[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. he gets it from the system coding all the info gets added to the flash files before it goes live or on for testing
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Only new thing today is a new path:

    <location path="graphics/ui/windows/domination/" id="graphics_ui_windows_domination"/>
    Domination could be a new event coming or something along those lines, although it would seem odd for them to be working on a 1v1 system and a new event at the same time. Will just have to wait and see.
    -Corex-, chixonator and Lord_A like this.
  3. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    I thought Domination was something already, like Sector control :p but oh well, We have to see what it is :p
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    First trails of information about the summer events.
    One of the logs is Dominator, which makes it very likely that the Domination path on test1 is related to an event after all.

    5 new titles:
    • Militant
    • Builders Guild
    • Wingman
    • Assaulter
    • Dominator

    Along with the 5 new titles there are 5 new logs for achievements, however expect another 15~ to follow soon along with descriptions on how to obtain them :)
    There is still some time for more info today but I would say the bulk will come mid next week if everything goes fine.

    <item name="achievement_event_summer2014_militant_3_name"><![CDATA[Militant]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_summer2014_militant_3_description"><![CDATA[militant description]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_summer2014_builders-guild_4_name"><![CDATA[Builders Guild]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_summer2014_builders-guild_4_description"><![CDATA[builders guild description]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_summer2014_wingman_3_name"><![CDATA[Wingman]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_summer2014_wingman_3_description"><![CDATA[wingman description]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_summer2014_assaulter_5_name"><![CDATA[Assaulter]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_summer2014_assaulter_5_description"><![CDATA[assaulter description]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_summer2014_dominator_5_name"><![CDATA[Dominator]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_summer2014_dominator_5_description"><![CDATA[dominator description]]></item>

    Probably nothing interesting but this has been added to the shop .css

    .shop_itemDescription_list {
            margin: 5px 0;
    .shop_itemDescription_list li {
            margin-left: 10px;
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
    Lord_A and [~przemekx~] like this.
  5. look like a summer event with 1 vs 1 arena:)
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Could very well be.
    I think we will get a good idea of what's coming as soon as the achievement descriptions show up. The builders Guild one looks interesting, if it is something like "Build 10 CBS during the summer event" then it would make group PvP liven up at least.
    Same with the Wingman title, that sounds like something that would be achieved in a group.
  7. hmm i think it would be better wen we cancel the tdm and made an group arena for all servers.
  8. [​IMG]
    Possible is this: Starting from midnight today (local server time) we will offer a special item package for a discount price for 48 hours.

    Check out the extras category of the ingame shop and get Ready to Fight!

    Or 100 % is this ( from FB darkorbit )
    Okapi32 likes this.
  9. Hopefully it wont be like Conflict Rising from 2013, most noob players will get slaughtered or wont do the PVP events and end up quitting the game alot did right after that event due to the massive cheating going on. However, if it is like the 2012 summer game that will be good for most players as it tests your skills not just how much you can cheat to be #1.
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Sounds pretty promising, think you are right.
  11. BP didn´t disappoint me: This package is just another joke.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
  12. Silviu

    Silviu User

    Wow, who would pay 40 euro, for something you'll get for 30-40 mil credits in auction :p
  13. This is awesome! I have always wanted goliath, 2 lf3, shield generator and couple of extras; only with 39.99 euros! nice to see this kind of offers; like our 10 slot extra cpu; only 49,99 euros!

    Or let's be honest: are you kidding me? In sk1 server you can get all these items with 100.000.000 kredits together! I have to also ask: why there is 2 offers, which cost exactly the same ammount of euros; but one of them gives also some extra? Is Bp watching that is there some retards
  14. on de5 you can get the 10 slot for 5 mio credis
  15. Lol you have to laugh at bigpoint they try so hard to rip us off :D
    chixonator likes this.
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It's worse than that, its not us (as in people who visit this forum and play regularly) that they are ripping off. They are targeting the brand new players who think it sounds good because they are not aware of the MHH etc.

    Nothing makes a player want to keep playing the game once they realize a week later that the company advertised a really bad deal to them.
  17. On GB2 10 slot is for 1mil lf3 15 mil b02 7 mil and iris 15 mil xD
  18. Its sad but true :'(
  19. Hauler™

    Hauler™ User

    Haha, this is for Darkorbit Dev Team concerning new deal,

    i just dont get it why do YOU Dev Team or who ever you are, trying to make fools out of players, why do you think that we are stupid just because we like and want to play this rubish expensive 2D game, why do you even think that gamers are that dumb ?

    I think that we deserve little bit more respect, dont you think ?

    _-DarkOverLord-_ and whoeva like this.
  20. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    New Goliath design:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Looks to be entirely useless and will be exclusive to Turkish servers.
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