[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Silviu

    Silviu User

    Maybe they'll introduce a new lf4 event that will either have more chances or it will last longer.
  2. or they made the lf-4 event on every Friday....
  3. lol doubt DO would make it any easier.
    Silviu likes this.
  4. I am surprising to experience more about the LF4Special-Day too.

    But I saw a pic about the new training arena:

    And you all know that DO will update a new system, the groupfinder. If you're looking for a group you can use this system. Now I present you how it could look like:
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
  5. will the hades gate be cross server too as the pvp arena might be?
  6. hmm... it really feels like that I HAVEN'T READED THESE INFO'S ALREADY (can you smell the sarcasm too?)
  7. -=[Cubikon]=-™; Okapi32 said the training arena would be crossed on all servers like the jackpot arena. In there you are able to train your ship with other users and test yourself but you cannot win the jackpot.

    That pic shows you how you can get in the training arena and the looking-for-group-system will be launched soon. I think it will be launched before training arena because I checked all server-codes yet.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
  8. I just meaned that there is already elder posts about these pictures and info's :p
  9. Where? Show me that thread! On the German forum there's also my post about these updates but these pics weren't or aren't known in this thread yet except the training ground.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    (Group finder)

    (Training Ground info & hintslide)

    It's easy to miss stuff, I will change my first post in this thread into an index.
  11. You missunderstood, he means the GERMAN version of this thread (This here)
  12. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Then why did he post them here if he already knew they were in this thread?

    Regardless I have changed my first post into a index to make this thread easier to navigate.
  13. Yes, in here I really forgot some stuffs. But the German Version hasn't got this pic yet.

    As already said I didn't know if theses pics were posted or not.

    Thank you, I will save this post^^.
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Major announcement!

    DarkOrbit - The standalone

    DarkOrbit is going download.

    A new client version has been released, the update is required to play.
    Please wait until the installation of the update is finished.


    This is actually insane. There is a menu for server selection and then multiple ships within the same server under the same log in details, meaning server migration should in theory but much easier if they really do intend it.

    Test3 and Test4 are in the process of being created, server codes are 1103 and 1123 if you mods are allowed to chat mod on there ;)
    Both hosted in Germany.

    <item name="standalone_text_update">
    A new client version has been released, the update is required to play<br />Please wait until the installation of the update is finished.
    <item name="standalone_text_updateProgress">
    <![CDATA[ DOWNLOADED %DONE% of %ALL% ]]>
    I'm still sifting through huge amounts of information so there is potential for more to still come however please be aware, a downloadable client is a long way off, there are in total about 10 references to it, its incredibly early days.

    Boring stuff in comparison

    Description text updating to Include 3D:
    Experience the fascinating world of brave space pilots in a real-time MMOG. Countless numbers of unexplored galaxies and thrilling 3D space battles await you in this online game. Real-life opponents turn DarkOrbit into one helluva action-packed, futuristic strategy game. Register now for this browser game and travel to the ends of the universe in the free-to-play game DarkOrbit.

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but I have found some breaking news information about flash sales, I don't think these have happened before?
    I only just found this document so I don't have a reference to a past version.

    Only today for 2 hours we are offering LF-3 for astounding 2500 Uridium with a 15% discount! Don’t hesitate and act now!

    Only today for 2 hours we are offering Iris with astounding 15% discount, regardless of how many drones you have! Don’t hesitate and act now!

    There is also stuff about a Pepsi promotion:

    Pepsi Promo Package redeemed!

    Unrelated to pepsi but again in the payment area, you can opt in for pre-roll advertisement to get some rewards.

    <item name="breakingNewsTitle_flashSaleLf3">
    <![CDATA[ LF-3 flash sale! ]]>
    <item name="breakingNewsTeaser_flashSaleLf3">
    Act now and save 15% on new LF-3 in the Uridium shop.
    <item name="breakingNewsContent_flashSaleLf3">
    Hallo Space-Piloten, <br><br> Only today for 2 hours we are offering LF-3 for astounding 2500 Uridium with a 15% discount! Don’t hesitate and act now! <br><br>
    <item name="breakingNewsFooter_flashSaleLf3">
    <![CDATA[ Euer DarkOrbit-Team ]]>
    <item name="breakingNewsTitle_flashSaleIris">
    <![CDATA[ Iris flash sale! ]]>
    <item name="breakingNewsTeaser_flashSaleIris">
    Act now and save 15% on new Iris in the Uridium shop.
    <item name="breakingNewsContent_flashSaleIris">
    Hallo Space-Piloten, <br><br> Only today for 2 hours we are offering Iris with astounding 15% discount, regardless of how many drones you have! Don’t hesitate and act now! <br><br>
    <item name="breakingNewsFooter_flashSaleIris">
    <![CDATA[ Euer DarkOrbit-Team ]]>
  15. so some1 listens to us then after how many years can we have our green lasers back while ya at it lol
  16. SauronL

    SauronL User

    I just think LF-3 with 15% discount will cost 8,5k uri , not 2,5k (without rebate/ prem)

    Cuz lf3 cost now 10k uri
    Cruenta†Ultionem likes this.
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The developers wrote it, not me, so I think they intend to change the current prices.
  18. yea download darkorbit... lags go away ... i hope....
    SauronL likes this.
  19. i ting they try to stop all people to play dark orbit with this new tings
  20. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Me too , but who knows , we will see
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