
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =Richie=, Aug 16, 2014.

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  1. =Richie=

    =Richie= User

    When will BP realise that the cheats are in total control of this game? auto-lockers, instant full hit points, shields that dont lose strength when you shoot them, and no its not that they have 1.5mil sheilds etc, they just dont go down, all BP needs to do is look at the game in play and see when the cheats are on then ban them!!
    -=-={Footy}=-=- likes this.
  2. ive seen the same stuff we are not crazy
  3. I have never seen this happen, you guys are making stuff up
  4. The only cheat that could possibly be done as such would be, MErkava/autolock and they ARE banning them, cheats havn't ran this game in the slightest for over a year. All of those are myths and maybe just double boosters and skill.
  5. ramnik

    ramnik User

    well ive seen people using bots in pally where they stay cloaked at the bottom with pet out collecting pally but when you attack the person or even go near him, he runs back and fourth constantly. bots and cheats are still in this game, worse thing is the person using it still isnt banned
  6. There have been lots of complaints from players against other players that allegedly cheat & Support simply laugh it off & ask for proof.

    When proof is sent in the form of video evidence, they reject it claiming that it could of been doctored/altered. HA HA HA!! What I want Support to do is record a video themselves & then doctor it - & then show us both videos & tell us how long it took them to do it ... if they can indeed do it.

    Being accused by 1 or 2 players of cheating is the normal. If that grows to say, 6 to 8 players, then you may start to think it's a bit of a conspiracy against the accused. However, if it grows so say 20+ players (& in some cases 100s) accusing the same player of cheating, then it must be looked into by Support in a serious way.

    Quite often Support say you have lag - & have even said that to me. I find that pretty funny though. I play on a 2 month old AMD FX-8350 8 core pc which has 16GB of Vengeance gaming RAM (Latency is 6-6-6-20) along with a GeForce GTX 770 graphics card & I have sidebar add-ons monitoring everything & one of the best internet connections going (was confirmed by a board member a while back who stated that they were actually envious of my internet connection!!).

    So sadly, lag is something I do not experience. Yet I have come across other players in Golis who can lock my Lightning Vengy from off screen - & I use a 32" 4K monitor with 3840 x 2160 resolution.

    I would like someone from Support to explain that one then!!!!!!
    =Richie= likes this.
  7. pecanin

    pecanin User

    It doesn't matter if player is reported by one/two /three thousand players ...they just laugh it off

    They have ready excuses for all that you might send them bad quality ...DPS...Emp doesn't work every time....lag ..other player is good at locking you..

    Since starting to play again i have noticed few of active bugs/cheats...some players can drop slow down mines with one second cooldown ...others hit same trough spectrum's ability like it is not eve of the mill Aegis (no drone covers no boosters no ship design ) are hitting 90 000 + with X4 alone....Did i mention emp that never works against certain people ...

    Not even bothered to report it as i know what answer will be given

    so chill out and run if you can ,if you cant make sure other guy will waste lot of ammo in getting your kill
  8. þå®å§¦†£,

    hey there Your Mummyness.. Sir..

    I luv following your Posts.. looks like they bean Stealin your Sammiches for awhile now.. you look like you could use a bit more " Butta" in your Diet as well.. lol

    I agree with you as well as Pecanin, ( Pea-Cannon ) and cheats can be employed at times, without a constant monitor, they will be difficult to detect, but this I know nothing about..

    however looking and remembering back when I was a newer player in a level 12 ship or smaller.. No matter what I did back then.. matters.. and at level 18 now with 4 lf4s.. I still matter little.. to some of these guys that play and pay Why more than I DO..
    but this is my Game of Choice..
    Support and Game Admins.. DarkOrbit Game Developers and Marketing Managers need to look into making some Old School decisions to make it better for us.. pull out those specials..
    I want to buy a Trade Drone that Never Runs out of Fuel.. just a hint..;)

    or I fear even less population will occur.
    :mad:Wallet Warriors :mad:pay their Bills, but New Pilots:confused: and Free Players:cool:, are the "GOLDEN Eggs " o_O in Marketing Circles, above all ..

    :D The Desired " Word of Mouth Marketing " is what Social Media monitors.. Make it happen.
  9. Juicer I use my pet for trading seems to work out and going without if for a few min seems not to matter much. I understand this is a business and there out to make money. But what happens when you drive most of your customers away with bad business? This isnt a small town with 1 gas station. Our options are close to limitless!

    And again juicer ty for your nice comments. I try to keep it simple But sometimes get a lil angry and rant on. And there is only 1 thing missing in this pic above the "RED-BULL"
    ĐяJuiceя~ likes this.
  10. Thanks Parasite..

    as Long as you know.. and remember I'm just Jealous.. you have a Cooler Avatar.. send me one similar and Ill Switch mine..

    Red Bull .. and that Ain't no Bull.. then...:eek:

    Support well knows.. this.. as I have sent them.. the Whole 9 yards on what Customer Service is and what, it Aint... but they seem to Feel, surviving somewhat with a few likes....
    wait until Facebook and Social Marketing falls out of favor..

    scribbles on notepad..
    save for Pet Trader.. damn.. its a gear and that equals another Slot and Fuel use increase..


    just saw the MonkeyShiners.. and I couldnt find the Monkey See, Monkey DO-ers.. in that TEAM.. are you sure that is the Right Team..:p
  11. Give me a lil info on your likes and what not and i would be glad to put something together for ya. you wanting just an avatar or a sig also.
  12. Your avatar is me the chills....:eek:

    Haven´t seen these "special users" a while ago, but we all know they are out there...
  13. Hypnotik

    Hypnotik User


    We have discussed this many times in other threads, and this particular one is not advancing anything and is actually already attracting spam and insults towards mods/support.

    As such this will now be closed.

    Best regrds

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