24 hour events

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ramnik, Sep 6, 2014.

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  1. ramnik

    ramnik User

    I think it would be great if we could have 24 hour events each month so like 24 hour SB, ctb etc. what do you guys think? I'd like it to be somewhere in the middle of the month :p
  2. sounds fun ;)
  3. I want 24 hours of invasion gate or events - sounds great!
  4. lmao i dont know about 24hrs, but hey if folks are game for it, why not.
  5. What in the world lol. I mean, How did you even come up with an idea like this? Sure, it sounds fun but that's just...too much? I'm not sure BP would be willing to give out free stuff like that. Took them ages to even make events regular, gotta be happy with that for now at least. Lol.
  6. Yeh i agree, it wont happen, especially 24 hours, thats a bit much...
  7. Oh please...domination event lasted like forever. Most events here are two to three hours, max.
  8. Nice ... why not ?
  9. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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