Discussion in 'General Archive' started by STARLIGHTHUSTLE, Sep 24, 2014.

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  1. Do not know if anyone has suggested this in the past but , I would like to ask developers to design a Pet Gear which ONLY collects bonus boxes and not cargo.
  2. you know, I thought there was one, but I guess there isnt, BUt then again, its not needed. WHats the problem with whatu have now?
  3. Obviously if your cargo is full the PET will keep collecting boxes. Yet I'd rather not have to sell or refine if I wasn't choosing to collect cargo in the first place. Refining wastes xenomit in my opinion and I make enough credits with NPC kills and quests to fore go collecting cargo boxes .
  4. well if your boxing in the normal maps then your wasting your time anyhow, as for the Autolooter yes it collects both but once your cargo full it goes for boxes only. i dont think time needs to be wasted to code another gear or split the functions of it. as for wasting xenomit, you dont use it to refine anything other than promi so as long as your not refining into promi no issue plus its free credits anyhow just refine promitid and duranium,besides refining into promi takes awhile to build up anyhow.
  5. TY for your opinion however I still would like to see the function split and would like to see more opinions regarding this idea.
    With everything available in store one more PET gear will not crash the system
  6. I don't like idea about new collector gear.

    Why not just to add function to current Auto-looter gear, so that you can choose, what it collects?
    Cargo / Boxes / Both

    And same to auto-resource collector gear.
    Prometid / Endurium / Terbium

    Like enemy locator gear, you can choose alien you desire to find.

    (What ever current map contains)
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2014
    TheEarthling likes this.
  7. Not for nothing, but that doesnt sound bad actually, the ability to differentiate.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  8. Maybe it can be edited to when we have the "Show cargo boxes" un-checked the pet wont pick up cargo?
  9. Yeah I would be more willing for that much of a change rather then adding more gear.
  10. Had not considered that option and the goal is the same , to control what your PET collects TY
  11. If your PET is full of cargo - it will strictly go to bonus boxes :cool:
  12. no it will not. do you even collect with pet lol
    when your cargo is full and you run in to cargo box pet will just sit not doing anything.
    auto loter is rigged to collect cargo first then bonus box.
    so if you are collecting on x-2 maps and ppl shot npcs then pet is useless.
  13. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing due to inactivity.
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