Combo Repair Gear

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BMλŋ916-ƒliesUSƒlaǧ, Sep 3, 2014.

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  1. So its a handy gear and used frequently when you manage to escape attacks.There was a glitch where if people timed it rite they could rep while being shot DarkOrbit eventually took action and fixed this......Along with making the gear absolutely useless in radiation zone.

    Now that we cant use it in the radiation zone this means we are stuck fighting face to face with players more often.Also pushing it more to unable to avoid the un-fair group of players.

    A bad move in my point of view since it was only useful when you escape attack ad then if the player keeps shooting you after you have emp...Your toast unless you can shake him off or you get some big dmg from friends to get him off you.

    Radzone was my method to destroying un-fair players.Now I cant do that so im wasting way too much ammo just avoiding their logbook.

    Aegis can rep in rad zone...and I think we have plenty aegis pilot already using that ship as a crutch.The skill level in this game is being restricted severely.
  2. I frequently use this gear and I have no complains myself. An aegis itself is a strict healer class ship. If you're taking any other ship other than that for fights, you need to be ready for it. Besides all given facts, a Goliath is still the top "hunting" ship because of having more damage. If you're a skilled Goliath user, you will shred an aegis with same level of upgrades and what not with ease.

    I don't understand your rad zone method for "un-fair" players however. All players in the rad zone take the same damage as far as it goes for an aegis, like I said it's a healer and it's ability is to heal itself and allies. You may grab a solace if you want to heal your hp during a fight and there are also Battle Rep Bots at exposal.
  3. Im specifying how useless the combo repair gear has become...Having to wait 30 seconds after being shot to use it, and unfair players are those who are not playing with what DO has provided in the game...And I beat them because their 100% locking gets them kills so id simply use combo repair gear inside the rad zone after getting ahead of them , then id rush back and pop em.
  4. The combo repair works after 10 seconds of being out of a fight, not 30.
    And if you're complaining about people using "100% locking" and not able to kill them, fly in an Aegis :p
  5. It is 10 secs of getting hit...probably got hit by an dang NPC :eek: and the clock resets 10 sec allover again :cool:
  6. Nah too many people fly aegis.

    And no I was not getting hit by any npc my combo repair just wont activate till 30 seconds after being shot.But even having to wait just 10 seconds noobs seem to be real good at snagging lock rite after I emp.