New Ship For The Game

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Boss191986, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. Boss191986

    Boss191986 User

    hello to all of you
    I have been playing this game for 2yrs and i wood like to see some new ships that you buy from your credits :)

  2. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Well, yamato and defcom are still out of the game, maybe they need to bring them back but better like in the old days.
    Like they recently did with the Piranha, Nostrome and Big-Boy.
    Boss191986 likes this.
  3. Hello :) well there are some talking we are hearing about giving every uri related things in auction i.e ships lf4 . so in time you will see an update but we dont know when.
  4. Boss191986

    Boss191986 User

    new ships look good in the shop take out Piranha, Nostrome and Big-Boy out and get new one in them and down form the aegis citadel spearhead keep them there add morn new ships that you can buy whe your credits and it wood look nice to have them. Like when you are biding on a Goliath take out exalted and crimson out and put in jade sapphire and i was think for the 3 one make it the color of your company veteran like Venus Mars Earth but keep the front white and in the back of your ship use the company colors in the back woohoo that wood like nice on it :):):)... And the vengeance make them have some cooler design for them and it wood be good on the bid as will.
  5. I don't like this because the Credit ships are fine and you can easily get elite ships from trade like Lenov, Vengance and Goliath.

    Also the game would have to make new quests and get rid of the old ones just because of new ships. It takes a lot of work to make the new ships and get the quests to kill them as well.
  6. Boss191986

    Boss191986 User

    we do need new ship. but i no what your saying it wood be a lot of work yes it wood look nice in the long run you wood be able to bid on some new ship and use credits to buy ships.
  7. Maybe possibly make a big storyline which upon completion will reward the player with a new kind of ship? Would be awesome
    Boss191986 likes this.
  8. Juzme

    Juzme User

    I think that is beter to add a new ship.
    Boss191986 likes this.
  9. there bringing all the new uri ships into trade soon anyways there would be no need for new ships
  10. Boss191986

    Boss191986 User

    thx juzme for think that be cuz we not just to buy uri but use credits some people have oven 2b in credits or morn me im not up there but i have some. i no it will be hard to make new ships and quests don't think it going to hard to do that think of it how your going to help the a lot of people that can not buy uri at all the time. we need to make this work sop we can have morn fun in this game
  11. Yeh thats not such a bad idea!
    Boss191986 likes this.
  12. Boss191986

    Boss191986 User

    hey Team of Darkorbit can you pls help use have morn ships in the game that we can use for credits it will make the game morn fun. i no it will be a hard to make ships and quest for the game as will but in the long run it wood like nice to have.

    it Would be awesome to have new ships in the game to reward the player by use there credits and to help them build up there ship as will :):):)

    it wood be :cool::cool: to have that:)
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 30, 2013