Clan Dominance

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ÅВ§Θ£ŪŦ€∞ΛΠΛΓĆĦΥ[Ч], Aug 6, 2014.

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  1. While i realize and understand the desire to be strong and able to take on any clan in a clan war, there is a serious misbalance that should and i feel needs to be changed, or modified.

    The ability to have all the most powerful players in one clan, thereby letting that clan have the ablity to control the server, ie:, that clan controlling events, not letting other players participate, etc. Warring all players on the server, basically, if you as a player or a weaker clan don't do what that clan wants, then you pretty much cannot do anything in game, is a serious issue.

    There needs to be put into place some kind of change which will prohibit this kind of action. No ONE clan should be able to control the server and make all other players abide by what that ONE clan wants done. This creates a misbalance of power, playing enjoyment etc in the game.
  2. I agree with this. They become bullies & this is not a small problem.

  3. I've been thinking, that one idea is that, no one clan can be stronger than the top rated clans from the other two companies on that server. Or something along those lines. That will keep the balance of power equaled.
  4. no input from game moderators or forum moderators? Nothing?
  5. Full_force

    Full_force User

    So what do you think can be done? Or more to the point? How do you think it can be done? How do you measure power?

    Alot of LF-4s? All UFE eqiupment? Boosters?

    Those right there say that this won't happen.

    But I will say like i have said for awhile now. I think this game needs a oh what do you call it? Like some games have based on your equipment you get points for it and you either can't attack a lower level or get a damage reduction/boost. The higher level equipment you have the more points therefore level you are.

    Maybe it could be like that.
  6. David vs. Goliath :p
  7. I've always remembered the story of David & Goliath.
    David was comfortable with his simple sling, a weapon he was skilled at using.
    2,012 days I've played on GA, yet I am still not UFE, nor do I think I ever will be. But I can sure hold my own & also come to help my fellow comrades when the so called tough guys come out to play :D

    There is really only one way to get rid of over powered clans, get together as seasoned and skilled players & "decide" they must dis-ban, or move! Use the "tools" of the game to equalize the playing field.

    I find over the past 3 or so years the word "Team" has fallen to the wayside. Players have become solo pilots who occasionally group together to kill stuff.​

    The days of old will only return when the mentality and attitude of its community brings forth "Team Work".

    Get creative, put a ship in their clan, observe and scrutinize. Make notes who plays when and where. After collecting intelligence, form a battle plan. Make preparations as a Team. Begin from within their clan & bring on the pain!

    With organized "Clans" who utilize their Alliances & communications along with individual pilots abilities no single clan should be able to dominate. Ask LIV Clan on GA how they where brought down. I gotta write a paper on that one :p

    Success is never Final & Failure is never Fatal, remember arrogance and attitude are no match for experience.

    "Work" at it.

    jackknife and GHOSTofMarz like this.
  8. Personally, I think that when one clan has all the top players, it means that those players are probably afraid of competing against one another, thats why they dont disband. I dont agree with having one clan that dominates an entire server, it kinda stops players from playing. But then, the only solution is to make the server battle that clan. When I headed the 4h clan, we warred the server completely, no other clan would take us on. We didnt have all the best players, but 30 of our 50 players would always be on and that made us strong. Eventually in time, all the best players from each company joined forces and shut us down. Problem is that players care about themselves and their drones and their honor and rank and they dont bother to put up a fight.
  9. I agree with you. This is why clans can dominate a server.

    Low level and novice players I understand their reluctance, but I see many higher level players on GA who would rather just pound gates. I don't get it really. This is still a pvp game yes? Three company's competing for the number one spot.

    Now in this game we have clans who have multiple company members, hard to tell who are the good guys and the bad. All this for a CBS. Always a failed attempt.

    The game does need changes in this aspect.

    As for dominant clans or bully clans, beat them down by way of "Team Work".

  10. I know a lot of Players will have an Issue with this and some won't.. but to prevent a Single Clan from Domination of a server or a company, permitting the New Player to Grow and prosper from forced teamwork it..

    To make it so You ( Can't ) WAR or Shoot Members of your Own Company..
    A fix for the Company chat and less work for those Free Chat Monitors..

    but then Imagine the Lost of income from those Bent on .. Forcing themselves on their Fellow, based solely on the Willingness to Fork out Cash..
  11. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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