Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ψβΙδ☣ΗαΖαRDψ, Aug 18, 2014.

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  1. I wanted to know what happened to the reward that the winning faction was supposed to get.

    We are not getting 12% ep and honor or 10% in boxes
  2. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General


    Just to confirm what i spoke to you in chat about, it is my understanding that the xp and honor bonuses are correctly being applied. If you were to destroy and NPC and compare the rewards to what you normally see, you should see the bonus has been applied.

    However the bonus box bonus does not seem to be working. This has been reported to be looked into.

  3. so it wont give the 12% in gates?
  4. Ya know i just dont believe you. If i dont see it being logged as credited or posted in the booster tab its not there. pls show me with out me having to run numbers of last week to this week persay. See my point. I can tell you ghosts are real all day long but you wont believe me till you see it for yourself right? Well these boosters are ghosts and i dont believe.

    And to make matter worse we still have been left in the dark of what is going on and why we dont have the 10% bonus box. Or a real answer on the boosters. But you sure want us to keep paying to advance!
  5. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Hi þå®å§¦†£,

    These are some of my NPC kills when i flew about US East 1 yesterday, please note my ship did have 20% xp and honor booster. It doesn't have any pilot bio bonus or drone formation bonus.

    Date - Time | (Normal Reward / With 20% Booster)

    18.08.2014 - 11:27 You destroyed a Lordakium alien ship.
    18.08.2014 - 11:27 You received 177 honor. (128 / 154)
    18.08.2014 - 11:27 You received 36864 EP. (25,600 / 30,720)

    18.08.2014 - 11:27 You destroyed a Lordakia alien ship.
    18.08.2014 - 11:27 You received 1152 EP. (800 / 960)
    18.08.2014 - 11:27 You received 6 honor. (4 / 5)

    18.08.2014 - 11:27 You destroyed a Sibelonit alien ship.
    18.08.2014 - 11:27 You received 22 honor. (16 / 19)
    18.08.2014 - 11:27 You received 4608 EP. (3,200 / 3,840)

    18.08.2014 - 11:26 You destroyed a Kristallon alien ship.
    18.08.2014 - 11:26 You received 353 honor. (256 / 307)
    18.08.2014 - 11:26 You received 73728 EP. (51,200 / 61,440)

    18.08.2014 - 11:26 You destroyed a Kristallin alien ship.
    18.08.2014 - 11:26 You received 44 honor. (32 / 38)
    18.08.2014 - 11:26 You received 9216 EP. (6,400 / 7,680)

    So for whatever reason i was receiving 20% more ep and honor than what i should have been receiving. Just in case this could have been something associated with my admin ship, i also tested it out on my player ship (this time only 10% xp booster).

    18.08.2014 - 16:56 You destroyed a Devolarium alien ship.
    18.08.2014 - 16:56 You received 34 honor. (normally 32)
    18.08.2014 - 16:56 You received 7533 EP. (6,400 / 7.040)

    This time i am receiving 7% more ep and honor which if i remember correctly is the amount i should be receiving in my respective company and server.

    Therefore i came to the conclusion that the xp and honor bonuses are working and are being considered in the calculation when you receive the rewards.

    Remember this is a bonus and not a booster (which is why it doesn't display in the booster tab).

  6. yea but the 10% in boxes we newer got
  7. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    The 10% bonus for bonus box has been reported and hopefully we will have more information on that soon. In the meantime i can only apologise for the inconvenience.

  8. Thank you Ddraiq
  9. Ok ya got me on the ghost but still this should have been clearly advised. As i have stated from the get go this all was a scam to get more money and ppl active. Well BP got the money got ppl active just to push them farther away. The cargo was placed in one spot where only 1 person could reap the reward. which as stated in run down of the event said all players doing damage would get a reward. The glorified ammo was nothing but high priced rsb. The quests didnt work right. The bonuses are not working right. And the list goes on and on!!!!!!!! You want the players to be happy right? You want this game to get out of the hole BP put it in right? Well take a stand and make this right at any cost! I challenge you to do this. I know you will not accept it though. But remember when the game fails you fail also. This is your time to stand above the rest, And show us players we have someone on our side threw this failure.
  10. As i expected you did not accept the challenge, Nor have you kept us updated of the 10% bonus box. It must make you feel bad to know ppl are loosing respect for you because of this which is out of your control. Its like being a sheep among the wolves. We want to know when and if we are getting the stuff we worked for, Or are you all just going to rob us?
  11. You said to me in chat today there would be an update to this issue posted on forums later today. But still nothing has been posted. And it is now night 9:40 pm. I think your giving us the run around for some reason.
  12. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Hi there,

    It appears there was an announcement on their Social Media pages and not here within the forum. Therefore i have copied the Facebook announcement here for you;

    "The 10 % bonus on bonus boxes for the winning company of Domination will be active from tomorrow. We apologize for the delay but instead of the announced one week duration the bonus will now apply for two weeks!"


  13. Ty very much. You need to get them on the ball the host this forum for a reason. And that would have been bad if you wouldnt have done this for us as many pl do not use social media. But ty again ddraig.
  14. I am a bit confused on the grid. As what do each number stand for and why for us side there is no mmo numbers. Could you kind of give me a idea of the meaning of this. As most maps or grids of this nature have a key, this does not as you know.

    BTw its nice to have got all the titles for this event lets me know i did something!
  15. I have noticed this 10% bonus box is not counting for gate spins. As stated 10 % on all bonus box items. Not just some but all! I changed the color on post to show where it is stated.

    This is from Solid_Eyes post about event
    Is there any reward to the company at the end of the domination event who has the most influence points?
    The winning faction will get a 10% bonus on bonus boxes. All factions will get a 1% bonus on honor and XP for every 1,300 domination points they gathered throughout the event but 15% at max. Bonus will come into effect at 17 August 2014, 00:01 h and end at 23 August 2014 at 23:59 h.

    Even if its 1 for every 10 would help. But yet its not doing anything for them. Yet again a fail on the part of DO you have taken from us what we rightfully earned.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2014
  16. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Hi there,

    The bonus that you are receiving is correct. If you were to receive 1 galaxy gate spin, the effective 10% bonus on that would make it 1.1 galaxy gate spins, however there is no such thing as a decimal gate spin, so the game correctly rounds it down to 1 galaxy gate spin. The bonus is not accumulative across many bonus boxes, it is a direct bonus per each box just like any other bonus (e.g. from pilot bio) would be.

    Since the issue reported in this thread has been resolved, and that the rewards are now live on the servers, i will close the thread since the issue has been resolved. If you would like to provide feedback on the bonuses and any other aspects of the event, you may provide feedback in the thread below;

    >>Domination Event Feedback Thread<<


    /Closing as reward is now live on servers.
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