Ammo cap

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SPSAT99, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. just give up we all tryed for a long time wont happen
  2. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    If we are VERY good customers they might give us! :p
  3. I believe in this communities ability to DO what some Deem Impossible ..

    The Admins and CMs are Really on Our side.. We must give them Clear and ample Reasoning to illicit a Change and Importance of DOing so..


    Many that Play, begin ==> Paying by Looking for the BEST Bargain, the Box Doubler is such, and so Is Premium..
    Taking a Look at the Number of Box Doubler Orders on a Given Server..

    What kind of benefit is it..
    If the Return on Investment ( this Is an Imaginary SpaceCraft )

    Is fair at Face Value, with Clear evidence, so when an Adult looking at His Hard earned cash's VALUE .. Gifted to his Child,, is earning less than a 25% return.. yet it is Named a " Doubler " hmmm..

    a Thrifty (Tight-Fisted) Parent might Attempt to give His/Her child a lesson on wise use of Money and Deviate from the Lesson to save FACE, into the False advertizement Clause,
    ..damn those Penny Pinching Parents .. what will those New Age UFE Cubers call em.. ohh yeah.. " Leechers "

    ( IF ) only at Face Value.. base on the LOG book.. pasted above..

    Now.. being that a simple removal of this Ammo Cap.. will result in a benefit for those that Box with a Doubler at FULL Strength, will more than Likely cause a Buzz on the Server and Increase the Payment and Number of Box Doubler Orders.. and the UBER FE will spend more Money on Boosters, trying to Pop them " Boxers "..

    So when Businesses can Think of a Win Win Scenario.. " Everyone Wins "..

    Old saying.. "If someone GIVEs, Something that is of NO use to the Giver, Really, has the Giver .. Given anything ? ?.. give up the Ammo Cap..

    Personally I'm not suggesting that the Box Doubler is an attempt to mislead anyone..
    .. but Parents will Look to Prove their Own Agenda, as the JUST one..
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
  4. AS much as I would like to see the ammo cap removed I just don't think DO/BP
    will give it to us for free. For Goodness Sake people that buy box doublers don't
    even get what they pay for so why would they change.o_O Since they won't give
    it to us for free DO/BP should at least make it part of premium. I'm sure people
    would buy premium just to get rid of those annoying messages.DO/BP need to
    make this happen some way. DO, the community is calling for action!:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
    Tarron likes this.
  5. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    The community always calls for action
  6. You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.

    I feel like I am wasting my time.

  7. You don´t just feel like it, you ARE wasting your time and your money.
    Tarron likes this.
  8. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    I'd like this better --> You can't get a slap in the face because your cargo is full
  9. I think..

    Many of Our Former Pilots have, mis-RED this.. as a message from BigPoint..

    "You can't Get any more, cause your Cargo is Full.. you better go and Sit this One.. out.." :eek: :oops: :mad:

    even-though many English speaking Pilots, RED well in school, this is a game of "the Meaning of Words".. or is it..

    We can get Dejected for misunderstandings, for what we hear coming from the Public News Stations.. Banned for a minute or an Hour.. even 30 days.

    Perhaps asking Our Favorite Game Admins to posse up.. and Toss a Question to DarkOrbits Developers,

    " Ammo Cap, To Bee or NOT To Bee, That is the Question "

    My Daddy, RIP--- to Avoid any Haters Talkin bout my.. POPS..

    My Daddy, used to say,

    " Boy.. You BETTER TAKE.. that ==> CAP off, :mad: when you come into My House.." ..sometimes followed by: :mad:" Or I'll take it off, for you.. " :eek:
    ==> Me :oops: with my ΛMMØ Clan Cap, off and in hand.


    With this following Question..
    " Has the Number of Players, been falling off, Lately, and are those commenting on this Silly Looking "CAP" worn in your House, one of the causes making them ==> TAKE OFF.. and not come back to Play.. ? ? ? o_O
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
  10. DJXL.SA.TX

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    I think I am going to change my ship name to: Cannot gather laser ammo My cargo is full.

    Maybe they will start selling more Box Doublers if they take ammo cap off
  11. DJXL.SA.TX

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    Greed Greed leads to ruins

    Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction.
    Tarron likes this.
  12. DJXL.SA.TX

    DJXL.SA.TX User


    they don't care they have made their money already... To them they are working on better games for the future. Maybe they can Sell this game to someone who wants to make it better?

    It is a miracle that this game is still on the internet....
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
  13. lost1*

    lost1* User

    Do any of yall even see what your saying??? You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full. boo hoo so the fact is if your over full start useing it so that you can gather ammo / what all this really boils down to is the lack of good uri rewards from boxes not the ammo. What you have XXX amount of x1's and you dont want to sell them so that you can collect x2 or x3 ammo 90% of you that are crying dont buy box doublers any way and to be truthfull box doublers where meant for uri not ammo.
  14. Wow..
    great name by the way..

    We get it.. We dont Want it.. We use a Ammo buy CPU.. so we dont Waste our X-4 and SAB ammo when x-1 runs out.. or just get a miss .. miss.. miss .. ie click click.. your shooting Blanks Dude..

    We that have Stayed Faithful to Log in and Play.. Want the Ammo Cap Removed What is the point..

    We will just Stop purchasing the " Box Doubler " and box for awhile, Go Wash the Dishes and Start Playing with the Dog again.. instead of Boxing for Swagg we should be getting to combat those that PAY to Popp us.. Fair Time = money..

    Ok.. so It might seem to Be Greedy for the point of view of some.. But I have purchased the Box Doubler for the Last .. Dont remember the Last time I played without it..

    Tell me.. they were NOT Meant for Ammo.. they wouldnt Give Double the AMMO.. then.. if ammo stores were Depleted..

    Your Comment not computing..

    Because some of us.. We Love playing this game and We Feel our Voices will be Heard to keep our Game Community alive and enjoying both our company and Their Accounts..
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2014
  15. lost1* I haven't boxed once. Even if I sell my x1,2,3, I still have 4.5 million x4 I'm not too keen on selling all of that... However my main concern isn't even laser ammo, I'm only interested in being able to buy mines from the shop, spinning ggs doesnt give enough mines.
    Tarron likes this.
  16. lost1*

    lost1* User

    So its not the lazors you want its the ablity to get mines / wouldnt it be easier to push players in to asking for an update to the auto buy cpu to include mines after all the only thing Dark Orbit sees is give you and everyone else free stuff or sell a new cpu that buys mines which equals money to big point and money equals new and inproved updates to the game
  17. Nope, we buy doublers, we want them to double everything we get on bb, uridium, credits AND ammo. Why buy it if you have double of NOTHING? would you buy something that gives you DOUBLE NOTHING? well, apparently we do, and that´s what we´re trying to change here.
    Is that crystal clear for you?

    Still waiting for the devs to show up on this thread.
  18. Clearly.. We Love the Game, We Advertize the Box Doublers as the Best Deal for those that are Look for Value.. and it is a Win for BIG_Point and DarkOrbit.. they are Giving away a few lf4s lf3 and a Cloak now n then.. But those that have Taken Advantage of the Lack of Oversight and Cheated.. Grossly Taken Advantage of Legit players.. and We that are Legit are Voicing our WANTs.. to help Level the Playing Field.. and Still providing Profit for the Game Investors..
    Tarron and _-DarkOverLord-_ like this.
  19. DJXL.SA.TX

    DJXL.SA.TX User

    Yes and No.... Most these players want unlimited ammo and Dark Orbit is not going to do that for anyone. Rick from The Dev team said something about removing the ammo cap in the future maybe.... That is a maybe.... yes or maybe no. For right now you all have to play the game the way it is take it of leave it and enjoy what they have now...

    So if this game goes off line because lack of paying customers then it is whose fault" Ours or theirs? Ours for not paying the game and supporting it or theirs for not listing to the paying customer?

    I don't spend money on this game no more the way I use to, due to the fact that the support don't treat their paying customers with respect or listen to what the paying customers wants done to the game On this game the paying customer is always in the wrong. Maybe one day they will realize or not that they need money to keep game on line and pay employees for working on this game then they may start doing something about what the customer wants or go off line forever Dark Orbit has to much Pride.... I think they would rather go off line and stay off line than to give the customers what they want lol... I just wait and see what they do next since we don't really have any say so on this game.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2014
    Tarron and _-DarkOverLord-_ like this.
  20. Star Date 2024-9.19 10:31am

    Here is a Typical and Exact copy of my Boxing w/Pet..

    You received 400 Credits.
    You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.
    You received 1,000 Credits.
    You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.
    You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.
    You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.
    You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.
    Collecting box already
    You received 1,000 Credits.
    You received 400 Credits.
    You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.
    You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.
    You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.
    You received 400 Credits.
    You received 1,000 Credits.
    You received 1.00 Jackpot Euros.
    You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.
    You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.
    You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.
    You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.
    You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.
    Collecting box already
    You cannot gather laser ammo because your cargo is full.
    You received 400 Credits.
    Banking Doubler active

    Total up.. I got Double of Nothing with my Doubler.. :mad: :confused: o_O

    I wonder what the Percentage is for Receiving Uri or Gate Credits in Bonus Boxes are Now..?

    Where'zzz Da BEEF :eek: .. Theres No Body back there.. o_O