Palladium Update

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by 哈Y哈O哈U哈, Jun 11, 2014.

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  1. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    I am more inclined to think that this is part of the ongoing cat and mouse game between the Game developers and the Bot programmers. I dont think it is part of the 3d update as that will involve a complete client rewrite and I cannot see it being done piecemeal like the last series of UI upgrades.


    *EDIT* I must add that this is my opinion and not an official answer.
    Silviu likes this.
  2. Silviu

    Silviu User

    The Game devs have just temporarily disabled the pixel bots, i hope they come up with something better soon, not because of performance reasons, just because a middle level programmer could do a workaround in just a couple of days if he understands the concept and just search for all the frames of a bonus box (the relevant region not the whole image) for example in one image search and upon detection stop the ship and do that again to get an exact position of the bonus box and collect it. There are very efficient image search algorithm all over the internet so it's just the logic that needs to be done, not the hard part, and a good computer will go through the image search fast enoguh for this to work. If this is the best the game devs can do, then the game is doomed.
    ~~Dark~Star~~ likes this.
  3. lost1*

    lost1* User

    Why do alot of these post point out how a cheater can get around what support has done or not done with an update? If people { players } were more in to playing the game then finding an easy path to the top the game would be better for all. May be its time that this game became a Pay to Play as in there needs to be a fee on a Monthly Basics just to play that would deter cheating and yes Bigpoint would lose a lot of players but loseing a non paying cheating player isnt a loss that would be a gain to the whole of dark orbit. As with all games we the players would love to see new updates designed for the players to have more quest more maps more challenges but instead we get more updates designed to stop cheaters.
  4. If this game became Pay To Play it would shut down. Why? DarkOrbit does nothing to fix lag, or bugs, it bans for many stupid reasons and the support team and SOME not all, but SOME admins are not legit or nice. Why would anyone pay for that? All the servers would drop, say GA1 would go from 15k in each company to maybe 2k in each company. No one would pay for this trash.
    Silviu likes this.
  5. lost1*

    lost1* User

    You are so wrong in that thinking look at eve it is pay to play and still going strong yes some would leave but many new players would come in and cheating would be deterred and with cheating deterred big point could start working on up dates like new maps aliens better events and etc etc but as it is they spend so much time on updates to get rid of bots and cheats that there isnt much left to do for us the legit players. Look at it like a road going from the east coast to the west coast if they have to keep repairing the road they will never get it built from one end to the other.
    ŴДƦЯÏØЯ™_12$ likes this.
  6. Is EVE DarkOrbit? No it's not. DarkOrbit has crumbled, it will suffer more if it went pay to play,
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 17, 2014
  7. lost1*

    lost1* User

    Thats whats so good about the forums everyone has the right to be-leave what they want to but no where do you have the right to call me a scrub because of my thoughts because if it ever was up to me all free players would be gone and then maybe this game could go some where.
    ŴДƦЯÏØЯ™_12$ likes this.
  8. Hello 哈Y哈O哈U哈

    Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    I would move this to appropriate section for further discussion.

    From: General Issues
    To: Speaker's Corner
  9. I too, think the game would benefit more if it became a pay to play. So i'm with you on that.

    Fair enough that it may lose a few customers on the process, however it will gain players players paying for a membership, it would ensure that B.P would have more control of the game, and it will be a-lot cheaper for players, if they made it like EVE where, you only pay for the membership, and you get things inside the game for free. ( Thats based on what i've heard about EVE)
  10. I'll have to disagree on the subject of pay to play, you'd lose some customers and then lose some more and gain back none, Bigpoint won't have more control over the game, they can barley control it as it is, I just don't get how paying for the game make's it cheaper o_O.

    Some good points as to why this game would die off if it was pay to play, it's bad as it is and the abuse can be ridiculous at time's, who in the right mind would then pay for said abuse, if things turned around I'd still say no, free players shouldn't be kicked off the game because they can't or don't want to spend money on here, besides they make great target practice for UFE's and that's what keeps said UFE's around.
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    DarkOrbit will never be big enough to go pay to play.

    Games that are successful in pay to play are extremely rare, there are only about 4 successful ones and even then it can easily be said a couple of them are soon going free to play. EVE and World of Warcraft are the only two games that have been and are still successfully using that model to generate money.

    With a game the size and style of DarkOrbit, micro-transactions are the most direct way to generate sustainable money. Most of the time micro-transactions lead to pay to win. Which is what has exactly happened to DO over the past 2 years.
  12. Well for one you'd only be paying for a monthly subscription. Just that. Nothing else. Meaning that the equipment inside the game, are free for all (if thats how they work). So i'm sure like £20 a month is a heck cheaper than how much one is required to pay on the game, nowdays.
  13. lost1*

    lost1* User

    You stated in an earlier post that you are a free to pay player so it stands to reason that the only reason you disagree with pay to play is it would mean your out
  14. Or he's smart and knows this game will crumble, even Okapi explained it.
    (BOSS)Adam[FFK] likes this.
  15. We both wish it would be that cheap but it wouldn't lol, that doesn't make it any better as another 3/4 of the remaining players would likely leave.

    I've spent a little here and there, that's not the only reason I disagree with this, read my last post as to why I do, dream and okapi also told you why it's not the best idea lol.
  16. lost1*

    lost1* User

    To bad its not micrco transactions its mega transactions by just a hand full of players that keep the servers running and before people say there isnt enough players on darkorbit spending 100s of dollars its not just darkorbit they have to look at its all of the games run by bigpoint along with the sponsers and add runners on the back page. Free players are a big part of the game but just because you spend 20 or 30 dollars here and there doesnt make you a paying player it makes you a wishfull player hoping that your money spent will get you your lf4 drones etc etc while the paying player keeps dropping more and more to climb to the top and all while we the paying player do this the free player cries about popping not being able to do gates why they cant obtain a higher rank and etc etc / When is the last time you heard of a free player building up an account for free with out useing a bot or cheat ? Dark orbit has changed so much because of free players useing cheats to get to where the paying player is from pally bots auto lock sep glitch and so on and yes even paying players used them because they thought the cost was to high.
  17. i hated this game sense day 1.
  18. Oh your way of thinking confuses me, we should donate all our money to whoever and whatever and yet you drop a million dollars on a game, say bots and cheats were all free players, blame free players for ruining the game, and say that only a handful support the game so they should have everything and rule everything, pathetic indeed.

    More then a handful of players would be supporting the game if crazy and expensive updates weren't added to the game within rapid succession of the last. Don't insult someone for not spending a fortune on the game because they can't or don't want to, some spend small amounts for some uridium to make a gate or buy something or just to get premium or rebate, they support the game to, hell free players support the game by being cannon fodder for players like you.

    Crying might be a strong word, free players are a big part of the game yet they can't voice opinions? That seems like a contradiction, free players usually have a hard time doing anything when they get instant popped and they get hunted down everywhere lol. Many players were stupid and used cheats in the game, hell even WW's autolock or botted, your post is full of contradictions and complete crap, free players caused the demise of the game? No, cheating scum did.

    Not everyone has the money to throw into this game to get UFE in a day, not everyone would spend it if they had it, it's more for enjoyment then wasting your life's savings most of the time.

    For the record, I've built some good accounts for free without cheats.
  19. Silviu

    Silviu User

    To become UFE without paying a dime it would take at least 2 years, but it is possible, so the players who spend a lot do it because they don't have the patience to build up their account slowly. So this game has a free way of playing and you can spend money only if you want to. I believe that if they would ask money just to log in that would totally kill the game. Firstly the players who don't want to pay would quit, the the small number of spenders would leave too because there wouldn't be anyone left to play with.
    ~~Dark~Star~~ likes this.
  20. Notice how games start out pay per month and then switch to F2P as they begin to grow old and their player-base shrinks? It doesn't work the other way around.
    Silviu likes this.