[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. for all with no facebook:

  2. Is this permanent or just during Domination event?
  3. permanent
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  4. Any updates on the 15 quests for this event yet?
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Sure, Get ready for a massive post of all the descriptions ^^ I'll sum it up at the bottom of the page.

    Safety First
    I'd send our regular scouts to investigate the Sibelons' recent odd behavior, but orders from on high have all spare ships protecting mining fleets. Yes, it's due to the "Andromeda Disaster" - miners everywhere are threatening to strike if they risk getting caught in the crossfire the way that AndromedaCORP fleet did!

    Tank Buster
    So that's what they're up to! The Sibelon are lurking in wait for a Demaner convoy. You don't see those in our neck of the galaxy too often - fat prizes, but tough nuts to crack. If we're going after them, we'll need to get R&D onto the problem of chipping through those thick hulls of theirs - and that means intel!

    Be Prepared
    R&D's figured that refined Radiatium could produce the ammo we'll need, but the only places to mine that are no-man's-land. Since the Andromeda Disaster, our miners refuse to work in a warzone. We'll deal with them once the public's opinion and attention is elsewhere, but for now, they're forming a union! The nerve!

    Clean Sweep
    Tsk. Why even bother paying off agitators if they're going to stab us in the back like this? Ah well. It'll be business as usual if we secure the Battle Maps. Tactics has marked three strategic points with beacons: controlling them controls the sector. We need to drive off all nearby enemy ships - make a clean sweep!

    Clan Warfare
    Our higher-ups have issued call to all our Clans, to help build battle stations. Once - what's this? Enemy ships on-screen! Damn. News of the Demaner convoy must have leaked to the other Companies, and they're heading for the Battle Maps, too! We need to nip this incursion in the bud before they can put down any roots!

    Power Plays
    This new miners-and-refiner's union is throwing its weight around, and claims that the Battle Maps are still too dangerous to send ore refining fleets to work them. For now, unfortunately, they've got a superior bargaining position... We'll secure those beacons, and convince the union that the sector is safe.

    Excellent work! Now, don't let up - take the next beacon! Thanks to all of you, the union no longer has a leg to stand on. The first mining fleet is already on its way to start refining Radiatium - we'll need mountains of it if we want to produce enough RB-214 ammo to get through those reinforced Demaner hulls!

    Steady Progress
    Another beacon is ours! The other Companies will get a nasty surprise when they try to move in, only to discover how thoroughly we'll dominate this sector. Picturing their faces is going to make me chuckle myself to sleep tonight... As is the thought of the eventual fate of those traitor union agitators.

    Access Denied
    Heads up! A large contingent of enemy ships has sent out for the contested sectors! If our lily-livered union gets wind of this, we can kiss both our miners and our chances of making enough RB-214 ammo goodbye. Get moving - intercept those ships! I'll run interference with the union.

    Slapdash Recon
    Yellow alert! Enemy fighters spotted on the Battle Maps! Why didn't we get more warning than this? Whose sloppy work is responsible? We'll need to remedy shoddy intel with superior tactics: fan out, catch them in the crossfire, and protect those beacons at all costs! Every minute counts. Get moving!

    Impending Deadline
    No time to relax: the Demaner convoy could enter our space any moment, and Logistics reports that we don't have enough RB-214 ammo to even put a solid dent in their armor. We're chipping away at this upstart union's power, but if our workers get cold feet now, it's all over for our hopes of wealth!

    Standing Guard
    You've got to hand it to them: once the other Companies have a goal in mind, they don't half pursue it! They're using every dirty trick in the book to try to take over this Battle Map, but we'll be keeping watch for the slightest move - we're not going to let them sneak in the back door!

    or the Greater Good
    You know, if the miners and refiners worked as much as they moan, we wouldn't be lagging so far behind on RB-214 production! Look, it gives us no pleasure to do this, but if you want your share of the Demaner profits, we have to requisition some of your ammo. Any objections? Right. I thought not.

    Demaner on the Horizon
    We've gotten commendations from above - and you've proven yet again why you were chosen to join my elite squad. Good work! And just in time: some of our recon posts have detected the Demaner approaching. And the others know it, too! Clear them out of the Demaner approach path. That convoy is our prize!

    A Thousand Pinpricks
    Demaner! Excellent. It's the moment of truth! I want every single pilot out there, chipping away at that alien armor - but don't get careless! That thick hull could hide anything. Keep your mind on the riches we'll find... I can almost feel my bank account fattening! Can't you? Best be about it! Don't let their size put you off. Remember, enough pinprick wounds will eventually take down even an Exogorth!


    To give a recap for anyone not wanting to read through the storyline, it is very much centred around getting the resources together in a desperate attempt to make enough of the new ammo to kill the NPC. Battle maps are mentioned a lot so expect a decent proportion of the 15 to be PvP.
    So It's a safe bet to say these quests will appear towards the end of the event since the very last quest is the only one that mentions that Demaners actually being the the maps, in all the others it is just warnings of them approaching.

    Also a nice shout out by the devs, one of them must be fairly big Star Wars fan to drop the name "Exogorth" in the last quest description.

  6. Thanks mate, very handy indeed:)
  7. missions look like 3 things : killing enemies, capturing/defending beacons, and building a cbs perhaps, all in bmaps of course....thanks Okapi

    EDIT : All of these quests are paying rsb-75 or the new rb-214 ammo, only 100-700 per quest or so , but the quests are not that hard so that's a little plus.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
  8. Yeah these quest are done pretty quick..only need 2 ships to capture a beacon.And the pvp can be done solo.
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    CameraDrone images have updated:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Still not too sure what it does, it is only down as an effect so not literally a drone in the sense of the things you stick Havocs on. Will just have to wait and see I suppose.
  10. Jurjstyle

    Jurjstyle User

    May be Bp thinks a ,, little more far " . This drone may record the fight from a bigpoint computer ( so the record will be ,, authenthic " and the fighters could request it or they can report the other player of using something and now the support can't say that the record is modified ) . It might be too visionary however :)
  11. Id be happy with something recording fights lol...Would catch lots of un-fair players and stop noobs from having an excuse as to why they get blown up.
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User


    Training Ground map background. Very similar to the JPA, which is not surprising since the rules of TG are the same as the ones in the JPA, no cloaks etc.
    All in all I think this is one of the nicest map backgrounds.

    As of right now all of it is still on test1, I will post an update if it gets moved over to test2 as then we are more likely to be allowed to beta test it.
  13. Yeeh boii, cant wait for another test server ;)
    Rex-Jocreiso likes this.
  14. Do you no when nx test servers up Owni??

    Rat </3
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Nope sorry, I can only give very rough estimates, such as when it gets moved over the test2 it is probable that it will then be opened a few days later.
    Fingers crossed it is either late this week or next week, then the update will go live on all servers in 2 weeks.
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Demaner Freighter minimap icon:


    So you can see wherever the npc is on the map, like you can when Hitac event is on. Good luck being able to ever do once in peace :p
  17. i can not wait to see this NPC i do not understand it will be killed only with RB-214 or with every ammo
  18. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    You can kill it with any ammo, however RB-214 does x8 damage to the new NPC so it will be best for killing it.
  19. funaly some one to tell me this info tanks man
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