Blue Booty Keys!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -lıl†™{ÐJ}™†lıl-, Jun 17, 2014.

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  1. Is it worth actually buying these keys if im looking for an lf4? Has anyone bought a package and got more than 1 lf4 for it? I really want to know before I go all in on this deal.
  2. Hauler™

    Hauler™ User


    it is not worth, spent 10 keys this morning an got all rubbish..

  3. Flinty78

    Flinty78 User

    I plumped for the XL pack, got a couple of speed generators, a RES-B01 and a Spearhead that I have no room for in my hangar...
  4. excatly the response i was looking for thank you :). If any else had some better luck with the xl pack
    please post.
  5. souleater1

    souleater1 User

    Out of fourty blue booties only got 1 LF$.
  6. boys boys boys
    Blue Booty Keys
    offers nothing more than triple change to find an lf4
    so for example for me that the change is 0.7% in green booties (4 lf4 in 550 bootys)
    IF i was using blue keys / booties i would have found 12 lf4
    THATS ALL nothing more nothing less
    do not expect to earn 30 lf4 with just 3 blue keys
    if u do not like (or if cant afford) the percentance / cost just do not buy it
  7. Hauler™

    Hauler™ User

    Hello there m8,

    it would be gr8 if that what you are saying is true and if booty works like that.

    Thing is you can use 550 keys and find not a single lf4 or anything good.

    That is the sore truth.


    *i say no to the chance in a space shooter action game, why ? - because this is not texas hold em.
  8. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    texas hold em is not a space shooter action game :cool::cool:
  9. No SPSAT99 but having to gamble on a needed item to in some way negate the massive amounts of unbalanced damage some players deal is not what we were playing. Now we have hitac 'lottery', booty key 'chance o winning', the dark orbit gate spinning wheel of fickle percentages (odds on gate parts change when certain DO staff need to make a boat payment), Gate 1, 2, 3, 4 chances to win an item then there is the grand-daddy gate gamble where you do them all and hope to win a Saturn design that tips the scales.

    Now when you are whipping out the credit card to try to play remember not only is the house fixed BUT there is no oversight or regulation on this gambling. We have the word of a company that has changed items after purchase and denied the existence on known things in the game.
    So yeah you are right its not Texas hold em but wow there sure is a lot of gambling in a space shooter with so many side costs.
  10. This is my reaction to many aspects of the game.
  11. This is gambling, gambling is a sin, therefore DarkOrbit is a sin
  12. krejko12

    krejko12 User

    If you really want to get Lf4 just do Kappa.
    High chance to get something good + good reward
  13. chance on a space shooter game is ridiculous. We all should be able to just buy all of the weaponry in the game, not gamble for it. Put a pirate store that actually sells the LF4´s and drone designs, on whatever price you want, that way this would have some sense. why is it that everything else is available to buy on the store except for this 3 items? I think we all know why, because of $$$$$. That´s all they want.

    Get rid of chance on this items, add some equilibrium.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2014
    Hauler™ likes this.