birthday gate?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ♥sἄşşγ♥gὖrl♥™, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. where is our birthday gates?
  2. No Birthday Gate this year. You should check your e-mail, and you should have received an e-mail from DarkOrbit. It has the code for a free Hades Gate.
  3. BallistikD

    BallistikD User

    Lots of theories on the why's or maybe's. Who knows if we will see one or not.
  4. Hello guys Kindly please go to account setting section and turn on the newsletter option then you will receive amail regarding the birthday gate that is a hades gate. and if you already have a hades gate then you will get free gg spins. and in the mail you receive will be a code copy that code and go to banking section and in voucher redeem it .
    thank you . Hope i was able to help
  5. =SERAPH=

    =SERAPH= User

    Hello ♥sἄşşγ♥gὖrl♥™

    Thankyou to all for your answers.

    As mentioned, the traditional "Birthday Gate" for this year has been changed for a Hades Gate. You will have only received this if you were subscribed to the DarkOrbit newsletter on the anniversary date (11th December). If you are not subscribed to the newsletter, you can change that setting from the Account Center on the backpage (small cog-wheel icon next to the help [?] icon).

    Note: Changing to accept the newsletter now will not retroactively award the Birthday Gate, but it will enable you to be eligible for future offers.

    Do you have further questions?
  6. Mxmaj666

    Mxmaj666 User

    So if i read this correct, if you have found out you changed the birthday gate this year 4 days after the event and you didn't have newletter on THEN you loose out on the initial birthday gate reward?

    If thats true, thats rubbish treating of your customers who have been playing for years. It's also poor communication by Bigpoint especially since you have a better more effective information board built into the game.

    Can someone confirm?
  7. Mxmaj666

    Mxmaj666 User

    Another question. What do you do if you don't recieve the email, due to failed email, professional antispam etc.?
  8. you can try asking the support for the voucher code

    and your first question is correct, if you didn't have newsletter enabled by the time event started, then you will miss out on the Hades Gate.
  9. Mxmaj666

    Mxmaj666 User

    I think its a joke and typical of the poor management of this game. We can't read your minds bigpoint, you have to communicate. You know inform people what you want us to do before we need to do it.

    Who loses out? Bigpoint..........cause now I spend less time in the game rather than trying this hades gate. Opportunity to sell .............gone!
  10. It Simple. Its Poor management of the game. "Lets just throw a Hades gate this year, its much easier than etting a Birthday gate"-Bigpoint moneyloaded Greedy CEO.
  11. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Also if you play on more than one server with the same account you will only get one birthday reward not one for each server.
  12. thank you sir :)
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