Kami not giving rewards

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by In-ŧhis-Silĕncĕ, Oct 22, 2014.

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  1. So i have been told that the Kami failing to give rewards was fixed, but in my gate i shot the SKS in gamma, all stacked in the corner and set my kami off. I didnt get the rewards at all. thats about 2-3k worth of Uri ive lost. My log book says i completed the wave killing only 2 SKS.

    Isnt this suppose to be fixed?
  2. LOL - sorry, but stop using your kami, once they run/or in corners start using your rockets and lasers. Kami kills do not give you rewards - YOU have to shoot it. Yeah, the GG take a while, but you are cheating yourself reward-wise. Yikes - those SKS give good dang rewards.
  3. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    I am sorry to say but this is correct. The kami is designed to be a "last line of defence" and not a primary weapon. If you are not using lasers or rockets when the kami goes off then there is a risk you will not get the rewards. This is how it is supposed to work and therefore there is not a glitch here. The problem that was fixed involved the kami not paying out at all in gates even if you were shooting and that has been fixed.

    Do you have any further questions on this subject?
  4. If the kami kills it...you don't get the reward...geez...what is up with all this kami'n...just shoot it and kami at the same time :rolleyes: In a duel would you just throw a TNT stick and the other has a six-shooter and you are running around with a just lighter :oops: Must have a lot of time to cool down o_O
  5. haha.. well i dont shoot in gates to save seprom. and it is not like you say ''If the kami kills it...you don't get the reward...'' thats just not true. i get rewards almost every time. and to get it i have to relog every 2 to 3 waves and stay still while kami is detonating.
    oh and kami save a lot of time...

  6. I shot while i Kami'd them in the corner
  7. You blew (kami'd) up some that were stacked in a corner that's why. Just stay out of range patience and shoot (no kami) and you will get the rewards. I am not talking about kami'n anymore cuz it is a stupid uri drainer in more ways than one. I just box with it.
  8. whoeva

    whoeva User

    Then what is crazy cube event about?

    Kami is still making aliens vanish without a trace (no rewards, no cargo) even as the lasers and rockets are constantly shooting. You say the problem is fixed but I've seen this myself just today while shooting a cube. Kami went off and prots vanished, no rewards - was shooting the whole time with a clan member.
  9. Sorry -HarleyD-, but your reply is somewhat inaccurate.

    The kami was designed as a primary weapon & was used as such when it first came out. At that time, there was no cool-down time & the kami could be used continuously. Issues arose due to the fact that players who had lvl 3 kami & premium went around killing as many cubes as they could as well as doing large ubers easily as at that time the kami could be set off by shooting it without losing honor. It was unheard of not getting rewads at that time.

    The second thing is that at times you do not get rewards if you use the kami even if you are shooting something & using lasers &/or rockets.

    My personal opinion is that this issue needs to be addressed & fixed. It is fine for things to be bought out & for players to use buy them to use. However, the problem arises when the develpoers don't test out these things properly & decide that they are too powerful & strong & implement measures to reduce their usage &/or their potency.

    And then what happens when players complain & ask for a refund ... absolutely ZILTCH.

    Classic example is when the leonov first came out. At that time, all weapons & generators (speed & shield) counted for double, whether they were on the ship or the drones. Hence, the leonov was far too powerful & players who had all lf3s & only 5 irises were able to defeat FE players fairly easily. These FE players started to complain & the leonov was subsequently modified.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2014
    Tarron and ▼Iron_Mongrel▼ like this.
  10. Me thinks DO changed the specs that if you don't do more than 50% of the damage...no rewards for you :rolleyes: STOP USING THE KAMI....play old school style :eek:
  11. I see the same issue on my main, been using kami forever and it was only recently that it started doing this. I don't agree one bit that the kami was 'supposed' to be like this. This is either a glitch (another all-too-common failure to thoroughly test changes) or an intentional modification to squeeze more uri out of the game to force people to buy uri.
    Guess what, either way it only results in alienating (no pun intended) your customers further. Screwing over players seems to be a theme with Dark Orbit....little wonder fewer people are playing these days.
    Tarron likes this.
  12. Enjoy the game.

    Closing as lack of response from OP.
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