and ambush them always worked for me lol
  12. BallistikD

    BallistikD User

    Hell ya CptCooter. A person that knows cloak and smoke. I have learned to play my game and not the enemies. If I cant work on my quests or the event that is being held. Then I simply switch up the game play and go on the hunt. Its that simple. I dont understand those that cry about being bullied. Many have tried that crazy stuff with me. But I look at as this. I am only being bullied if I sit there and take it or put up with it.
  13. no need to cry if you dont like it dont play
  14. Lol i had to like this post :)
  15. Im not being bullied, its just brute force tactics that Ubers are resorting to, just because they can, so they muscle in and take over everything at the same time as stooping to lower and lower levels of deviousness.

    I dont let anyone give me crap either, but when events are on the rewards are big so naturally i want a part of it, but Ubers from other companies dont want to sit around and wait for things to spawn so they pillage enemy maps - which in a way is fair theyre using their brains, put putting lesser players at a huge dis advantage.

    Meh, sorry about what i wrote, was abit harsh, didnt feel right at the time saying what i did, guess i was venting, my apologies, i know you're a knowledgeable and experienced player.

    Hmm, not sure how to multi quote, admin my bad.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 19, 2013