[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. [​IMG]

    Sorry i mean 117k not 170k :)
    Cruenta†Ultionem likes this.
  2. Still plenty of goliath kills. :p Most of mine are golis too, but clearly no where near your count lol. I'll catch up to that some day :D
  3. El_Burro

    El_Burro User

    When did this thread turn into a place for comparing the size of your virtual...
  4. when someone started talking about ranks lol.
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Nothing new on test servers, there probably won't be for a short while now.

    They are also changing the way they store some information which makes it harder for me, unless I can find another way I will not be able to provide descriptions of new items / achievements / events etc.

    The 1v1 system will be considered a big update, so I wouldn't expect lots of other things to come soon after it.
  6. ace_121472

    ace_121472 User

  7. ace_121472

    ace_121472 User

    i just got chat banned for saying bich and ive seen everyone else say it and they dont get chat banned. this is so wrong.
  8. Don't know why you're posting it here, but either way they just avoid the filter with that, and it's still against rules, there's just no admin around when they say it.
  9. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Another TG file, nothing particularly special, the victory point graphic:


    The only important thing is the digits only consist of 0, 1 and 2. This just adds to the evidence that there will be 2 rounds per match and hopefully means the scoring system will give out points for a 1-1 draw.

    Edit: The effectiveness of this thread has also been greatly reduced due to today's update. I will no longer be able to provide descriptions and great detail of updates, sorry.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2014
  10. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    What does TR-A1 stand for? Or does it stand for anything actually?
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Training Arena, then just stuck on a 1 for good measure ^^

    It's just a scoreboard for the training grounds 1v1, that's all :)
  12. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Hmmm, that 1 is pretty worthless then :p
  13. wuselManie

    wuselManie User

    May i ask what has changed?

    Thanks for the explanation. :)
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2014
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    php files that had contained descriptions for all items, achievements, titles, functions have been changed so that they cannot be viewed and it's all managed internally now. So if this has happened a few months ago then none of us would know the existence of the 1v1 system or the 3v3 and 5v5 arenas which will follow much later.
    It basically means that from now on I will only be able to provide images of new things, but not be able to explain what the images actually are, which makes them effectively useless as a spoiler.

    If DO decide to do the same thing with xml files then this entire thread becomes useless and there will be no more spoilers.
    From now on this thread will only be about 30% as useful as it used to be.
    wuselManie likes this.
  15. Noooooooooooo:mad: I love this thread.
  16. So pretty much anything in this thread is gonna be like a gate from now on, what we hope for has a slight chance of coming.
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Panic over.

    I found them (with help from jD, apparently I'm blind xD) and it just got better ^^ access to LOTS more descriptions now. Will post an update post later today once I'm back ^^.
  18. Hey Okapi your great man! :) i just wanted to ask where do you find these files?
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    As promised more info;

    There is a maintenance message for if TA is down:
    TRAINING ARENA TEMPORARILY CLOSED FOR CLEANING: our minesweeper trawlers are disposing of wreckage and debris. The Training Arena will be open again for duels shortly!

    Not allowed to eneter TA whilst you are registered for JPA:
    You cannot use the Training Arena because you have registered for the Jackpot Arena, which will start shortly. You will be able to enter the Training Arena again once you're finished with it!

    With the new access I have I will also be able to post the breaking news update as and when it is updated, for now it is just a template, maybe I can start racing the mods to post the Official Announcements? ;)

    There will be a section on the Hall Of Fame that will tell you your stats for TA, your stats will contain:
    • TA Rank
    • Victories
    • Total Duels
    • Victory percentage
    • Overall TA score

    The only other unrelated thing that caught my eye was this:

    <item name="header_event_LF4Friday">
    <![CDATA[ LF-4 DAY ]]>
    <item name="header_event_PirateBootyLF4Special">
    <![CDATA[ LF-4 DAY ]]>

    There were 2 types of LF4 event? LF4Friday was the first every LF4 event, PirateBootyLF4Special is the one we get now (which will probably be on the 7th of this month). Seems odd that there would be 2 types.

    One of the conditions when I was allowed to have the thread was that I wouldn't tell people how to do it where I get it, sorry :( took like 2 years to get the devs to allow us to have the thread in the English forums, don't want to ruin it now ^^
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