[ML] Official: IMAGE THREAD Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. Is a bug,you are a luck one,much players can not connect to the game ,i think this JP will be remake :)
  2. [​IMG]

    More people came, and we waited for 20 mins... 1 shot the base and got the kill lmao, those poor waiters.
  3. jacktatt

    jacktatt User


    REKT Clan coming to shrek nooblords near you.
  4. [​IMG]
    Finally got my last Hercules today. last 3 kappas, 3 in a row ^^
    Took: 37 kappas
  5. bobmyself

    bobmyself User

    DarkOrbit World Cup Betting Pool Standings

    1 point behind what I needed for a T-shirt :p Not that bothered though knowing that I'd catch some flak for still playing a flash-browser game if I actually wore it..


    Didn't actually place that well in the group stages...I made the bets before the group stages and didn't bother to change them according to how teams were performing. So my scores still anticipated Spain to do well and Croatia to get wrecked because I didn't update them throughout the tournament :L


    Ended up snagging myself a Referee design and rare title for free so no complaints here!

    Oh, and also...what the title should've said ;D


    -Äppiäinen- likes this.
  6. lol they should fix that for some people lol.
    Nice clan tag :p heheh.

    Someone left their base unguarded last night lol
    18.07. 03:41 Battle Station destroyed. + 3,000 U.
    18.07. 03:41 Battle Station Module destroyed. + 450 U.
    18.07. 03:41 Battle Station Module destroyed. + 369 U.
    18.07. 03:41 Battle Station Module destroyed. + 450 U.
    18.07. 03:37 Battle Station Module destroyed. + 450 U.
    18.07. 03:36 Battle Station Module destroyed. + 450 U.
    18.07. 03:35 Battle Station Module destroyed. + 450 U.
    18.07. 03:34 Battle Station Module destroyed. + 450 U.
    18.07. 03:34 Battle Station Module destroyed. + 450 U.
  7. [​IMG]

  8. Finally i got full lf4 (28) for my ship now i need 10 more for pet
  9. Technically 35 is full. because a tank confige takes 35.
  10. [​IMG]
  11. Stop switching companies and you're get your next rank lol.
  12. I can't help it I love clan wars to much .... plus when i switched from mmo to eic 3 weeks ago I had 1.4mil RP now im up to 1.9 in 3 weeks soooo.
  13. lol thats low rank :)
    on my server, mmo, 2,281,778 rank points for basic colonel.
  14. thats a noob tank config, I don't feel like i have enough shield power, I like having 28 lf4's and 22 bo2's in my tank
  15. lol noob tank? I use it and smash people :D
  16. everybody uses it, so little shields tho, i don't like it not my stile lol, i Love having 1 million shields and do ~50k x4
  17. Eh lvl 16 shields, double boosted, and you're golden, cause you dish out the dmg and still have the protection.
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