back pages

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by .SHOOTINGSTAR., Dec 17, 2013.

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  1. hi .i have to log of battle screen to get to back pages . been like this for a while is it the same for everybody . thx
  2. Blue~Lazer

    Blue~Lazer User

    My backpage is fine. All i have to do is click between tabs. Im not having the issues that you seem to be having.
    Oracle likes this.
  3. Shooting I presume the only reason for this could be you are playing full screen and are unsure how to minimise it. If playing full screen just click Alt+Tab and switch between tabs. As you have gone full screen the tab with your backpage on will probably just show a black box. Select that one and then change tabs at the top to select your backpage. Other than that the only help FM's or CM's can really give you is Clear your cache and try again.
  4. Oracle

    Oracle User

    Blue Lazer's answer is right.Switch beetween tabs.If you are playing on fullscreen press esc then switch tabs.If this issue continues toannouy you, contact support.


  5. hi what you mean by tab please. sorry im old when i was at school only NASA had computers .
  6. Oracle

    Oracle User

    Tab is a little thing on the top of your broweser(The program that you are using to enter the internet.WHen you click ona tab it automatically goes to it.You may see AN + next toa a tab on topleft of the browser.That opens a new tab.For example:[​IMG]
    To switch, you just click on the tab.That easy.I hope I helped.


  7. thx that helped
  8. thx i learn more all the time very helpfull
  9. thx all. this can be closed now
  10. Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing as requested.
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