[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Guys come on, don't post that crap in here.
    Its completely fake and you have no proof to back any of it up, most of it is mine anyway ...

    When you post it in here it gains a form of credibility and people who do not understand English very well might think it's real.
  2. is
    ITALIAN .-.
  3. Although I can not English, but I'm not stupid. These false images are everywhere. And they are nice :D
  4. I am for the fake items as long as I get to keep my upgrade bonus :cool:
  5. you want new maps we can not fill the maps now thing what will hapen if they put new there will be 1 player on map???
    Omega likes this.
  6. But it can bring more people on game or at least to make people who are bored of this game to play more. For example, I do not play like before, I wish to see ingame new NPCs, new maps, maybe new items. The only thing which I can do now is to play for rank, but I don't like to become a npc hunter. If I will see a new thing on game (no matter what) I will be interesed to play more, at least for some period.
    -xghost- likes this.
  7. people are bored not for the the game thay are bored becouse the game is full of bugs and full of cheaters i thing this is a good game but with all this bugs is not interesting
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
  8. Crystal

    Crystal User

    ™†ÐëśŦŕØ_Föŕëvëŕ†™ you are right :) and im also agree with _»ΣLΣЙλ«_[WΔЯ™], players who are here about 5 years are bored from maps...we dont want new equipment, we want new maps and npc or some special events

    and what we have? empty invasion,empty TDM,empty capture the bacon etc...
    all players on palladium or in LoW gate....and maps empty

    now its better, not like 2 years ago, but still 80% of ellit players are former boters, and im tired to fight every day with them...

    they have 5000-10000 hours on account, i have just 1,400....and now its totally impossible to reach colonel in game for me....rank is destroyed because of boters

    and maps are empty..its BP problem,for example nobody wants to shoot krystalons..why? 128 U from one.... its nothing...when we need millions for full equipment

    if BP doesnt change prizes, maps and events will be empty forever....but its already off topic sorry...
  9. Venomax2

    Venomax2 User

    They can delete a server and move all players to another server, then there will be a lot more players on that server (maybee skandinavia 1 and 2?).
  10. I will tell you one reason for what they can not do it. Just think on those players who put a lot of money to have a good rank. General can be just 1 per company, right? If they will make one big server all the people will cry because they lost their ranks. And not just the general...also 3, 2 and 1 star. Is not easy to keep a big rank and if you also spend your time or you put money and in some day you'll see that your rank is down just because BP choose to make an union of servers is not ok.
  11. love all the fake trash being posted in here by a certain someone lmao.
  12. Lilljohn

    Lilljohn User

    I personally play on the scandinavia 2 server and I can tell you that it is harder to maintain a high rank on that server than it would be on a bigger one. A total of maybe 1000-1500 active players only makes for about 5-10 colonel ranks which is extremely little. I have 2000 hours recorded 600k rankpoints and I'm ranked as a chief captain. A merge of scandinavia 1 & 2 which is the one I'm most interested about but also other small servers would be a great idea as far as I'm concerned.
  13. I totally agree. On scandinavia the rank is as it follows:

    You need approx. 1,406,891 rank points to reach the next rank of [​IMG] Chief Major.

    The rank directly below yours is that of [​IMG] Basic Major. Space pilots with this rank have approx. 860,726 rank points.

    I have around 950k rank points and I've played since ~2012... And I ain't even chief major yet. A friend of mine is chief major and according to him the basic colonel is on 2,1 million rank points... This is insane. We need to merge server and we need a MAJOR change on the rank system...

    I don't care so much about my rank, as long as I am maxed, it's so priceless to humiliate colonels that are trying to kill a noob major :D
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Turkish servers appear to be getting another exclusive item (the last being the Turkish Goliath which gave both a damage and honour boost).
    This time it is the Turkish Lira - it is a deal package however I do not know what it gives.


    The that Turkish deal isn't important compared to this ...

    On test1 the Training Grounds has 10 map instances. That is 1 less than the Jackpot instances. This means it is extremely likely that the 1v1 system will be cross server.
  15. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    So, a Global 1v1 non-jackpot area?
  16. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Yes, from my interpretation it is.
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I'm being told that there will be brackets in the Training Ground based on your equipment, so people who are UFE shouldn't be placed with people with just a couple of LF-4.

    It could just be using the "gear score" that we saw in the group finder.
    omg-olycat likes this.
  18. Ok now they have to introduce 2vs2 3vs3 and 5vs5 Like they told me at the Gamescom ;)
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

  20. vsc99073

    vsc99073 User

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