Create rewards for pvp titles

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by GHOSTofMarz, Sep 6, 2014.

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  1. Ok so I mentioned this a while back but didnt get much reviews, so I figured I try it again.
    Personally, i see no point in the PVP titles such as portal guard, space whiz, chaos pilot etc. I see it as only bragging rights, which means nothing in the end. And the other issue is that many players take these titles and place then on noob ships and keep em in their x 1 map for months, so thats not cool either. But here is my idea. Why not add something for each title. Read below for some exampled

    1: Space whiz: Get 5% extra speed when you have this title
    2: Portal Guard: Get 3% extra damage boost when at your own company portal
    3: Chaos Pilot: get 10% HP but removal of all shields while you have this title
    4:Most Wanted: 2% damage bonus and immediately appear as a red dot on any map(hence the name most wanted)
    5: Alien Hunter: get 2% extra ep honor and cargo from npcs (not in gate h owever)
    6: Goli Hunter: 2% extra damage against golis and 3% extra honor from goli kills (damage does not work on other ships that are not golis)
    7: Sharp SHooter: accuracy of laser and missle increase by 4% maybe 5%
    8: Orbit king: ABility to jump from map to map without jump chip and without cool down
    9: Newbie : Only allowable for ships level 11 and down. Provides 5 second protection from enemy attack, also increase noob players hp by 10% and shield by 5%, extra ep 2% and honor 2%. Once a player becomes level 12, the title goes back onto an npc.
    I just thought of these, and Im sure many will or will not like, but I would love your input, what can change and what should be removed etc.
  2. Ideas are not too shabby, I like em.
    Some could use a little change or work :p
  3. Yeh, which ones, I love to hear peoples ideas on stuff like that, maybe it can be implemented.
  4. Space Whiz: 5% Extra speed sounds a bit too much. Like, what if a spear got it? o_O Geez. They're already annoying as is. Could use a bit of work with math there for the extra speed individual for all different types of ships.
    Portal Guard: 3% Extra damage sounds fine to me.
    Chaos Pilot: 10% more HP but no shields, well..Assassins sure do work when someone's packing a lot of damage. Though, without shields holding the title would be complicated. It sure would get passed on a lot, would be fun to watch that happen.
    Most Wanted: That just sounds crazy xD Everyone's gonna come for you! O: (Coz Most Wanted, derp)
    Alien Hunter: The bonus sounds decent.
    Goli Hunter: 2% is too negligible if someone doesn't have big guns, but if someone does, then it sure makes a difference. Could use a bit of scaling maybe. I'm not sure.
    Sharp Shooter: I would be fine with 3% on lasers since 5% would be too much with targeting guidance cpu 2, Dunno about missiles since we do have precision targeter (Yes, I know it has a cool-down but ehh it's my opinion anyway).
    Orbit King: Nah, that thing sounds too abusive.
    Newbie: We already have a lot of benefits being given out to the Newbies though :p Well, some more wouldn't hurt I guess. Lol.
  5. ranger[4h]

    ranger[4h] User

    i like the idea
  6. The ones I have highlighted in Red & Orange? XD
  7. yeh thanks, i mean i think DO can tweak em enough, but it would make title searching more fun.
  8. I like all of them accept the speed boost one :d
  9. Maybe the speed boost could be limited to certain ships? Like goli citadel, big boy leos etc, and exclude vengi and spearhead? or reduce the speed to 2%


    I like this idea a lot and I have thought about it before too. I mean these titles are so meaningless at the moment, I can't understand people who put titles on their noob ships. These titles are made to be passed around in a fair way.

    I'd disagree with the speed boost too. Maybe an additional cooldown boost for the space whiz title?

    and it would be great if they changed the colour of these titles or the achievement titles, so you can distinguish them easier. (Whenever I see someone with the 'Ghost Hunter' title I think it's the 'Goli Hunter' title lol.
  11. Hahaha i agree, i shot down so many ghost hunters thinking it was goli hunter. Thanks for your input, and yes, maybe the speed boost is too much, what if it were 1% more but shield drops by 7%?
  12. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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