[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32 You're gonna get a reward after the victory? So in the PVP arena..
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yes, Training Grounds/Arena will have rewards for winning.

    <item name='label_traininggrounds_results_your_reward'><![CDATA[Prize]]></item>
    <item name='label_traininggrounds_results_reward_amount'><![CDATA[Amount]]></item>
    It goes without saying, don't expect much. Something along the lines of TDM rewards are likely.

    As for the PvP tournament (1v1, 3v3 and 5v5) I do not know what the prizes will be for that but I imagine they will be better than the training grounds prizes.
  3. but when these downloads ?? :D [​IMG]

    best regards from Italy :p
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    They're fake. I made 2 of them ...
  5. Dude u scared the hell outta me man... i was almost gonna cry! and quit the game.
    -ynsmrblr- likes this.
  6. Anyway would be good if something new will appear to have possible to buy it instantly with uridium, not to spend uri buying BK. I prefer to buy it with 50k, not to spend 150-200k to pick up one item from a BK.
    ΆЌ–47™ likes this.
  7. they are made from some one ho want to be interesting and to make disputes
  8. Its good to hope but BP will never gonna do this step! Why? They like to see how we spend our uri hunting for luck in their lottery!
  9. -xghost-

    -xghost- User

    Hope this will never happens. Better to make something less greedy. New maps for example. Classic good maps with NPCs, not some overcombinated specialities or something like that. There were more than enough of money/brute uri - sucking news in the last few years.

    That shield is fake completely or will this be in booty chests?
  10. new maps, like these - [​IMG] Xghost ?? :D
    whoeva likes this.
  11. lol, i would like new maps :)
  12. How come on ur profile picture it has goli with green drone and a different formation that is unknown
  13. -xghost-

    -xghost- User

    Why not? I dont know what should be there. If some reasonoble (not like palladium), it would be good.
  14. Bakjam

    Bakjam User

    See that purple glow above the yellow band in the 50K genarator (2nd picture).

  15. I only wish to see GREEN drone design... ;)
  16. like green drone design?? show you the example in pictures :D :D :D

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    best regards from Italy ;)
  17. PET has the same color for the rivals 3 company....i propose design PET for MMO e VRU, due to i am EIC in Ita1 :D show you the pictures

  18. Which cross formation is that? Star + Double Arrow? lol
  19. or par example, the 3 news formations[​IMG]

  20. I think those images of the formations are FAKE.

    Regarding the design of uav GREEN, may also be FAKE ones, and for more than one year that was circulating around in the forums, even those in the forum ITALIAN.
    We hope that does not introduce
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