Keep your Eyes Peeled .. Browser Hacking-Add ons

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ĐяJuiceя~, Jul 31, 2014.

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  1. I was just doing a Update to Windows .. this is the Second time, I found this happening..

    This Tool is Piggy Backing itself with some other Software Updates or using what seems like a Legit WINDOWS Logo..

    This a a Copy of what was Sent to HELL Clan mates :

    This new Browser hacking Tool.. is being Piggy backed with Add ons.. be careful.. Don't use your keyboard if you have it.. It will more than likely Redirect your Browsers Search bar.. and sometimes your Destination.. Search for a way to remove it.. on line for Free..

    Its Called. Astromenda .. you can Research its most Recent opinions.. Spread the Word..

    Its is said to be an Attempt to Steal users Passwords and Personal info..

    So DON'T use a Keyboard to input your Password into the Browser, and DON'T Save your Password in Browser Cache.. use " NotePad " and just copy n paste em.

    I was able to remove it using the Browser's Add on Tools.. because START/Control Panel/Delete Program didn't work on this one..

    Best Success on the Web.. DrJ
  2. what a Search on the subject Revealed:

    It is important for victims to have a clear understanding of Astromenda possible infiltration which may be of help for protection.

    Astromenda is able to be propagated by free applications. It can come along as bundled program in the program from third-party. It is also bundled with adware, BHO, media player plug-ins and other possible software. Thus, users should keep an eye on the download programs and read the policy and terms carefully. Besides that, it can enter with viruses, Trojan, spyware, browser hijacker and the potential cyber threats.

    So, users should update and upgrade computer and browser regularly to strengthen the protection. And never browsing illegal sites for curiosity, and never click any suspicious pop-up! Since browser hijacker has been a problem threaten to the cyber safety, users need to differ legal and reputable sites from the malicious one like Astromenda , or it can lead to huge damage and lost to your computer and your data. -

    Edited by Astraea - please in the attempts to help others, do not post website address.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    If you don't mind me asking what browser were you using??? they must be working off some specific browser? I use Safari I have never had a problem with Apple Search Engines they are to hard to hack lol

    You must have downloaded something to get it??? Just a word of advice for all and me being an advocate of account security they should had put the finger print signature lol.

    However, Never, never download nothing that says Free L4 finder or Free uri or invincibility and so on, all that is a lie and software to hack accounts with... Also, avoid social media sites such as Face Book, don't have your Dark Orbit account linked to a social media site and if you do use FB, don't have the same password to your email and FB account.

    If you someone in the game Whispers you and ask you if you have FB don't talk to that person or go to FB or a social media site with that individual... We are all strangers in this game Be safe than sorry... Have your DO account with another Email and different password scripted if possible, that is not connected to FB or Social Medea sites...

    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
  4. Thank You Astraea.. I should have Edited what I had Copied..

    Sir DJXL.
    I never look for cheats or scams..
    I remember Completing an Offer while on a Job search Website.. and had to Download a Version of Java.. It must have been a Hacked page or.. the Astromenda was in the Add ons in the Agreement pages..

    sometimes WE all in a Rush to get thru.. Downloading some obscure file needed to Read Pop ups..

    I got this file on my System, I noticed a Lag in my game.. I use FireFox's New Browser " Nightly". It even got passed ASC ( Advanced System Care )

    I searched my Programs, Uninstalled and Shreaded the Astromenda File, but the following Day.. it HighJacked my Browser..
    So as many on my Server, and the Game Admins know, I DO try to Help as many as I can, from my mis-Fortune.. I never use Facebook, or Social Websites,

    Clear my cache after every long in.

    Never use the Keyboard to Input any of my Personal Info / passwords.. as All are Pasted on my Notepad and in ANSI Code.

    Thank you for your Input on this DJXTexas

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    Let me ask you this... Has anyone in the game ever contacted you in game chat and asked you if you have a Face Book account or any other type of Social Net work? Some how hackers are hacking social media sites and getting your personal info from there thats how they get it. So, if you have visited or have told someone in the game that you have a social media site and they know your location then they can brake passwords and hack your personal info.

    I Make it a rule of thumb to stay away from social media and on the game chat room thats why it is there for if some individual wants to talk to me they can talk in chat room everything is recored they want to talk they can talk there or not at all Dark Orbit chat I don't and won't go to TS or any Social Media sites.

    However, my advice to you is to contact support ASAP... have your info ready such as payments that you have made to dark orbit and personal info that they will ask you... I know it says that they will never ask but, they will ask you about your ship, you will need the sever ID and may require an ID from you as well and other things names of ship passwords things that only you would know about your account and they know too they have everything recored.
    Kara, Rod, Jasper, or Justin, will be your contact persons from Dark Orbit support team they are the ones that handle cases like these and are very good at it too.

    It may take weeks or months to get your account back they have to investigate the case don't expect a speedy recovery
    best regards
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
  6. 2010!!

    2010!! User

    ok firstly advanced system care is not a Anti-Virus and it is not a Anti-Malware either you if you think that will keep you safe then your wrong
    i dont recommend using that at all can lead to few issues and has exploits what i cant say here..
    with your JAVA either have it disabled or keep updated their is alot of exploits with java last few weeks so i recommend disabling it for now or at least manually check for updates every few days or so

    Astromenda yes is a browser Hijacker but nothing serious and easy to get rid of dont know if im allowed to say the program names to will say but wont post any links sorry mods if broke a rule
    google search the following and run them..
    Junkware removal

    after you done that check your browser for add-ons and delete makes everything default again search engines etc etc

    back to my first point if you want a Anti-Virus download Avast free version is fine its good Anti-Malware bytes free version again is fine its good run scans at least once a week and updated
    if you wanted to go bit more have a look for comodo firewall... aswell
  7. Great info.

    Yes.. I have been asked if I have a Facebook.. I say yes.. because I DO..

    but It is not accessible to anyone in DarkOrbit.. and I have No Friends in it.. its Password is Secure.. cant be broken..

    I will never chat with anyone while on Facebook.. nor Click on any Links.. not even links in Emails..

    this is a "Warning" for all those that Read this.. when you see the Ad on Astromenda.. The Windows Driver Update .. that is a Virus..

    Don't Use it..
  8. im hacked by an account i change password its do nothing
  9. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Firstly, Don't hijack

    Secondly, need to go to support for that.
  10. DJXL.SA.TX

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    but It is not accessible to anyone in DarkOrbit.. and I have No Friends in it.. its Password is Secure.. cant be broken..

    Just advice, My real user name no one will ever know this name is not my real user name, there for they can not brake the account without them knowing my real user name.

    Never say can not be broken, If you are missing your account, then someone has hacked into your account that means that they broke your user name and password

    Maybe you should contact support you now have to prove that the ship is yours, if you can not do that then you have lost your account.... You should always know your sever ID #, have receipts, at least 3 or 4 names that you have called your ship, 3 or 4 Log in IDs on record - they will ask for this when you write them.... they will also ask you for a picture ID too then it takes weeks for them to investigate a case like this
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2014
  11. Thanks your Your Continued Bravery Sir DJXL.SA.TX

    I know this Player well.. ==> DJXL.SA.TX before any of his accounts got Hacked..
    We have spoken many times..
    I even Gave him my " Hacker Proofing Guide."

    Sad thing is Account Security Protocols are NOT important to enough Users .. This Issue Requires that I Post another Idea for the Game ADMIN to Install ..

    ACCOUNT Security Protocol Information:
    :eek: a Page, a Message to Every Account to Be READ before Continuing to Flight Screen.. :confused:

    click.. ( "MrBlender" ) DrJ, has been searching for me.. I've HACKED his Keyboard..
    "Oh Boy, DrJuicer you have Gone too Far, Im getting Sick of Hearing your DUMB Ideas.. continue please".. o_O

    Keep it up.. you BIOnic Swirly Mordon misfit.. :mad: DrJ begins a PC Scan..

    click.. ( "MrBlender" ) DrJ, you look like "Elmer Fudd", trying to catch "BUGGs Bunny".. click..

    BIGPOINT could Serve it's Customer Base much better if.. a List of Suggestions were made available from Time to Time..

    An Informative Document addressing this Issue, is MORE Important than OUR Account Security.. It's a Major Issue with the Use of the Internet and the Flurry of HACKERs and Their Malicious Software..

    Every Player should be Required to have a Screen Shot of its Accounts Main Page, Saved at time of Starting this Game.. saved on the PC.. then Request the User to Download, Store on CLOUD, Floppy Flash Drive or other External Storage Device.. for Future Reference.

    Unfortunate for those that have already been Hacked, DJXL.SA.TX had a Beast of a Ship.. and in fact.. more than One he built up..

    It Sickens my Stomach each time I hear of Good Paying Customers Losing their Investment, because they were HACKED thru their Credit card accounts..

    This one File contains the Info needed to RECOVER an ACCOUNT the USER ID#.. If the PC and all info was Lost in a Fire, Flood or other Disaster this Number could be Written in Pencil, also Stored with Valuable Personal Documents..

    TIP: Pencil written text will Survive years in a Sweaty Leather Wallet or Flood/Water Damage.

    Use of the Windows OS text Saving Database call " NotePad " is a Great Tool for Storing Personal Data.. so far it hasn't been Readable.. to my knowledge, by Trojans, Worms or other means ( KeyLoggers ).. yes even this method, I'm sure is just a matter of time, but a long time off..

    Because PC users are too Lazy to use it.. and Criminal Minds go after the UnInformed/Lazyminded/Disinterested/NonTechSavey/average PC users..

    HACKERs are not as Lazy but.. because We Humans try to be Organized, we Record in a manner that makes, Our Info, their Quarry too easy to locate.. once Our Emails have been Breached..

    We Write " Password's" on a file/email/document and put them in ' IT " they run a SEARCH for password documents and Poof.. your Hacked on everything you have.. TIP: Store these in " Baby Picture's File" an Idea.. for the childless, just suggesting ==> BE Creative..

    Hack me.. I haven't used an Anti Virus in over 8 years, Please Steal any of my 12 Accounts.. I need to loose a few to Teach me a Lesson..
    I will continue to Believe that one can Lean how to use the Internet without Paying for Products that are Flawed.. until I become a Victim..
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2014
  12. Thanks for the heads up
  13. Man your are clueless on this. Even if you do not use your account name as player name it can be cracked. All anyone needs is a brute force entry tool with a dictionary. How ever pls keep in mind this is not hacking, and gives true hackers a bad rap. This is called cracking. And Crackers are the bottom feeders in the Hacking community.

    And to my good buddy Juicer, Everything on the net is free from Inks(sat tv) to the Net itself. However this does come with risks. I like you do not run any antivirus. and never have issues. But I do run a program that prevents someone from leaching to much info from my system. Most of the programs I have made were hosted by The Nuclear Crew Hq and Library 2ya. One of these days we need to get together so i can make you that pic. Lol
  14. DJXL.SA.TX

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    Yeah, Lucky for me I got that one back :D I have all the paper work, account ID, photos of all my gear, account info that I and Big Point only know... Security questions and so on.... If I did not have that information, hacker would had kept account... It is good to have a paper trail on any account and that includes receipts that you have paid for items...

    It is good idea to keep your information in a file on your hard drive... for many that get their account, Cracked, Jacked, hacked do not have this information and the account falls under the hands of Jackers and lost. There are people that all they do is find ways to rip off Dark Orbit accounts to resell on Ebay, Youtube, FB and other web sites... Some players have spent lots of money on their accounts and time, just to have it hacked by a nobody in one day or over night.

    Never Give out your info... If you are asked by a stranger if you have Facebook never give out your info snap shot the person asking you to join them on face book and send to support... Accounts can be Cracked, Jacked, or hacked on FB so you think about that one stay off of social media sites. Never join anyone on Face-book or social media sites, if you do make sure that your account is not linked to your DO account in anyway, use you cell phone for social media. It is just stupid to join a complete stranger on a social media site.... He or she may not have good intentions so beware. That is why they have Chat on DO so you don't get Cracked, jacked, or hacked use DO chat no off the grid sites to communicate.

    Maybe good idea for Dark Orbit to Add Security question before allowing an account to be moved to another Email.... If the Hacker does not have the security question he can not move the account to another email address :)
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014
  15. DJXL.SA.TX

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    Yes, that can be true, But again, I have a paper trail on my account. They may be able to Cracked it as you say but not able to have it. All I have to do it report it stolen to Big Point send in the information, they ask for my security questions that only I and them know, they give it back.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2014