Tiered PVP

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by notonmywatch41, Jun 17, 2014.

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  1. I think what would bring balance to Dark Orbit in PVP would be a tiered PVP System. In other words to make the PVP more battles more fair would be if it was honor based. The tiers would be based on the amount of honor both players have. A player with more honor would be far stronger than the one with less. As the player attains more honor they would be set in a higher tier and would therefore be considered attackable in that new tier. This would serve as a way to make pvp both fair and even more challenging as players progress in the game. It would also serve as a way to prevent far stronger players to be constantly attacking and popping realitivity new players. It would also keep the game exciting for older and more powerful players restricting players to their equal fire power.

    The one flaw in such a system if a player say moved to a new company they would lose honor by half and that would make them capable of being able to attack lower honor tiered players. This of course would give a more powerful player the opportunity to mainly attack a lower tier and even give them protection from a equally powered player.

    That being said I will give a example of what the pvp tiers would look like:

    Tier I

    2,000 to 200,000

    Tier II

    200,000 to 700,000

    Tier III

    700,000 to 2,000,000

    As you can see the higher amount of honor you gain means that the higher tier bracket you will be in as you go up in tiers the pvp pool will be expanded and by the same token you will be open to attack by more players. This would offer protection to beginners and intermediate players from the older better equipped and for the most part more experienced players in the game. Except for the aforementioned loop hole which is honor loss.

    Thank you for your consideration.
  2. It's a PvP game, get used to it. Tell me again please, in detail, what exactly would this idea accomplish ?

    A player's PvP strenght has nothing to do with Honor points. This idea would only punish high honor players to battle against stronger than themselves, and benefit teamkillers to fight easy opponents. You want to help noobs? Create a thread about increasing quest rewards. It's not that hard to obtain a few repair credits, and it surely isn't that hard to escape an enemy. You can juke + use slow mines (works 3/4 times for me) you can bring your aliens to port to farm safely, and if you really need to, just get a credit ship and benefit from having almost free repairs untill you got enough rep-creds stacked up to get a bigger ship. I've worked my way up from noob to FE as a 100% free player. It's possible, and actually not that hard. I did it with no clan, playing just a few days a week for a couple of months. Still got a long way to go, but you shouldn't underestimate consistency and cautious playing.

    I'm sorry for sounding like such a douche, but I think people are getting tired of these ideas which BP never will allow anyways. Besides, with the lack of players on the majority of servers today, this still would be a pretty dull idea. I simply think there are better ways to tackle this issue.

    Peace bro, sorry for posting such a negative reply.
    chixonator likes this.
  4. PvP get used to it, stop crying. Don't like? Bye.
  5. This type of "divided PvP" idea has been posted many times. I thank you for taking the time and responding to my question, but I still don't believe, even if there should be such a change, that it should be based on honor. Sorry but I call (removed) on this idea mate. If you're gonna post an idea about PvP divisions/leagues atleast make something realistic.

    Sorry for my french,

    Last edited by moderator: Jun 23, 2014
    Dashstroyer likes this.
  6. hey rep is free you don't need rep credits for ships anymore.
  7. No one is crying this is a suggestion stop the hemorrhage of new player losses. The idea put forward is to use a tier based pvp system. That would give new players who do not yet have equipment or ships for that matter a chance to attain them in game. If my idea was implemented I would still be in a intermediate tier so therefore open to pvp to any player of matching honor applicable to my tier.

    The point you have obviously missed is that most players that have created a uber or ufe account has probably spent as much uri as they need to to get to that point. Leveling equipment through the upgrade system, got the best ships attained their apis, and zeus drone etc. In order to keep this game free we need new players who feel they have a fair shot as any other player that may well spend on this game to keep it alive and most importantly free so we can keep playing. If you want to comment on this post then debate the idea on it's merits or it's short comings. Drive bye replies wont cut it in other words. Make a reply that either tweaks this idea or elaborate on why it wouldn't make the grade. Thank you for you reply regardless and hopefully the next time you reply to a post actually put some thought into your reply before you post.
  8. Some flaws:
    Players with lower honor don't even have the opportunity to attack stronger players. This would make some quests impossible, let alone just be inconvenient.
    Players with high honor would have NO ONE to attack.
    There is no incentive to increase rank, it is better to try and stay low. This counter-intuitive.
  9. I used honor as a basis for it because it often take s along time to attain it. Newer people find it hard to get honor when they first began. It also is a readily available tangible numbers to make a basis for such a tier based system. If you have a better thought then make a post on here what the better thought is and why that would be a better way to go. Further bare in mind that this is update and idea pool. Being completely negative is really not the way to go. Offer constructive criticism. Don't allow your own hard feelings toward the game color your replies. I have no allusions that my idea will suddenly change the world of Dark Orbit. It is merely a idea. One that has some merit.
  10. Actually The high honor crowd would have someone to attack. People with as high honor as they have. It's easy to pick on the guy whose just out of protection but now they would have a actual fight on their hands one of equal power of their own. As I pointed out though in my op this is to give new and intermediate players a chance to survive. Can you tell me how balanced it is for a ufe to be capable of attacking a guy just out of protection who got lucky and won a vengie in auction. Are you suggesting that strong players would have no one to attack at all? So thats what the weaker players are for?
  11. Oh.. really? I must have forgot about that. Everyone have free repairs in base now.. well, then.. I guess getting popped isn't such a terrible thing anymore.. The repair cost used to be the main issue. Happy gaming everyone! :)
  12. Actually there is the issue of drone loss. Which is what most rep credits are used for now. To rep drones. Not to take this off topic.
  13. You can't give constructive criticism on everything mate. What if I told you today in another idea thread that I wanted there to be a new LF5, or lets says RSB-uber ammo, dealing x10 instead of x6. People would be like [Removed] dude what is this? I had the same reaction reading your post. PvP league divitions wouldn't work IN MY OPINION. I am against your idea because of that. And also, like I mentioned earlier, this is one of those ideas bigpoint would never let come true for the simple reason that players buy uri to get stronger and pop more players. Wouldn't be the case if you always were paired up with equally strong players. And btw, if you are too noobish (aka having almost no income from farming) you shouldn't be running drones in the first place. Though I still don't get why repairing dones would be a an "issue", then can survive more than 20 deaths :/
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 22, 2014
  14. But there are only few people with the higher/highest amounts of honor. You play a game where there are only 10 people in range of you!
    ŴДƦЯÏØЯ™_12$ likes this.
  15. I see your point, however i don't think having a tier system which divides PvP is the right way about this. Tier division system would not benefit higher honor players, and for their to be an update, it has to (some how) be beneficial to everyone that plays the game.
  16. it would be annoying to see ships flying around and not to be able to shoot them.
    most servers are empty now so this would destroy all the fun on empty servers.
  17. The servers are empty because of the constant attacks on the new players. no fresh blood means empty servers. Older players eventually tire of the game and move on the aftermath is vacant servers. Eventually the company decides to consolidate servers without fixing the constant issue of new players being killed they leave as a result eventually older players find no one to play with and still on and on then finally the game shuts down. Reason lack of player support to keep the game open. Your reasoning is somewhat flawed in this regard. If the only reason you are on is to pop a guy with four flax and three iris no upgrades well lets just say thats pathetic.
  18. Actually if you looked at the example the higher your honor the more the killing pool expands. In other words of course low honor players will be limited to where they could hunt for other players to pvp. As honor is accrued you are driven to a higher pvp tier. Every time you kill a player, npc, do a gate, etc. You accrue honor therefore you will be put into a ever growing killing pool. My point is simple eventually the players would be put into the highest tier. There wouldn't be just 10 people you could fight your thinking leader board not honor. If I had said leader board or ranking system you would have a valid point. My point is the tiered system I proposed would be based on honor. If you looked at my example the intermediate pvp for 2k to 200k honor is one tier. The second tier was 200k to 700k honor. The third tier is 700k to 2 mil. Fourth tier would be the final tier 2 mil and up. That would give a decent and readily available killing pool for players of high honor to gun for. While providing protection to beginning and intermediate players to get the hardware to fight. Besides whats the point of having all that fire power if you dont test it out on someone who is just as strong as you. If all you want to do is pop a flaxed vengie or golie then you really not looking for a challenge your looking for fun at a newbies expense. Then you wonder why your servers are emptying out.
  19. it's not pathetic bro i worked for my ships and equipment- they were poping me when i start to play like i pop small ships now. it is how this game work.
    i agree there should be some changes, but not that drastic.
  20. Or, you do like me and evoid popping small ships. When I roam enemy maps and see all them noob vengas and leonov (including flax goliaths) I think to myself - let em grow. One day I will come and bring justice to the enemy. Besides, unless scoremaggedon, I see no point in killing noobs who even 100 vs 1 would have no chance in beating me.
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