Tiered PVP

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by notonmywatch41, Jun 17, 2014.

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  1. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    This idea is...
    ...wait for it...
    Have you not been playing the game much or something.
    The ufes were once noobs themselves and got popped countless times. SO you want to slap them in the face with a fish and say, hey now that ur ufe, you can't shoot noobs.

    For the record, Honour is so damn easy to obtain. For a new player, after playing for a few days I can almost guarantee they would be in tier 3.

    Shoot an icy, loads of honour.. even if they make 500 or so per icy. It stacks up pretty fast.

    And don't bother saying 'well we can just increase the threshold for the tiers' ...do that and players with adequate honour won't be able to shoot half of the players in game.

    Idea sucks, good day. And close the thread if you understand. Much better ideas are getting forgotten because these threads remain for people to debate over trash.
    BraveHeart´[G] and chixonator like this.
  2. you are an exception my idea is ultimately to protect newer players til they at least get 700khonor by that point they should have enough speed and shields, and guns to flee and survive. i understand my idea has some flaws but it would benefit a beginner.
  3. the idea is not intended to provide a permanent protection for new players the idea is to give new players enough time to get decent equipment at least to get away from a strong attacker. honor is easy to obtain but how long can a player equipped with ao3 shields survive against icy's the idea may seem ludicrous to you because you didn't understand it. not permanent protection but a temporary protection to get needed equipment to survive encounters. in other words a fair chance to survive.
  4. Don't create new invents on us heads pls ...

    I think it's not needed. Agree with Seraphim.

    Regards ...

  5. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Wow not giving up eh? So you still want to engage in this trivial debate. fine then.

    Go and make a new account and see for yourself how much protection new players get! They get enough protection to build them into able pilots who can survive in the lowers.
    If you'd started playing in 2008 or so, new players had NO PROTECTION. That's ZERO
    Z.E.R.O! In 2-1 they can be assaulted and would have to either resort to sticking to a phoenix starjet till they can get good or pay 500 uridium per repair. No repair credits or so. IT SUCKED BIG TIME.
    compared to how it is now, anyone would say the new players are getting enormous favours.
    and what, you want to extend that protection for them?
    That's just daft. An FE would have approximately 3m honour (i had less when i became FE). Thats just a small bit from tier 3. It almost seems like the protection is for anyone below FE standard.

    Are you still not seeing how many holes this idea has and how trivial this is?
    Well, whenever you get enlightened, close the thread.
  6. I will not close the thread. The thread is up. Further you say they have unprecedented protection. That is ludicrous. After seven days a new pilot can be attacked and popped by anyone and it's usually fe and ufe pilots. Looking for easy targets to wipe out. What you point to as protection in reality is nothing. The new player cannot use the x-1 maps after they hit level 7. The new player is supposed to stick to the lower maps. The lower maps are constantly hunted by strong well armed players looking for a easy pop. Dont even talk down to me about how things are and how they used to be. New players need to be able to hunt in the uppers. Usually they can't because those to are hunted and camped in by extremely strong players who can deal 100k to 200k damage a volley. New players are only given seven days of protection from pvp. We both know that is not nearly enough they then are thrown into a shark tank and unless they are lucky enough to find a good clan that trains them and helps them the frustration level for them will be such they quit after the first day being hit 35 times when they trying to complete a simple quest. Further the protection should be given to those below fe standard. Seriously dude we are talking about newbs with credit shields and flax here. They need time to at least get irises and bo2 shields for petes sake. Open pvp is ok when a person has a half decent chance to survive but it becomes pretty stupid when you can't go more than a few feet from a gate before you are insta popped by a ufe. So no I will not close this thread and if you dont like it dont visit. Ignore it and troll someone else. Either contribute and help us find a solution or move along and troll somewhere else.

    What you are confusing as protections. In reality where reforms that where vastly needed. All players benfit from not having to pay to rep their ships. That isn't a protection that was common sense. The idea of paying 500 uri to rep a ship or lose it was stupid to begin with. That isn't protection. Further newbs get ships then as a result buy themselves a golie thinking it will make them stronger. I had one the other day I pointed out to them they would be better off in a vengie than a golie. That is because the new player didn't know that a golie made him a slower easy target for fe's and ufe's. Further I pointed out the problem of my idea in my op. The problem with people like you is you cry foul and not fair that isn't the way it was when i was coming up. Dude this is a different time and Dark orbit isn't a new game anymore. With all the competition out there and with today's kids if you want to keep them interested in playing you have to extend protection for them to at least learn the game. Again if we dont have new players fueling this game. This game is finished. Instead of playing crap on the idea. What is your idea that is better to save this game? Besides a gimme gimme load of garbage about new equips or new ships.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2014
  7. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Let me begin by going backwards.
    maybe you should FIND MY THREADS (removed). I haven't made an idea about new equipment or so. my ideas are either, updates needed in game or additional things to make the game look flashier such as a retro design or a wiz rocket alternate.

    now then il start from the top:
    did you hurt your finger typing all of that nonsense? I hope so because 90% of it is you rambling on about the same thing. Who cares whether the game has changed or not. And i will tell you about how it was in the past, new players popped easily and at a greater rate than now. know why? The best players back then were plentiful. Loads of them have been banned for botting and have left this game. a small selection have made it to ufe after spending. and a select few have either left the game or continued playing without spending.

    You wont find even half of the amount of players now than you would back then.
    The VERY FEW UFES are the ones hitting high and incase you didn't know they tend to stick to uppers.
    Yes a few players will hunt in lower maps but it doesn't take a goddamn genius to figure out an enemy is lurking in x-2. If you didn't know, a yellow/red bar on the left side of the minimap signifies the number of enemies present there. Reading the chat helps to know if there's an enemy in your lowers.

    7 days is plenty. They can even set up their skylab before 7 days. The starter missions and that gate give them premium and all sorts of bonuses. lasers, shields etc. The missions also give them items and tons of credits.

    They can easily get to basic FE within 2 weeks that includes a full flaxed goliath with enough lf3s to hit 2-3k and over 100k shield. Unless they play on a populated server like GA1 in which case it might take a bit longer. Nevertheless they can earn heck loads of credits from the skylab and easily get to an appropriate level.

    You may think of me as a troll or detest me but I've seen countless threads like this which have resulted in a waste of everyone's time. This is no exception. I'm merely waiting for a moderator to shut you up by closing the thread or by telling you straight. The newbies get enough protection already good day.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 23, 2014
  8. LOL no the newbies zero protection. You annot set up a sky lab in seven days. To have a decent skylab you have to have it almost completely maxed out to be beneficial. Secondly no you do not get all the equipment you need from missions. In order to be able to have say a vengie to be equipped with what it needs you would need 10 gen 7900, 14 bo2s, and at minimum 10 lf3 lasers. I got news for ya you wont get that by hunting in x-2 or even boxing for that matter. You can get the speed generators by boxing but the rest would be by good amount of credits and alot of luck and strategic bidding in the auction. Unless you have a very generous clan aiding you with payouts It will take you while to get that. I haven't even mentioned attained iris drones. Yes you can make a good amount of credits from skylab but the reality is you have to get that labs promerium up to at least level 15 before you make that nice amount of credits from it you want. That would take more than two weeks. I suspect that you spent a good amount of money on megas to get that sky lab and functioning up to full level in two weeks spending uri to make it so. In reality doing it without paying uri to insta build will take far longer than two weeks.

    Also you hit on servers being under populated. Your still not getting it people will not play game they feel they have no chance of winning in. They wont hang around to be a punching bag for wallet warriors and people that have been here far longer than them. Again why this op created to find a way to extend protection to these people till they "learn" the game. Cause many people can't just grab a credit card and get themselves ufe and fe in two weeks. I have no problem extending a newbie that is just learning the game a bit of breathing room. I like a few posters on here take great pains not to go after a golie with nothing but flax on them.

    That being said I think you are really worried that this idea makes sense and could be viable. That is why you are trolling this thread. I didn't just throw up a idea with a rambling statement we need better protection for newbs. I actually had a decent idea that had some fore thought in it. While not perfect( I readily admit that) It does have some merits. I am even inclined to exclude the other three tiers. I stand by the 2k to 700k honor tier because I think the newbies are best served with enough room to learn and grow without being picked on by fe and greater opponents to the point they quit.
  9. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Yes they DO get protection. I have a noob account which I without difficulty set up the skylab for. It doesn't need to be maxed to be beneficial. Simply building it up and sending prom to ship at the same time is good enough. This can be done in a few days; maxing it can come later. No point arguing, if you can't even set up part of the skylab in a few days, then I conclude you have no skill or rather intelligence.

    Yes you do get equipment from missions. I didn't say you get all of it. You get some useful things such as certain extras and a few lasers. The prom from skylab builds up and you can get your lf3s or even stick to lf2s. They stack up to deal enough damage.
    Flax are ideal, like I mentioned. No need to get IRIS straight away.
    Unless you're thinking, we need protection for all those without IRIS. and yes your words are inferring that.

    Can't stand noobs like you who try to justify trash like this.
    Already wasted enough time with other morons who had similar ideas. You're no exception.
    Nothing you have said holds any ground. You should have taken my suggestion earlier and closed the thread.
  10. I understand what you are saying, but to be honest your calculations are wrong, a person with more honor is not always stronger than a player with less honor. Some players just hunt NPCs and dont battle and have lots of honor. The number 1 player in my server can barely battle lol. BUt also, pvp maps are just that, pvp, you know what you get into when you go into that map, there is no escape. However, as discussed in previous forums, there will be some implementations to help noob ships, and as far as pvp a nooby ship, the honor and ep goes down with every kill, to the point that you dont get any cred.
  11. how about they change the reward system so u got more reward for killing peopkle in a higher tier, and less for people in a lower one?
    BraveHeart´[G] and Dashstroyer like this.
  12. and maybe a special reward for killing the general of a rival company?
  13. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    meh, if that was the case, i'd move to GE servers. the generals there are noobs who have no skill but attained their rank through their wallets and ggs :p
  14. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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