[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. where is the event it no started and today is 26
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Never due to some changes by DO regarding proxies and swf files, can't go into detail on the forums but it's for the better good of the game as a whole so not a bad thing.
  4. what mean domination event???what can i do in this event??
  5. Silviu

    Silviu User

    [sarcasm]You can eat free apples and travel to Madagascar.[/sarcasm]

    You can read the official description on the home backpage of your game account in the announcements section.
  6. Ahh ok
  7. Oracle

    Oracle User

    There are no tanks on this game dude
  8. why
  9. [​IMG]

    Because this is tank, and it isn't spacecraft. :rolleyes:
  10. omg-olycat

    omg-olycat User

    There are, however, tank configs. ;)
  11. i mean thank you my english is not very good i am bulgarian not tanks :D

    Превод от: руски

    thank you

    Превод от: руски

    thank you
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Training grounds (1v1 arena) is almost ready ^^

    The UI is all set up on test 1, looks similar to the Jackpot UI, for interest here and the victory and defeat banners:
    For those interested, the training ground window xml.

    Here is the hint slide, doesn't really give anything away though.


    There has also been a new map server added to test1, however for now it is just classed as a new server for hosting Jackpot rounds. There is a small potential that it could turn into the server used to host training grounds. If that is the case then it is probable that the event will not be cross-server since 1 new hosting server wouldn't be enough. Unless all Jackpot servers are going to be used for training grounds whilst the JPA is not active.
    However training grounds does appear to be separate from the arena tournament that was discussed >>here<< so all hope of a cross-server event is not lost from the start.

    In addition to this a new swf called cameraDrone has appeared as a effect on test1, at the moment the only image able to be extracted from it is this:

    ... it doesn't look very DarkOrbit-like so I think it's safe to say this is just a place holder for the future final image x)

    The only other change is all the text logs for the spacemap seem to have been re-organised so there could well be new logs added however I will need to wait for a 2nd version before I can start comparing again, not really in the mood for going through 2700+ lines manually :p

    I will keep an eye on test2 for training grounds, if it is moved to over there as well there is a good chance we will get to beta test it.
  13. Here we goo it looks realy Nice Good Job
    Bounty_Hunter_of_Eic likes this.
  14. Nice to hear more about these kind of information. you are absolutely the best at doing this :)

    It's nice to have this 1v1 pvp arena finally! But what is this cameraDrone ? Could it be like players "spectating mode" (if you know what it means)?
    tg90000_2 likes this.
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Thanks ^^

    It could be, I really hope it is, the amount of accusations about players would fall if lots of people could watch the fight. If it was a spectator mode then this swf file would just be the start of another series of new things in the code.
    However we just don't have enough information right now to give a proper guess :(
    I hope that when it has proper images it will be easier to tell what it is for, hopefully it will be done within the next few days.
  16. tg90000_2

    tg90000_2 User

    Spactator mode? yeah, it would be nice! I hope so, it is! :D Thanks for infos :)
  17. Hope fully for cross-server and i hope they put test2 on, much better than gb1..
  18. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    And there is the citadel which is a tank spacecraft
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