How to Fill Up Galaxy Gates Best!

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by APOLLO[SKE★], Dec 8, 2013.

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  1. If your so tech smart then explain why my accounts take different amounts of uri to construct gates. And my god do not tell me they don't.

    You can speak of math and algorithms all you like but do not tell me how my accounts function if your not inside them.

    Your not the only one to be on HOF or spend all days constructing gates...
  2. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    What data do you have to back up this statement?

    Or is it just anecdotal?
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    My accounts must be super special then.

  4. Full_force

    Full_force User

    Actaully that does make scense bp wants you to waste money and since most of the uri people spin gates with is brought with money and not npcs.

    Yes yes it is.

    Its also interesting when
    and we all know that since it is only the internet it has to be true.

    Hang on i have to get back to analyzing the Pluto rock samples the away team brought back from their 3 hour trip from Earth to Pluto.
    ĐяJuiceя~, Blah and Unstoppable like this.
  5. I have dont 5 plus of each gate, and these are the lowest ones, i have ha zeta with 2k+ spins
  6. Just placed a full goli cargo of pally, and used the energy (200) and I received no Nano-Hull, therefore proving that you don't receive Nanohull once you reach the max.
    Perhaps before it did, but it doesn't now
  7. for this statement my backup? lol my friend i have noticed it many times that and mostly i always use uri to get gg up as i never managed to open a gg with plladium free energy . and i think everyone agree with me
  8. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    The reason I asked what data you have, is because I guessed it was just anecdotal, rather than actual hard data.

    It is funny my friend, that you say you notice it, but I suggest you actually try recording the results of a few hundred / thousand spins both free/palli and bought, under controlled conditions, say 100 free spins followed by 100 uri spins alternately then you will see it is just a perception rather than reality.

    Even thinking everyone agree with you is not correct as I have evidence to show that free spins giving less parts is not statistically real.

    I have recorded the results of well over 50k spins.

    With that data set I looked at the suggested Influencers like
    MHH effect, Free/Palli Spins V uri bought spins, throwing salt over my shoulder

    and can confirm that they are just perceived (more from conspiracy theory) and
    do no affect on average the gate part yield ( new or duplicate).

    It is best when making statement like that to say, on what you base you belief. Because it would appear from hard evidence( recorded real data) to be incorrect.

    Because it makes sense and when players are getting bad luck, they try to associate it with something, it is easy to get a perception that such ideas are real. That is why I check it out with hard data.
  9. To be fair to get a part for the gates are random so there is no evidence really to show that this is true because the % of it wont change if you choose 1-100 spins.
  10. argh you are so wrong on this one :D
    we all need uri. but we all need ammo as well. i buy rebate before caple days and i spin a,b, and c gate with uri to make ammo. now think a litle what i can do with that ammo.
    since rebate+premium mean free gates i can kill cubis or go on LoW map and make lots of uri. much more than you on 5-3 map with free spins ;)
  11. you got some point my friend and i know that free spins and uri does not change any percentage of getting parts but i said what i saw . :)
  12. I would pose that by learning to time the spins, and trying to avoid nano hull and exceed gate parts, while switching down to single spin and gambling for multiplier wen it feels right, one might build the cheaper possible gate costs, such as a difference in over 50k to build a kappa.

    This goes beyond the simple data sets and bypasses the fact that even if you need 1 gamma part you will get it at the same average cost, rather than potentially spinning a massive deck of cards for the king of spades over and over endlessly, meaning the hidden calculation would lie in how likely a gate part you need is going to hit. And therefore you play the system that way, in order to make gains that could cost millions to master.

    I definately do not believe the refresh myth, and free energy is for free players and sepped players, while uri is more effective on rebate and hard hitting ships, both are equally usable. Its all about beating the dealer and knowing his hand.
    ĐяJuiceя~ likes this.
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    To best avoid nano hull just put a phoenix in a spare hanger, get it full nano hull and then only use that ship when spinning gates, then you will never get nano hull ever again :p
  14. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Conversely, if you wish to get NanoHull, simply use all your spins on a Gate which has been completed - those annoying Gate parts just get in the way for PvM events... :cool:

    NanoHull is the only factor where you can directly affect the odds for receiving a Gate part. If your NanoHull is full, then any result of that type will either a) be ignored (removed as a possibility), or b) be re-rolled (and re-rolled again until a NanoHull result is not achieved). This means that once your NanoHull is full, your actual probabilities of other results will all increase marginally - everything else just comes down to luck.
  15. You are all blind if you think it can tell what spins are bought and what spins are earned, as your uri is not divided into categories.

    All uri earned is sent to one area. The Uri section.

    In order for the statements that you need more free spins to build a gate then bought uri to build a gate is bogus.

    All uri is the same and it doesn't know which is bought and what was earned.

    Its all on luck. nothing more, nothing less, and yes of course there is an average eahc gate costs to build...
    Blah likes this.
  16. Well, I will try this system out and see how it goes. My poor mouse gonna get mad at me hahaha clik clik clik. I usually use 5 spin.

    Just wanted to make a comment.. I read someone say it's 250k uri to build a gate :confused:

    I have done a few gates, never spent a single Uri to make a spin. Guess I'm just a cheap ol' fart :p

    Peace :cool:

    Gates Completed - Alpha 67..- Beta 34..- Gamma 17..- Delta 01..- Epsilon 04..- Zeta 02.. - Kappa 1.. - Lambda 05.. - Kronos 0

    SS_HELIOS User

    Ill back it up Ive done plenty with 5 spins even that were low like that. Usually if you use uri it seems to have a better chance that could just be me and there is no solid evidence but it makes sense.
  18. I built a kappa exclusively with 5 spins at a time and using the x2 multiplier when it came up. Almost exclusively, every time I used the x2, I got xenomit. I also took over 2,800 spins to build it. Yes, I did refresh the page several times. That is the kind of luck I have...:( I guess it's all luck as long as you're using the x2 multiplier every time.
  19. for me It's around 140k U. for epsilon using only 100 spins(with prem and rebate) I know I'm lazy
  20. I must have horrible luck. My latest results were 160 spins on kappa using 5 at a time and using the x2 multiplier when it came. 55 parts when I started. I got 9 total parts of which 4 were multipliers. Every last x2 multiplier yielded xenomit. 13% chance of a gate part? Not for me. Gates with 900 EE? I wish...:(
    I'll keep recording my data though it pains me.