Discussion in 'General Archive' started by [Authority], Jun 28, 2014.

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  1. Hi this is my idea for a laser ammo that could change darkorbit for the better or worse. This is just and IDEA no need to post dumb things about how bad the idea is. The new ammo would do x10 the original damage of the lasers but would cost 50 uri per round. It could be called RSB-1k and it would fire like rsb in bursts but the burst would take about 20 seconds to come back and fire again. So you could basically do a triple combo and that is my concern ufe people will use there x4, rsb75, then rsb1k, use rsb75 again, x4, etc... in that combo pattern. this is just an idea i dont know how good a one it is but im open to help developing this idea.
  2. i would be very glad to see fresh ideas that will help me (us) stop boring
    lust a new ammo with more damage .... i am still sooo boring :(
  3. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    x4 + x6 + x10 + x6+ x4 = x30. if combo x4 and x6 does over 200k, then your combo would do over 600k dmg! kind of overpowering, don't you think? :eek::eek:
    lordvadar™ and Tarron like this.
  4. yes i do lol thats why its a random idea i had. shoot or it could be rsb with sheild leach effect.....thats another good idea instead of x10 dmage it does x6 and sheild leach...and can only buy it at certain times like rsb
  5. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Now x6 and shield leech sounds a LOT better!
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  6. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    nope nope nope to x10 or x6 + shield leech?
  7. Shield leech and 300k damage woot woot, sounds like a great idea! How about no.
    ROULOUS___HELLAS likes this.
  8. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    You mean 200k! :p
  9. 50 uri 1 is 1750 uri 1 hit with 35 lasers + pet 2250 uri.
    x6 dmg + x4 sab, that would change game a lot, and it would became must have in all battles. with this price this idea is total fail :D
  10. lol i really dont care what it the ammo is if you have a better idea state it. its an idea that can be changed. and why would it be x4 sab'd? its your sab but since sab is x2 your original damage it would be half of what actual sab is. say your doing 70k with rsb, it would be your 70k damage plus (if your doing 20-30k sab) 10-15k sab. so you would do 70k dmage and get 10-15k of the enimies sheilds
  11. well your idea was x10 ammo. so if dmg is x6 sab is x4, 6+4=10 :)
    but thats not the point it is to expencive. 1 fight cost like 10k uri and theres always a chance that ship your shooting use emp and cloak and run from you.
  12. SauronL

    SauronL User

    we dont need more damage !
    ROULOUS___HELLAS and Tarron like this.
  13. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Well, you'd get 600k+ damage with his original x10 combo idea.
  14. SauronL

    SauronL User

    lol i dont wanna poof in 3 secs on my tank config XD
  15. you know what combo is right?
    x4+x6+x10= 400k max.
    combo is dmg per sec. not dmg you can deal in whole battle.
  16. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    His combo idea is x4 + x6 + x10 + x6+ x4
  17. what i was saying there is that someone would be able to do that. in the alloted time for the combo to recharge with the original x10 idea they couldve fired more x6 and x4 during the time to recharge x10. SCREW THE X10 IDEA!! :) lol x6 and rsb is the new idea... and if you dont like the amount it costs just look at emp's and mines, etc... shoot the new cost is 20 uri.
  18. -1 for me too much damage we need damage control not damage patrol.
  19. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Someone has GOT to be fast to pull off a 5-combo hit!!
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