[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Silviu

    Silviu User

    You might be right, but i do hope you're wrong.
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    New achievement pictures


    Builders Guild




    Demaner Booty box

    Code dump:
    <ship comment="DemaNeR Freighter" type="126" class="standart" defaultCharacter="npc" expansionClassID="128" enginePositionClassID="128" clickRadius="70" clickOffsetX="0" clickOffsetY="0" engineSmokeID="2" labelYOffset="33" laserClassID="14" minimapIcon="mapIcon_npc_demaner_freighter">
    <resKey factionId="0" srcKey="ship126"/>

    <laser salvoID="25" resKey="rb214" skillResKey="rb214_skilled" fireRate="400" soundID="133" laserLength="80"/> 

    <collectable class="0" id="46" resKey="demanerTransporterBootyBox" soundID="3" useBitmapClip="true" hasSimpleRapresentation="true"/> 
    [~przemekx~] likes this.
  3. Daum I want know what we need expect from those bootys
  4. It is most likely because we DIDN'T get anything MHH.
  5. omg-olycat

    omg-olycat User

  6. patch97

    patch97 User

    XENOMIT and 2 Log disks
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2014
  7. O my daum gawd :3 No way i <3 Xenomit So Much Hopefully in each box there be Millions Xenomit :3 Imagine What Wonderfull things u could do with it C;
    chixonator likes this.
  8. patch97

    patch97 User

    We should be able to bake cakes with them, i say increase xenomit in GG generator to 60% because its very rarely we get it. ^^
    chixonator likes this.
  9. Silviu

    Silviu User

    I managed to get 1 Xenomit yesterday, my dreams came true. So many sleepless nights thinking about Xenomit, and now, after i finnally got one, the only thing i want is...more Xenomit.


    If the booty will be dropped by the Demaner than it won't be that easy to get some :p
    chixonator likes this.
  10. whoeva

    whoeva User

    How in space did you manage to find so much xenomit? Could you tell us the secret because so many players have left the game due to being unable to locate as much xenomit as you have got, in just 1 day you say?

    On topic, thanks owning for these updates. It looks interesting, let's hope it turns out not to be complete fail :)
  11. Silviu

    Silviu User

    While wandering into the deep dark corners of space i have found my self surrounded by an army of unknown warriors. Having no way to back out of this, i decided to go further being pursued closely by the forceful army set out to shoot me down and end my flight. Knowing that my death was close and certain i've ordered my fearless companion, who is always there in need in exchange for that tasty fuel, to set out and steal the riches that were laying around in this unknown galaxy located in deep dark space. The enemies grew in number, and little did i know that i was being ambushed and within seconds enemies lasers started piercing my hull, but just seconds before my explosion, my PET sent an urgent message to my logbook that required immediate attention. The message was: "Xenomit collected."
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  12. hahahhah who hows that 4 a reply
  13. whoeva

    whoeva User

    It's slightly vague and cryptic but certainly not copy/paste. Nice job Silviu :)
    -AdamantiumDragon- and Silviu like this.
  14. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Something I noticed today, in the Achievements section under Pilot Profile, there is a section under Events called "Thanksgiving":


    Doesn't seem like much, but just thought that I would share. It will probably be the same thing as the April Fools day one with the sheep.
  15. Expert_GH

    Expert_GH User

    Nah, it was for Thanksgiving last year. It's been there. Nothing new. U.S. servers only, though.
  16. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    I have a hunch the Domination event is another version of the Influence battle event.
  17. That one took forever cuz it was only for one day I think, but the wiz-x was random if you gave a turkey or not. Got 34/200 - :mad: bad day to do that event.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2014
  18. Any news? I think too to 19.07 it's a date of start the event. Anyone known when PvP Arena will be added?
  19. This just came up on home page...
    Domination Event

    From Jul 26th to Aug 9th, capture and hold Domination Beacons as you prepare to swarm a rich prize: the alien merchant convoy on the horizon!


    Our hacker team has recovered an exclusive still image from a deep-space observation station of an alien freighter convoy approaching human sectors. Their hulls look reinforced, sparking debate within the xenology community as to what, if any, ammo can penetrate them at all.

    The Companies have not issued any statements regarding this alien convoy, probably because their PR departments have their hands full handling the growing number of protests and demonstrations reacting to the rising death toll from the "Andromeda Disaster". Everyone is denying any responsibility for the covert military raid in which an AndromedaCORP ore mining fleet was caught in rocket crossfire and destroyed.

    Stay tuned as we cover both these stories!

    Nyx, for UNN
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