?pirate booty

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ☜INCR3☆DiBL3☞, Jul 30, 2014.

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  1. for this new event... i would like to know from anyone pls, if there is NEW PIRATE BOOTY???...as it shows different looks & color on example page for the new EVENT?

    thank you forehand for any replies to my questions..
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    There is a new booty and it is purple and looks like this:

    You get it from killing the new NPC, Demaner Freighter, which doesn't appear to be out just yet so keep an eye out for it during the event.
  3. first of all *thank you very much* for the information & help ...:) cool npc to kill...i will defenatly keep eye on it...thnx again ...ps good luck to you Okapi32
  4. ramnik

    ramnik User

    also what kind of key do you need to open it? a purple key?
  5. Owning you say During the event, is that a definite that it 'will' appear any time up until the end of the event? do you know more ?

    Thanks Rat
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    No key needed.

    Was just my prediction, just seemed logical that it would appear during the event to encourage more people to buy the new ammunition. However I didn't know for certain.

    There is now FAQ up though and it says it will be the last day of the event.
  7. Replied on another thread and confirmed.

  8. ramnik

    ramnik User

    so what is it, person who has lock gets it or first one to click on it lol?