Path to FE

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Zyher-SuB, Aug 27, 2014.

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  1. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

    pilot bio question. what is max uri that I can get in battlemaps? includes any bio that will affect the bonus box content. but by myself in battlemaps. means no box doubler and no pet
  2. Luck I & II will give ya 12% bonus in any maps
    Tractor Beam I & II can help too, it gives you tops 20% extra in every reward
  3. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

    aww that sucks it aint worth it then :p thanks
    Rex-Jocreiso likes this.
  4. only tractor beam 2 is for boxes tractor beam 1 is for cargo.
  5. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User


    After a few weeks farming up BKs and farming the pally fields I have achieved

    -15 lf3
    - 11 b02
    - first havoc from zeta
    - pet lvl 1 now with lvl 1 auto resource collector

    This my research on the pet, and its going to be pretty expensive for this to help me in the long term. Ill get the month prem offer that saves me 66% and get some uri on mhh.

    I plan on getting my pet to lvl 8 by that time and use him for the pally fields. Of course ill get the lvl 3 resource collector. But my question is, how many radar protocols do i need to make a huge difference? I dont want to spend too much as theres gonna be fuel to worry about. Is the radar protocol worth it anyways? Cause most times i will just cloak up and let my pet do the work. So take my question from that perspective.
    Thanks in advance.
  6. radars don't really make any difference on 5-3 map. lvl 3 resource colector is ok. if you get premium also buy lvl 3 kami, it's the best for npcs.
  7. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

    just realized as i was researching that i am able to buy the same gear again. do gears of the same lvl stack up? for example can i stack two lvl 1 auto resource collectors on my lvl 1 pet? giving me a range of 1400 instead of 700?
  8. getrecked

    getrecked User

    no they do not stack up. Also dont bother unlocking the other slots. All u need is one gear. One for pallying and one for kami. Use the kami mate.
  9. rough translation from my guide
    the bonus boxes are so important because they include (among other things) and URIDIUM
    will find 20, 50 or 100 uridium within such a
    maps PVP content passes bonus + 50% .. ie uridium are respectively 30, 75 & 150
    with talent fortiologia 2 (+ 20% that are in them) (Register pilot) are
    36, 90 & 180
    with talent and luck luck 1 2 (4 & 8% only in that URIDIUM inside them) (Register pilot) are
    40, 101 & 202
    by 11 amplification protocols to pet (3 * 11% = 33% +) the pet will gather as
    58, 134 & 268
    And if you buy the pet doubler will gather as
    116, 268 & 539 !!: eek:
  10. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User


    since ur the boxing master can u tell me the best setup for boxing? I didnt understand a word u put in that post above. so when u place ur setup, include the fact that im boxing only in battlemaps, i am including bio, and pet lvl 15. please dont include the boxing doubler thanks in advance boxing masta
  11. talent fortiologia 2 is Tractor beam 2
    5pp in TB2 gives 20% more from every box while lucky1 (2pp) and lucky2 (3pp) gives only 12% more uridium... so with 10 pp's without doubler you can get on pvp maps 40, 101 & 202 uri from boxes. <- thats ship..

    pet -> 58, 134 & 268 uri, thats with 11 salvage protocols without doubler on pvp maps...

    to have all that you will need total of 34 pp's.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2014
    ROULOUS___HELLAS likes this.
  12. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

    so i did some research with the radar protocols and if i get 12 lvl 3 protocols and a lvl 3 pally gear. i would get a total of 7320 range? am i correct? if so i will definitely do this. also with boxing is it better to have radar protocols or salvage protocols?
  13. lol no dont do that. first buy lvl 3 resource colector and go on 5-3 to see how gear work. no need to invest 300k uri on 12 radars and who knows how much uri on slots if you dont have to.
    i colect pall some times and i use only resource gear without radars. pet dont colect anyfaster with radars.
    maybe mix 8 or 9 salvages and 3 or 4 radars. idk i dont box, i have pp's on alien hunter...
  14. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

    ok thanks again. i wont get the radars for pallying ill just get the lvl 3 auto pally gear. ill wait on hellas response for boxing :p thanks again

    Edit: but then again, i do still get a range of 7320 right? Need someone who has done this before.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2014
  15. we need
    12 speed generators of 2000 uri each
    promerium in speed generators
    bio full boxing ( tractor beam 2 & luck 1 & luck 2 )
    pet lvl >9 (12 protocol slots)
    gear lvl3 for colect boxes
    on pet 12 protocols (radar or salvage .. depends .. see below)
    boxing in PVP maps ONLY

    if use radar u get max 202 uri
    if use salvage u get max 274 uri

    whio is the best combination on protocols ?
    i have 12 radar lvl3 and 9 salvage available till today

    in a few weeks i will get rest salvage miss

    till now the results are

    my AVERAGE (without doubler always ) profit by boxing is
    with 12 radars --> 11500 uri and 56 gg spins per hour

    have in mind that
    more radars give more gg spins (+10 gg spins maximum)
    more salvage give more uridium (+1500 uri maximum per hour)

    i would be greatfull if u was not so ironic to someone that selflessly try to help YOU providing you his (small or big does not matter) experiences in game:(.

    hope i helped
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2014
  16. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

    I called you the boxing master didnt i? That mudt of put dome pride into you. Also is it correct that if i get all lvl 3 radar and add a lvl 3 gear like auto box, it would give me a total range of 7320?
  17. i have no idea about total range value.
    but i can tell u in practice that with 12 radar protocols
    • boxing pvp maps pet can stay 1/2 map away of u and collect alone
      when it comes close to u, u just drive it to a bonus box mass and leave it there to collect alone (u move on)
    • pallying .... u wil forget that u have pet enabled ... it stays (and collect by it self) all time 1/4 pally field away from you
    3 radar protocols are
    to few for boxing (pet stay close to u all time)
    for pally no idea - never tested just 3 radars in 5-3

    since radar protocols are relative cheap (25k uri) i suggest atleast 6 radars
  18. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

    i also plan to get a simple pet repair gear so people wont easily pop my pet. does the pet repair gear use additional fuel to work?
  19. To pally effectively you & pet you only need a couple radars, to pally AFK you'll
    need many more. To operate the pet efficiently you can't spend too much on gear
    and other stuff just concentrate on what you want to accomplish then spend uri
    wisely. A good start for pet would be level 3 Kami, Resource/box Collector and 4 to
    6 radars for boxing. Not to expensive and should get the job done:) I just believe
    you don't have to go and buy a bunch of unnecessary stuff to make the pet cost
    effective.:) BTW Zyher-Sub you seem to be making some good progress.:cool:Good
    work man:cool:
  20. Zyher-SuB

    Zyher-SuB User

    ya and also i plan to do all this in my new lightning design too !!!! ahah :D :D finally something good on a zeus day :D hope this will help me better