JPB? how about CWG, CLan Wars Gate?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ΛΪЯΗΟĿΞΜΔΚΞЯ[ЦSΔF], Mar 21, 2014.

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  1. me and several of my friends have been talking, and we want to put out on the table a few ideas.
    1: we have a monthly jpb. how about a monthly or weekly Random Clan Match? maybe not for like, money, as with JPB, but say, uridium? they do this on World of Tanks with clan wars that earns gold. so maybe like a matchup kind of thing that takes registration of clans, and pits them into random matchups against other clans, being mmo, vru, or eic, just to keep it fresh, and allow friend clans to test each other while getting a reward. could possibly have an option for each individual clan member of a registered clan to bid his/her personal uridium to the "pot" before each match starts, and the clan who wins get's the pot, as a split amongst the whole clan, evenly distributed.

    2: we have galaxy gates, we have LoW gates, invasion gates, so how bout a 1v1 random gate? say a player wants to 1v1, (and not have to worry bout others jumping into it and disrupting the honor of a player to player agreement to fight just between the two, like many dishonorable players do in the game), have a gate in each home map (uppers, as i highly doubt there's any noobs in lowers who should think of attempting 1v1's for awhile) that when used, will bring up a list like the TDM or Sector Control that each player can opt into starting a 1v1, and the other player involved can request to join, which would close out others from being rude. this way, two players at any time can do what they do, and really get into it without having to be paranoid and overthink things. i know this is similar to JPB setup, being a 1v1 official setup, but i and others feel like this would be really cool.

    a further revision on this: D.O. could make money off this. some clans would buy to beef up for the event, and this would be gainful for B.P.
    the 1v1 pvp gate, players might spend money more after being able to review their performance in said 1v1 pvp gate.
    think about it D.O.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2014
    ANgry.mN, -Willows- and sirpwnsalot34 like this.
  2. #LIKE
    I like the ideas
  3. Blah

    Blah User

  4. Clan Gate for Uridium ....Meh

    1v1 Gate definitely sounds FUN +1 on that part. :p
  5. we have TDM just sounds like u want to give it an update even tho u get uri ammo back depending on your kills the second idea i like but only 4 1v1s no rewards as it would get abused
  6. 1v1 gate sounds epic. I'd go for that in a heartbeat. As for clan wars, not so enthusiastic. If it is a random pick for who fights who...there's going to be lots of issues. Also, users would have to make sure they are on at the select times...ect. Not bad, but just not too inviting to me is all.
    P.S. WOT is awesome ;)
  7. Agreed +1 from me.
  8. Heck yes! this should definitely be added I like all the ideas about it!
    +1 from me!
  9. AIRHOLEMAKERFFK[LK7TH] on W.O.T.'s and thank you for the feedback. please pass to your friends so support can see what we think.
  10. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ User

    ive been playing this game for a while these ideas deffo sound brill
  11. i like this idea. plus one from me. think about putting a vote on it?
  12. Lucidity

    Lucidity User

    +1 from me
  13. Sparta[Λ]

    Sparta[Λ] User

    If we actually had the players in the game like we used to have, Clan Wars would be brilliant. Now the "top" clan on each server is practically all WW or cheats. Sometimes both.

    1v1 gate seems like too much hassle to do, you may as well just both jump into 4-4 and go into a corner or something. I've been in 4-4 for 5 hours without seeing a single soul.
  14. 1. Would be a more mad idea then now you think about. What happens if there is really a gate where players can fight against like Clan vs Clan? And then for Uridium? Everybody who has not full LF4 upgraded to Lvl 16, B02 on Lvl 16, Full Hercules/Havoc and fully built PET wont be allowed by his own clanmembers to participate because they are "weak points". When it´s going about Uri then all the Full-Everything-Player will hang out in this gate and make Uri. The weaker members will be left over on the maps and are handed out to ppl who aren´t in a clan or who not participate on this seperate fights or just know that all good are in and they have cleared maps and now make party with the weaker one...

    2. Yeah the best idea is really to go on 4-4 or even 4-5 corners. Meanwhile even 5-1 Gates are a good idea because nearly nobody uses 5-1 today. 1vs1 Gates would only be really cool if they do not only include your own server but all the others too...
  15. Pretty sure you've failed to broaden your mindset on this idea, Shinning.
    The point is to make it so that the whole clan has to enter, which would seriously reduce what you're thinking. Each player in the clan would have to be online at the same time, and quied up to enter in order to participate.
  16. ANgry.mN

    ANgry.mN User

    (y) Like
  17. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Yes, it is!! :D
  18. Training Arena: Dark Orbit's way of saying they liked my 1v1 battle arena idea, without bothering to tell us it was my idea. Frag you Support weenies.
  19. I enjoy the idea, always up for a good battle/
  20. A gate where you blow up your own Company?! That is a nah from me.

    Idea #2 sounds more feasible to me.
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