[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Omega

    Omega User

    yeap as I was expecting the new 1vs1 arena sucks . stupid rewards . can't choose who you want to fight ,and in comparison with what you spend in the arena . it sucks
  2. Its was all your fault Owning x) ;)
  3. Omega

    Omega User

  4. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Wonder why you guys were so hyped up about TA rewards. Haven't you already learned?
    _-DarkOverLord-_ and chixonator like this.
  5. Omega

    Omega User

    well I was expecting at least the option to choose who to fight against
  6. Lol. Expected this to happen kinda.
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Why though? It's a matchmaking - if you could chose who you fought then you could just push kills and get 1st in the rank.
    If you could chose who you fought then it would be useless.
  8. D-Cruiser

    D-Cruiser User

    Besides that, remember that you don't loose credits or uridium for respawning, that you respawn full of hp and shield, and that the drones doesn't get damaged when you get destroyed there. Is not rewarding enough the fun of a fair fight without risk or loss? I had lots of fun fighting people there!

    (not my video)
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 11, 2014
  9. Omega

    Omega User

    that also ,but what if I want to fight with those so called " king" or experts on different server ?lol
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    If you have similar equipment to them then you will get matched with them. Test servers don't show this brilliantly because of the massive gaps in peoples equipment, but the match making does primarily pick people based on equipment.

    If you are high in the TA ranks you should get put without other people who are high, they won't be considered much of a king if they are low ^^
  11. Not like i can do anything on test when my account gets reset EVERY time test opens. Kinda pointless.
    whoeva, chixonator and Omega like this.
  12. Omega

    Omega User

    well if that's the case and its not like it was on the test server . I'll wait and see before I say anything else
  13. Guys , When is the TA going to be released?
  14. how many times is this TA stop in the test server cleaning
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Seems to be something new coming in terms of watching a video and getting a reward.

    There are two lines about a pre-roll ad:
    Watch a short ad and get a reward!

    Don't show me any more ads from now on!

    Then one about getting galaxy gate spins for watching a video, however it is in German for now:
    ExtraEnergie durch Kino-Besuch erhalten!
  16. Just to translate the German sentence (I am from Germany) Get Extra Energy by visiting the cinema
    -=[Cubikon]=-™ likes this.
  17. No one knows the release date, this thread is just for people like okapi who find out things that are coming and let us know what they might be not when they will come.
    -Corex- likes this.
  18. Not sure why people are crying about the rewards for TA, when you fight someone in the maps, the only reward you need or get is killing them, which would be the same for TA its just more even matched. As for TA I couldnt be bothered to test it, the option to choose who I fight means little to most pvp'ers as long as the matching of equipment works then thats all that matters...that nd its not repetitive of you getting the same guy over nd over lol
  19. Omega

    Omega User

    so when will the 5vs5 arena come ?and when will darkorbit be downloadable , do you have any idea of when this could happen ?
  20. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Hitac event will be on in 3 weeks:
    This event will be running between 26.09.14 at 00:01 and 12.10.14 at 23:59.

    Here is the full OA:
    Greetings, pilots!

    Alert! Highly advanced aliens are attacking sectors claimed by all three companies. We've spotted giant Hitac motherships attacking our outposts all over the galaxy.
    By destroying a Hitac and its minions, you may find letters and solve a puzzle, receiving lottery capsules as a reward. Capsules can be converted into tickets for two different lotteries.

    The capsule converters can be found on the Uridium page. Try your luck to win amazing in-game prizes, like big bundles of fully upgraded LF4 lasers, 1 million Uridium, or enter the drawing for vouchers worth up to €1,500 for some of the biggest online stores!

    This event will be running between 26.09.14 at 00:01 and 12.10.14 at 23:59.

    Best of luck!

    Euer DarkOrbit-Team

    Please note:
    Persons employed by Bigpoint, as well as any partners or their relatives, are not eligible to participate. In case of violation of these Terms of Participation, Bigpoint reserves the right to disqualify/ban offenders from the contest. Persons who use illegal methods or manipulate the game in any way or form in order to gain an advantage shall also be disqualified. In this case, cash prizes shall be declared invalid and recalled.

    Furthermore, users from Brazil, Italy, and some US states are excluded from participating in prize drawings for non-in-game items.

    (reposting reply again to avoid double post so close after each reply :p)

    If the downloadable client does become a reality it will most probably be next year, the same could happen with 3v3 and 5v5, neither are near finished and there is extremely limited information relating to them.
    SauronL likes this.
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