[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. If there is ANY if as to how it will drop cargo box(es) please pass it along, I'm dying to know that part. Thanks for the digging Okapi.
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I don't know for certain but I'm pretty sure it will be like the Hitac cargo. One new booty box is dropped per new NPC and I suspect anyone can pick it up like in the Hitac event - however it is completely possible they they make it so that only the person who had "red lock" can get the booty box.
    I'm also pretty sure that only 72 Damenar Freighters will spawn per server, so it will be a bit of a mad rush to get the limited number of boxes.

    Once again, this is just my own presumptions, I can't really tell for certain with that kind of thing, sorry.
  3. In the domination event FAQ; there was already said that in 16.8 day there spawns only 72 freighter cargoships / server. Why that kind of ammount? why not 100 or 200 of them?

    If it's same like hitac event, there is spawning 3 freighter aliens per hour. If this event is taking 24h and every hour there is spawning 3 new aliens, the event could start at 01,00 to 00,00 clocktime (a little calculation: 72/3=24, 72 is max ammount of new aliens, 3 is the spawning ammount per hour, and 24 is how long the event is taking)

    This what i said could be really confusing for some of you, but if you can understand this, this could make sense. And if there is chance to get LF-4, Havoc or Hercules, it could be so, that each box gives something of these items: 1 LF-4, 1 Havoc and 1 hercules / hour (3 really rare items/hour)-> 24 LF-4 + 24 Havoc and 24 Hercules are shared in that saturday.
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Training Grounds map assets have been put onto test, these are basically the equivalent of planets on normal maps that appear when you put the map quality to high.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    There is also a suggestion in a xml document that when you 1v1 someone in Training Grounds there will be 2 rounds and not one.

    <checkbox name="round1WonOwn" enabled="true" marginLeft="154" marginTop="91" selection="false" registeredSkinName="commonui_checkbox16x16_blue"/>
    <checkbox name="round2WonOwn" enabled="true" marginLeft="174" marginTop="91" selection="false" registeredSkinName="commonui_checkbox16x16_blue"/>
    <checkbox name="round1WonOpponent" enabled="true" alignX="right" marginRight="180" marginTop="91" selection="false" registeredSkinName="commonui_checkbox16x16_blue"/>
    <checkbox name="round2WonOpponent" enabled="true" alignX="right" marginRight="160" marginTop="91" selection="false" registeredSkinName="commonui_checkbox16x16_blue"/>

    You could very well be right, there is no indication in the code as to how the 72 will spawn, it could be 3 an hour as you say or it could be they spawn as soon as one is killed.
    I think we all just have to hope the reward in the boxes are very good x)
  5. Man, I was really hoping for a cargo drop something like spaceball....there would be so much less murdering that way ....
  6. Silviu

    Silviu User

    If time has thought us something in this game, is that if anything good comes up, it's done by mistake (like the football boxes this year), so i wouldn't get my hopes up about the contents of the demaner cargos, there will probably be maximum 10 havocs, 10 hercules and 10 lf4, the rest just ammo and our beloved xenomit.
  7. AT least there is no big uri payout like hitac. Hopefully the full UFE's will step back a bit for this, After all, do the WW's need a 75th LF4? or a 30th havok cover ?
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I wouldn't hope too much, I know my clan (UFE) are going to use the event for kills and chat reactions, it's a pretty cruel thing to do but I imagine there is a clan on every server thinking along the same lines.
  9. Yuuuuuuuup.....And those particular clans have taken a beating on EAST3 last couple weeks. I imagine they will rage with avengence during Dom freighter...I can only pray they stay civil for the few in their clan who are not UFE, and will be participating.
  10. All these updates have been designed to get you all - poof'ed. Where? Is summer games like before...? Dominator that runs 24/7..ha! Poof!
  11. Okapi32 is the 1vs1 Arena the same as the Jackpot Arena?
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It looks similar but not the same.

    In Training Grounds you search for a fight and if you get an opponent you don't want to fight you can decline the 1v1. There will be a button you have to press to accept the 1v1, I think your enemy can leave the 1v1 at any time as well but I presume if they do this you will get the automatic win.

    I also suspect the Training Grounds will just be done on local server and not globalization like the JPA, however the real Arena Tournament (which includes 1v1, 3v3 and 5v5) might be across all servers.

    The rules of what you can't do in Training Grounds are the same as what you are not allowed to do in JPA. No cloaks, no jump chip and no warping. You cannot accept a 1v2 if you are in a galaxy gate or PvP event. You also will not take drone damage if you die in Training Grounds.

    It is also important to remember that Training Grounds (only 1v1) is appears to be a different thing from Arena Tournament (1v1, 3v3 and 5v5). I think Training Grounds will be pretty casual whilst Arena Tournament will be very serious and have bigger prizes at stake.
  13. omg-olycat

    omg-olycat User

    I was hoping for a nice summer games this year.... sadly it seems not!
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Only a few changes for today from what I can tell.

    The gameserver that will be used to host Training Grounds was put up about a week ago however it was just a extra JPA server at the time. Today it was renamed to TA (Training Arena = Training Grounds) and has it's properties changed so that it works as it's own gameserver.

    <map id="112" name="TA" scaleFactor="0.5" music="0">
        <gameserverIP> (removed) </gameserverIP>
        <minimap typeID="112"/>
            <background typeID="112" pFactor="10" layer="0" scale="2" isMain="true" isMinimap="false"/>
            <planet typeID="200" x="100" y="100" pFactor="7" layer="1"/>
            <planet typeID="201" x="850" y="590" pFactor="9" layer="2"/>
            <planet typeID="202" x="900" y="340" pFactor="9" layer="3"/>
            <planet typeID="203" x="740" y="150" pFactor="9" layer="4"/>
            <planet typeID="204" x="180" y="340" pFactor="9" layer="5"/>
    A few couple more 3D model concepts which are the work of Ivan Kantarovich:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    He also has a hades gate concept, I do not know if this is old work prior to the hades release or if it is new and hinting to another hades-like gate, which I think are very likely to appear next year.

  15. Okapi32 my clan shoot this day 24H Demaner and all get no 0 LF-4, 0 Havoc and 0 Hercules only ******** -.-
    Rex-Jocreiso likes this.
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Hey, I don't make the stuff I just show players what it is before it happens.

    If I did have a say in what DarkOrbit I wouldn't be hoping things were good with every update I find, instead I would be trying to make it good myself ...
  17. ok..
  18. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    ok.. so don't have a go at me when DarkOrbit mess up.
  19. Yep It was DO`s decision to tell us it was going to be a great event, then give us garbage.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2014
    Rex-Jocreiso and chixonator like this.
  20. I just find it funny how so many people seem surprised that this events a waste of time and is utterly crap. I am pretty sure most people have been playing for a long time, by now you would of thought they would know that anything BP comes out with these days, don't benifit the free players, they couldnt care less about helping free players build up hence why they give you lot so much crap, and why do you think they have such morons answering support tickets, another way to say f u to you really, its all just a ploy to make you think they care about the players, hoping they might get people to spend "like football boxes" that got made worse 2 days after being good, another screw you there.

    I play for free these days, I only stick around to kind of keep my rank, but other then that the games utter crap and is still going downhill with no chance of turning around :)
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