Speed regulator

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Jack, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. Jack

    Jack User

    I think we could use speed regulator for our ships and it would be GREAT if it could be operated by mouse-wheel :)

    Speed would range from 0 up to ship's max possible speed by grade of +/-10 for every wheel step or scale click, so it would go like: 0, 10, 20, 30, ..., 380, etc.

    PS: if someone wonders what happens when a ship like citadel or lightning uses their speed ability, the activation of ability should automatically max the regular speed and instantly add the bonus provided by that ability.

    Please leave your comments, thank you :)
  2. Not everyone has a mouse wheel for a start. And I don't see the point in this? -1
  3. Jack

    Jack User

    I agree that the mouse wheel should be optional in game settings :)

    The point is it would help newer and weaker players to kill stronger foes (eg. boss kristallon or lordakium) easier, cuz they could match the target's speed, duh!

    PS: if you couldn't figure this out yourself, you are either ufe, shootin rsb-75 all the time, OR a total greenhorn in this game ;)
  4. NO NO NO. I have a mac and the whole of the magic mouse is the scroll bar and its really sensitive and i would get really angry about it so its a -1 from me!
  5. Jack

    Jack User

    Umm... you DO realize you could set it on max speed the first time n forget it exists, if you don't wanna use it, RIGHT??
  6. Yes then there is no point of having this because why would anyone want to go slower?
  7. Jack

    Jack User

    AS I wrote a few mins ago:

    The point is it would help newer and weaker players to kill stronger foes (eg. boss kristallon or lordakium) easier, cuz they could match the target's speed, duh!

    PS: if you couldn't figure this out yourself, you are either ufe, shootin rsb-75 all the time, OR a total greenhorn in this game
  8. No this makes the game harder to jude the speed of the npc etc.

    Also i am level 21 UFE ranked top 70 on GB2
  9. Jack

    Jack User


    Suffice to say I am not so fortunate to be UFE and I would see a benefit in having this.
  10. But then you would be an easy target for people hunting if you are going the same speed as say a Kristallon.
  11. Jack

    Jack User

    Not so much, cuz I'd use my mouse-wheel to max my speed in a sec n I'd escape :D
  12. Blue...

    Blue... User

  13. +1 Agreed
    hellseeker685 likes this.
  14. can u explain more i have a confusion you are saying that a ship can have 2 battle config with full speed
  15. BallistikD

    BallistikD User

    Good Gawd No.
  16. Jack

    Jack User

    No, just a speed regulator, ranging from 0 to ship's max possible speed for the current config :)

    I really dont understand WHY you ppl dislike it so much??

    This idea is one of those optional things, i.e. YOU DONT LIKE IT -> YOU DONT USE IT and problem solved :)
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 30, 2013
  17. There is no point of this. Also you can already do this by going to the hangar and changing the amount of speed generators you have on your ship :p
  18. Jack

    Jack User

    Well, yes and no, because I cant reduce speed below the ship's basic speed, eg. boss kristallon has 250 speed and my goli has minimal 300 speed, so I cant go below 300 even if I wanna, and I WANNA! :D
  19. You just have to do what you do in gates (If you have done on) keep moving back step by step so you avoid the Kristallon and dont get hit by it. Also you can always avoid the Kristallon because you have a longer range than a Kristallon.
  20. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    No thanks, there really isn't any need for this. I can't think of any reason why you would want to go slower. It might make more of a hassle than anything else. Being chased then all of a sudden you accidentally scroll down and die. Too many complaints and not enough purpose. -1 from me