New to the game!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by janbrigz, Dec 17, 2013.

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  1. janbrigz

    janbrigz User

    Hey pilots~?

    I have some questions:

    Do I have a Free Premium since i'm new to the game?
    What will happen if i buy a Leonov ship and gets destroyed by other players/aliens?
    Do I have to repair it using the same value? > Uranium < or > Credits < ?

    VRU < need a clan > lvl 8~

  2. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    hi janbrigz, when you start a new account as far as I know you still get 2 weeks free premium,
    If you buy a leo and get destroyed these days you get free rep even if you do not have premium so you do not loose your ship.

    Note on most servers these days you can win a leo for 10k ( or a fairly cheap bid ) every hour in the auction for credit on the back page
    Oracle, janbrigz and cooljak96 like this.
  3. janbrigz

    janbrigz User

    Oh so that's why!
    thanks that helped me alot! :D
  4. Oracle

    Oracle User

    If a leo or any other ship is destroyed the basic repair to homemap is for free.The other two options need credits or Uridium.In your case they need uridium because Leonov is an elite ship.Once you register you receive a 2 week freee premium trial.The premium advantages are the following
    If you are searching for a clan, try to ask people in your server, or go in clan section on forum.I hope I helped you.


  5. Hello janbrigz

    Thank you -Pacman2- & Oracle for assisting with this thread.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  6. janbrigz

    janbrigz User

    Ah yes one more question, I have a clan (that someone founded but for some reasons I'm now the clan leader) and I don't understand the guild tax interest (%).

    Thanks for replying.

    ASTRAEA User

    The guild/ Clan tax is a % that is donated to the clan bank by all members. If you set the clan tax at 5% (Max) you can will accumulate 5% day off of every members crediti total.

    I hope that this helps to answer your question.
    Have a nice day!