[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. AKA to all servers
  2. it would be nice when all countris get a goli desing :)
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I agree but I can't see it happening, maybe they will do ones for the countries which already have servers.
    Not too surprised they have done a Turkish one though, fairly certain that Turkish players make up the majority on DO. They're on every single server.
  4. maybe there is a turkish national day we will see it ;)
  5. get ready for the USA design guys, btw how much does it cost? $20?
  6. SauronL

    SauronL User

    14 USD i heard
  7. I found a new pic:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The links says, that stuff is called "Best Subscription" and it is a new top-deal like the ready-to-fight packages.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2014
    I.am.ForumMan and Okapi32 like this.
  8. maybe redy to bank...
    -Corex- likes this.
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    New laser ammo: RB-214
    (no pictures yet)

    "x4 laser damage per round. x8 Laser Damage against Demaner Freighter"

    Looks like we have a new NPC on the way too, Demaner Freighter.
    If I had to guess I would say it's part of the summer event and will be very tough so will pretty much need this ammo to kill.

    <item name='items_ammunition_laser_rb-214_fullname'><![CDATA[RB-214]]></item>
    <item name='items_ammunition_laser_rb-214_description'><![CDATA[x4 laser damage per round. x8 Laser Damage against Demaner Freighter]]></item>
    <item name='items_ammunition_laser_rb-214_tooltip_description'><![CDATA[x4 laser damage per round. x8 Laser Damage against Demaner Freighter]]></item>
    <item name='items_ammunition_laser_rb-214_code'><![CDATA[RB-214]]></item>
    <item name='items_ammunition_laser_rb-214_short'><![CDATA[RADIATIUM BATTERY]]></item>
    Thanks to Julius-816- for providing info already on the next "deal" DarkOrbit plan to bring out.
    chixonator and Julius-816- like this.
  10. I think the old pics could be together with the new ammo rb-214.

    But the two mines also have the codename rb-??, so I think it could be together:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    PS: The pics of RB-E01 and RB-E02 mines are older than all this update. The upgrade-voucher is also old, older than this pic. But the RB-E01+E02 could be related with the RB-214 ammo.
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I doubt it since the RB just stands for Radiatium Battery.
    Since a battery is another word for laser ammunition then I don't think a mine would be ladled as battery, it would be RM for Radiatium Mine, if there was any connection.
  12. Right. The B stoods for "Battery". But C is for "Capacity" but this event-ammo doesn't waste any capacity places, so only the "B".

    But I don't know why darkorbit Reloaded dates the pics of rb-e01 and e02 and the upgrade-voucher up.
    I.am.ForumMan likes this.
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Personally I think they have no connection at all, those mines are as old as the unused pet protocols and drone formations, whereas the new laser ammo seems to be for the summer event. The fact that they begin with RB is just a coincidence. I don't think they have been planning the summer event for over a year.
  14. i hope they made a new map with a event like pirate hunt 2011...
  15. Hell ya! Just what we need :D.
  16. Silviu

    Silviu User

    I hope the new ammo won't be like CBO, a waste of uri.
  17. CBO is not a waste. U just need really all kind of DMG u can get. Full LF4, double booster, havoc... I make 40k Uri per hour when referee is online :)
    Silviu and chixonator like this.
  18. peluchekun

    peluchekun User

    CBO-100 is useful, it's just expensive and that make's it harder to master, taking on count you will need use as much as x4 in a battle.

    And talking about the referee, you can make it SUPER cost effective, but you need realize what's needs. So... good luck :3
  19. Just make one for each countries respective server and be done with it.
  20. I think it will cost 5 uri like cbo because 8x dmg on demaner...
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