
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ¹²ĆŁΞÄŊΞŖ™[R†M], Aug 18, 2014.

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  1. Hello all of Dark Orbit, I am sure that I have $100 worth of UGC cards that are now worthless to this game, because it is no longer one of DO's payment methods. My question to you is, what should I do with them? I don't have an ebay to sell them, and was thinking of just giving them away but I want to make sure they are going to be put to a good use. I don't really play any other games but Xbox 360 games so I can't use these UGC's. ugh I'm soo annoyed.
  2. UGC's are worthless now. That company folded, which is why DO stopped accepting them.
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    You could always just make an ebay account.
  4. Ca-Can I have one?
  5. OKapi Even if I made one I don't own a credit card debit card or any card, i just have a regular old fashioned bank account. I'm sure ebay requires a credit account or something like that. :(
  6. Maybe, since your the first to ask I will keep your name at top of my list if I give em away. ;)
  7. GRavity change your privacy setting so I can msg you the codes
  8. jackknife

    jackknife User

    good on you
  9. I take donations lol, find a game that takes UGC and doesn't suck like DO and have fun :).
  10. You can set up a paypal account attached to your bank account and then Ebay will accept that.
  11. Take it back to the store you bought it from and ask for a refund or contact UGC about this.
  12. there :D
  13. No store will accept the card for a refund after it's been activated. The only way he can sell it is to a person.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2014
  14. If the company folded, how can the card work for any game>>? and if that's the case wouldn't selling it to a bag holder be kinda...grimy? :(