Open Beta-Test: Scoremageddon Changes‏ Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Jun 19, 2014.

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  1. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello space pilots!

    We have recently announced a test for some changes coming to Scoremageddon events and would love to hear what you think. Please use this thread to provide your thoughts & feedback on the subject

    Scoremageddon Open Beta announcement

    Thank you!
  2. Is it meant that players who aren´t Level 10 or above on Testserver will not be able to participate?

    Sorry but my english is not the best and after a sleepless night it´s even worse. :p
  3. 2010!!

    2010!! User

    im guessing so from what i make of it if your test server account is less then level 10 u wont be able to play
  4. Yeah that was my thought too. But it´s a bit unfair because testserver is most time open on times where much people work at least in central european room. My acconut is only Level 7 or something. :(

    I think it would have been better to do not allow makin new accounts but ok... :(
  5. If all goes as planned, when you log in you will automatically be made a high enough level to participate - Please let us know if this is not the case.

    Thanks Pilots for your help & feedback!!
  6. Napsie

    Napsie User

    I do actually like this idea, this will prevent top players to farm to the highest points with using different IP's and different "people" for farming and getting the rewards :D
    Level 10 is not really that easy for newbies to reach as they start the game which is very positive for them. :)
  7. Jurjstyle

    Jurjstyle User

    We should have more uri to have at least a FE ship . We test scoremageddon ( a pvp event ) with a goli and 5 flax ... let's be serious . Only few people who had before a good ship can be ,,happy" . However , everything seems to work fine . ( if i consider that you have only one life in the event ) .
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2014
  8. i got on and there was no scoremaggon and the test closed in 5 mins
  9. Silviu

    Silviu User

    That's because you logged in when it was about to end.
  10. lmao ya think?
  11. I got on, still had my level 1 ship & there wasn't any scoremegaddon on...this was 2-3 hours ago.
  12. where is the rewards for the last
    Scoremageddon ? been over a week ?
  13. I got mine, crappy, as i was 6th place and got 15k uri and 7k x4...
  14. scoremaggedon is out again :S
  15. They took it away because of people using secondary ships still.
  16. pecanin

    pecanin User

    You wish to make scoremagedon fair ....

    All ships that lose their hearts are out and cannot target any ship with hearts remaining ,same applies to ships with hearts ...cannot attack those without hearts for duration of the event
  17. Silviu

    Silviu User

    How would that make Scoremaggedon fair. If you destroy a ship with no hearts left you still get no points, therefore Scoremaggedon is not affected in any way by those who are not competing. The thing is that many people make small acounts, level them up to Scoremaggedon entry level and kill them in order to get points, that's where Scoremaggedon goes wrong.
  18. 'why not just make it so only one ship can be logged in on the same IP, who cares about multi players, if you can't patch it then screw that 10% make the 90% happy.
  19. it want just people logging into more then one account it was people not playing and letting others pop them for the lifes and they popped them 5 times after they spawned so it got closed for pushing and if u have some1 in your family who plays the game how are they ment to play on the same ip @:s
  20. Silviu

    Silviu User

    And this could easily be bypassed with a VPN, proxy or ssh tunnel. They have to figure out a way to stop people from pushing when Scoremaggedon is running. Unfortunately, they didn't yet, and the one event we all liked is gone.
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