Bug Fixes and more

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by chixonator, Aug 10, 2014.

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  1. chixonator

    chixonator User

    This thread is a collective place to find directions, fixes and work arounds for bugs/glitches encountered within the game. Should you have a bug fix that isn't on the list, please post so I can get it added to the list
    PS. Green is the bug and yellow is the fix/workaround

    *** ore upgrades are no longer working, even though they show plenty of time, numbers aren't right on ship display, and speed/shields are wrong.
    Try relogging a few times that should fix the problem, if not clear cache, refresh, and relog again ***

    Sent ore to ship from skylab using insta send but didnt get ore?
    When sending ore to ship using insta send but you don't have enough space for the ore it will say "transfer complete" but it will actually be in the process of sending the regular way and you have to wait for it and the transfer will not actually be complete.
    Note: it cannot be more then your cargo bay can hold. ex- you cant send 99k promi but if your cargo bay holds 5k and you already have 1k ore and you try to send 5k with insta send it will go to regular sending method.

    Wondering how to get second hotkey bar or why it disapeared?
    The second hotkey bar is a premium feature. if you are a new player there is a starter quest that gives 2 week premium. if you have already done that quest you can buy it at the uridium page or get it from inviting friends bonus.
    Hotkey FAQ: https://board-en.darkorbit.com//threads/client-user-interface.825/
    Friends and Bonus FAQ: https://board-en.darkorbit.com//threads/friends-and-bonus-faq.966/

    Hotkey's not working or unable to change between hotkeys?:
    If your hotkey bar (e.g. 1-0, premium bar etc.) doesn't appear to be working, please try resetting your settings using the 'RESET' button within your in-game settings.

    How to cancel Advanced Jump CPU jump:
    if you would like to cancel an Advanced Jump CPU jump You can do this by pressing C or clicking the change configuration button. Also i found out that spinning gate spins will cancel it. Or apparently you can just move your ship... (doesnt work for me, but apparently does for others.)

    Ore not going on your lasers and disappearing when trying to upgrade
    put one more ore like seprom or promerium to lasers or generators and it will update and the missing ores will appear on the item you tried to upgrade.

    If you find that all your equipment is gone, your rank is gone, and everything you had is gone:
    you might be on a different server. Click the globe in the top left part of the backpage and select the server that you normally play on.

    If you cant equip extras/ equipment

    Make sure they are not equipped on another ship, if not refresh, clear cache and history and try again, if that does not work delete the whole configuration and reequip everything.

    If your kamikaze does not work:

    Make sure your pet has less then 10k hp and it is on kamikaze mode, also you have to be taking damage to HP for it to go off.

    If your cargo bay is (empty) but still shows you have ore:
    make sure you do not have any seprom as it does not show in the cargo trader. If you are trying to sell palladium you can only do that in 5-2 base.

    If your game takes a long time to load:

    Cant figure out how to change username:
    Go to pilot sheet then click edit profile then the first line is where your pilot name is type in what ever you want your new name to be and click change.

    If you equipped your configurations but it is not working:
    make sure both configurations are equipped.

    If your chat says “Authorization Failed”:
    try relogging if that does not work you could be banned and should message support or post in the chat section in forums. https://board-en.darkorbit.com//forums/chat.696/

    If your quest is not counting what you do:

    make sure you dont have another quest that needs the same thing. ex- 2 sib quests.

    Invisible NPC's / Players

    you might jump/jump chip into a map and find that there is an invisible NPC/player shooting you. it is just a glitch and to fix it, jump out/relog

    Loss of rank:

    If you find that you are losing rank, it is not a glitch or bug, you can lose rank when a player with higher rank switches to your company, or someone from your company has gained more rank points and bumped you down a rank. Also if you find that you go back to basic space pilot but were not inactive, that is just a result of a server restart and a simple relog will fix that.

    Chat and lag issues:

    Gate portals contracting and then getting bigger?
    I have seen a few people post this as a bug. It is not a bug and is meant to happen.

    These issues cannot be solved on the forums and can only be solved by support: http://us2.darkorbit.bigpoint.com/index.es?action=support

    (remember to post your server, id and username when messaging support)

    1. If you accidently sell your ship/ equipment

    2. If you lose a Galaxy Gate (only allowed 1 gate every 30 days)

    3. If you have equipment missing, first refresh your equipment page/make sure its not equipped on another hangar. if it is still missing contact support.

    4. If you are trying to recover a banned, lost account

    5. If you cannot login to your account and it says Login error / calm down, then you have been banned and only support can help.

    6. "Accidently buying things with Uridium in auction" put whatever thing you accidently bought and it will will be taken away as you get your uri back.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
    jackknife, Øмєga and Rex-Jocreiso like this.
  2. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    I've moved this to the 'Technical Issues' section since there is where we try to deal with issues/bugs that users get, whereas 'General Issues' we try to use for questions about the game.

    Thank you for your contribution.

    chixonator likes this.
  3. chixonator

    chixonator User

    Can you sticky this for easy access to the players, so it doesnt get buried under other threads.
  4. chixonator

    chixonator User

    Edited and added more things.
  5. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Moved to 'Newbies' since this is a great user guide to help players with any issues they get in-game.

    chixonator likes this.
  6. jackknife and chixonator like this.
  7. how do i turn uridium into c sending
  8. chixonator

    chixonator User

    do you mean uridium to credits?
  9. first off dont its a waste. Earn credits its easy with skylab updated and a hour of killing is a easy 10 mil

    8mil with out using rocks from lab.
    google dark orbit aliens and find the 1 you like to kill with the most payout. and do your daily quests and try to stick to doing quests that all in same map.
    Also there is a dark orbit alien app for droid that has all the stats. I cant remember who made it but good app for noobs! You can find it at aptoide.
  10. chixonator

    chixonator User

  11. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Chixonator, you can cancel an advanced CPU jump by also moving your ship around.
  12. chixonator

    chixonator User

    thought you cant move when you do it
  13. Yep just move your ship and its ended. The jump map will relocate to lower part of screen. Im not sure if there is still a cool down or not just know it does end the jump.
  14. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Yup! ^
  15. chixonator

    chixonator User

    i just tried it. you cant move your ship
  16. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Weird... I can do it sometime and then can't do it other times.
  17. I can do it every time have no issues. I may be wrong on this but i think changing configs also dose it. I will test and let you know.
  18. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Chixonator already put the changing configs one. And it works
    chixonator likes this.
  19. chixonator

    chixonator User

    bump (so everyone can see how to fix the glitches again ) :eek:
  20. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    chix, can you put "Accidently buying things with Uridium in auction" as another support issue? It happened to me once before and support gave the uri back to me. Also put whatever thing you accidently brought will be taken away as you get your uri back.