Productivity option for sep, prom etc

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by GHOSTofMarz, Sep 30, 2014.

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  1. Just curious, we have productivity increase for prometium, endurium and terbium. Why not extend it to seprom, promerium, prometid, duranium? I mean why not? Whats your take on it? Perhaps instead of credits, you can use uri for each production efficiency robot?
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  2. So true dat! A credit productivity for all productions with the exception of three - Ah, you know ;)
  3. yehp lol, not sure how much the rate of production increase though.
  4. Yeeeeah I would love to have 4 million seped lasers without loging off for 6 months...
  5. Probably 12% max - credit and uri

    You can't have 4 million sep unless you log on and send to ship you lazy :rolleyes: for six months :p
  6. have i ever told ya that i luv ur posts lol. Yes 12% max sounds right and dang it, why not, i mean heck, u can only upgrade your skylab but so far and many smaller accts cant even get that far on em
  7. Note: The thread will be re-opened only if the OP requests for it.

    Enjoy the game.

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