[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. what to see dark orbit on 3D ??? :D
  2. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    Darkorbit for download is nice, it will use the resources from your computer and not only flash player, but they better put a nice Anti-cheat system or this will die quickly
    _-DarkOverLord-_ likes this.
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I think they are going to have it so all the information will be relaying back and forth between the DO servers, so effectively it will be the same game but without the restraints of a browser.
    If they don't give users any more data through the downloadable client as they do right now, then there will be no extra cheats occurring - however this will mean a lot of the processes will still be server side, which will be annoying for people like me who want to see them anyway *cough* booty box odds *cough* ^^

    Regardless of how they set it up though, I'm sure there will be some interesting consequences as a result.
    Cruenta†Ultionem and -Corex- like this.
  4. Omega

    Omega User

    DO download ? that just opens the door for more hacks . and more lag , ...
  5. SauronL

    SauronL User

    I just hope it wont do that. I hope it will open doors for newbies, but we will see , before it will be out - as i know how these things going - it will be half year or year before it will be here, we all have to wait and see or wait for more informations. Or wait for Okapi to get it from shadows :D
  6. I hope I have a choice of a downloadable or browser based, so I can pick the one that lags less.
  7. Silviu

    Silviu User

    I think they are preparing a downloadable version so that the game cand be played in 3D at a decent fps.

    And the iris sale is what interests me:

    Only today for 2 hours we are offering Iris with astounding 15% discount, regardless of how many drones you have! Don’t hesitate and act now!

    I already have 8 iris, 1 apis, and 1 zeus, so i'm maxed on drones, but that text doesn't seem to care...hmm...
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The race for 100 drones begins! :p

    Ironically, there will be someone people who will lag less on the 3D mode than they will in 2D, the 3D mode will make use of players GPU whereas the 2D doesn't.
    However, by saying that I have ruined the circlejerk of players complaining about updates they have never even seen a screenshot of, far less tried it themselves.



    Test2 is open for 24h to test Training Grounds.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
  9. i don't even get the kill from my opponent in TA... not mentioning the awful reward.

    no point on playing it, it's a total waste of time and ammo
  10. [​IMG]

    Eeeeh... o.o
  11. Lol, i got much better rewards :p

    Darkomaani. likes this.
  12. what happen i do not have this TA in the test server all my frends have it i do not have it why i can not enter the arena with out this in my many
  13. Jurjstyle

    Jurjstyle User

    why bp can't give us a ufe account on the test server to really test the training grounds ?

    The rewards for amunition should be higher , not like 5 round x2 or ten of x1 =))
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
  14. bobmyself

    bobmyself User

    Well...it would probably be slightly more interesting if we weren't fighting with wet noodles. When we have 2 ageises on diamond formation sitting with 500k shield each and we're only shooting 20k with X4 then it takes awhile before we get anywhere :p Match-making pls.

    The rewards...leave a bit to be desired. Let's just leave it at that.

    It was only 20 LCB-10 and an EMP the first time round so I'm impressed :) They really took it up a notch giving me 5 rounds of X3 this time.
  15. OMG , Darkorbit Download? How much GB will it take lol
  16. My computer only has 1 gb ram lmao
    R.I.P DO
  17. I wonder estimate the hardware requirements compared to similar games.
  18. -Corex-

    -Corex- User

    Probably dual core ~1.0-1.5 Ghz
    512MB - 1GB RAM
    256MB - 512MB - 1GB Video Memory
    and the size, maybe 2-3 GB
    Cruenta†Ultionem likes this.


    Would like it if they brought the aliens (Besides the BK's and SK's they're actually better now) back to how they used to look like, that would be awesome :).
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