Phoenix rank

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SauronL, Aug 28, 2014.

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  1. SauronL

    SauronL User

    I realized new lag . So

    That shows i poped 98 phoenixes so i got 98 pts(x3 in rank)

    But that :


    Shows i killed 118 Phoenixes and i got - rank (x2) for that

    I think it should be same. If not explain please. Thank you
  2. we get negative and positive points at same time xD
    so basically you get -2 points for kill and +3 points at the same time or translated -2+3=1 positive hehe
  3. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Oh u didnt understand me or i did explain it bad . I mean "Why i got in first pict 98 phoenixes and in second 118 ?"
  4. aha lol
    maybe those 20 where your company?
  5. SauronL

    SauronL User

    if they were 20 of my own company so why they didnt count into that first ?
  6. i think they don't count in ship kills, only in negative rank.
    i did calculation now of total ships i kill and numbers don't match.
    in hall of fame i have now 12001 kills and in rank tab 9982 kills so it looks like company wars don't count for rank(x3).
    and my phoenix count is different also
    -Phoenix destroyed120x 2 this is total number of phoenix destroyed.
    Phoenix106 those are enemy phoenix...
  7. The Ship Kills in your rank tables should only show Enemy kills, not including Company.
    Tarron and BØØGΞYMΔИ like this.
  8. yes thats what i am trying to say lol
    my english sucks haha :)
  9. Poppin' your own Company is not included in your rank points. It is a negative not pos+
  10. it is if you have war with your co clan. kills are not negative but they don't count for rank, you only get positive honor and exp.
  11. SauronL

    SauronL User

    i still dont understand why im getting negative rank if i pop my own company pnut and not positive , i think it should be same. So ill have war with someone and i will get -rank for poping him ? (i think its not much but still depend on it)
  12. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    pnuts are weak, starting ships for beginners. You shouldn't be popping newbie pnuts anyway :p
  13. SauronL

    SauronL User

    i hope somebody will answer my question and he wont still talk crap around it .. i wanna know what i asked
  14. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    You won't get any negative honor for popping war pnuts, but you will get negative rank for popping pnuts.
  15. Silviu

    Silviu User

    Basically you want to know why in the table are 98 pheonix destroyed and in rank calculation are 118. As you cand figure only the support can give you an accurate explanation on that because they have acces to much more data and statistics on your account, so they can cross reference that data with what is shown in your rank backpage to find where the error.

    Edit: I also have 10 more pheonixes in the rank calculation than in the ships destroyed table.
  16. in the ships destroyed table are only enemy ships.
    if you are mmo and you kill mmo phoenix it will not be in ships destroyed table. same is with other ships(with war or without war all the same)they don't count in ships destroyed table. only difference is that phoenix have negative rank(not honor) for killings no matter what company they are thats why numbers are different.
  17. SauronL

    SauronL User

    i thought that
    - so i got 98 phoenix "pos rank" for killing nme , but 118 "negative rank" for killing all, including my own company

    i just idk why but i think , nobody will know that

    so thank you all for help , you may close
  18. It is showing that you have killed 98 phoenix that have given you the point for those ship kills. The other 20 that gives you 118 were probably from your company. Now that doesn't necessarily mean negative rank, unless you weren't at war with them then you would get negative honor which would give you negative rank. If you are at war with them then you would get positive honor and positive rank however, even if you are at war with the same company or not at war with them you won't get the 1 point rank as they are the same company. I hope this helps explain this alittle more for you.
  19. Well, either way, I believe you get negative points for just killing an enemy phoenix :3
    You earn 1 point for killing an enemy phoenix, but loose 2 pts for doing so. Profit: -1 points :p
    I think that should stay, gives you a consequence for popping someone that's new, or in the weakest ship xD
  20. SauronL

    SauronL User

    and what about ufes in phioenix ? :D
    KilerStreak likes this.
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