NO MULTIPLIER BONUS, in 280 galaxy gate spins?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ZÿИΛPS™, Dec 17, 2013.

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  1. Zynaps, your logic is very flawed in a couple ways....

    1st... When u start a gate you don't really get any the idea of "saving " a X5 or X6...till later in the gate doesn't make sense. Besides, as many many ppl have stated, it is more economical to use X2's anyways ..both in terms of finishing the gate cheapest ...AND gettiing MORE ammo... Think... would you like three X2 spins, (thats 6X total of whatever) , from 3 duplicate parts used seperatley...OR just ONE X4 spin...see its better for ammo too :) how has no one else pointed this out before? :cool:

    2nd..... IF you get to a 6X status early in building a gate should HOPE that you hit a gate part with you are "getting back" the pieces you lost by getting the Multiplyers to begin with. ;)
    You said "as you get more gate parts it gets harder to build a gate...." which you used to justify "saving" a 5X or 6X till later on in the gate.... which is like saying ..."I don't want gate parts cus it makes it harder to keep getting gate parts" LOLZ at that gotta think about it ! :p

    UID 65843281
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  2. Ever since I noticed things were weird, I kept an eye on it. I knew it was a scam spin set when It took 1k to make lambda.
  3. Free GG spins, IE: Palladium = Nothing special.

    GG's made using Uridium which is purchased via Banking Page = Everything you need.

    People still dont realise that the GG spinning is completely fixed lol.
  4. Gotta look at it this way, if you arent getting multipliers then you arent getting repeat parts of the same gate, could be a good thing in disguise.
  5. We already know its fixed.
  6. So why is this thread still going if we all know its fixed?

    27 posts yet people still arent sure :p.
  7. Because it's DO theres always the defenders and the clueless.
  8. Pie in the sky you're right in what you are stating and I'll admit, it is a bit of a joke what I have said. However, like I said, free players or like, seem to struggle with the very last part of their gates. So, if you like more ammo and not struggling with the last parts of the gate, the formula I suggest will work.o_O
  9. I hear ya Zaps...sry if I sounded too harsh. What I and most people do at the end of a gate is w8 till you get 6 or less needed parts , then try and "hit" the gate part with the exact multi you need X6, X5 , X4 or whatever you are at ...I have had it work more than it should..or it feels that way at least for me....using free spins too...

    PS...I ONLY use free spins..and I've always gotten odds that pan out over time (3 years)...sometimes I'll have bad spins for a whole month, then I'll have good odds for a month so eh ...I think spins are spins....people want to see conspiracies in things I suppose.

    ONE LAST THING : When we have a "bad" gate , we shout it from the rooftops about how unfair it is.....what happens when we build a gate real quick ( which does happen)....we quietly smile to ourselves, then forget about it ...thats what.

    UID [​IMG]65843281
  10. Hello ZÿИΛPS™

    As this is not a Tech Issue, I will close this thread. If you want to discuss further there are similar threads in Speaker's Corner.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing as answered.
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