New Player - Need Guide and good clan

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by PrinceElysion, Nov 7, 2014.

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  1. Hi,

    I found this game through Google and I got attracted for being Space shooting game.

    I am planning to dump $200 for this game, I will be a loyal player. I have been trying to find Mega Happy hour time, but couldnt find it so far, what should I buy for the top end ship

    I do have some concern:

    1) I read in some forum that this game has many hacks and botters, this game is kinda dead and no updates for a while. This deters me most for going into this game.

    2) I have lack information of end game, do you able to solo the end game content or you have to find team mate.

    3) I play in GMT+8, Asia zone, I only see US and Europe server, will time zone different affect my gaming experience. Which server should I play, I prefer English speaking server, and quite new server, not so much competition as I am new.

    4) When is Mega Happy Hour? how long it last? how do i find it?

    5) The game interface is really complicated, wiki page is not so user friendly
    Would appreciate some guide for new player.

  2. ~Monster~

    ~Monster~ User

    1) They have removed almost all the hackers and botters. (You will fine just one lingering around occasionally)

    2) The is no real end of the game, you can solo must of the High-End NPCs, however.

    3) Not sure)

    4) Mega happy hour usually comes every/every other sunday, normally in the afternoon for us in USA. So maybe around midnight for you, I am not sure.

    5) Not sure)
    ΩÇΘWBΘ¥Ω™ likes this.
  3. Mega Happy hour is usually on sunday, well it is on GB1 anyways at around 7pm-8pm UK time.
  4. 1) Most hackers and botters have been removed. there are lots of ban waves that remove them and so the problem we had 2 years ago (botters all over maps) has been solved as you hardly ever see a botter and if you do, they get removed quickly. Also hackers are rare but if you do come across one that boasts try and stay on their good side xD+ dont add randomers on TS or Skype as they could ddos you on there so try get trustworthy friends

    2) Best way to find stuff out on the game is through Forumn and through the chat. If you have a good firts impression people will be willing to help you out with simple stuff and on there you'll probably find a friend who wouldn't mind giving you a little introduction

    3) I'm not too sure on the server that would fit you both but if you click the little world icon in the top left corner on your d.o tab you can find all the servers. But servers that are the newest ones (ones with the highest number next to the country/continent) usually. They have the cheapest auctions and least enemies so you should be alright for being hunted+ getting equipment quick

    4) Mega happy hour (MHH) is 7pm UK time so 8pm server time (German time)

    5) First things first you should do ALL the quests at mission control which is at the big exclamation mark at your base. It may be boring but its rewarding for beginners and another thing is restrain from hunting till your basic fe (full elite).

    Basic fe means 8 iris, 31 lf3s and 16-31 bo2s. This equipment should be the minimum equipment you have to start going for ultra elite.

    This could be on any ship but I'm assuming goliath as it is the best all round ship. Although for newbies, the leonov is good for lower maps (x-1 to x-4; i put x because i dont know your company. if you want to know more d.o slang there is a thread somewhere on forumn ill try put it here when i remember it) as you get bonuses OR the vengeance second fastest ship on game and it has got quite a lot of laser and shield slots so you wont just get ripped apart when you get caught of guard whereas you'd probably experience this in the spearhead although its the fastest ship in the game

    Skill tree and log disks are also really important so don't waste your log disks or pilot points. Try and save up your log disks until you full understand skill tree via chat or forumn.

    Upgrades too are important but only after your full elite.

    Also get the CPUs off trade as they're cheapest there.

    Anything else you wanna ask on chat. hope this helped
  5. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

  6. Jandasky

    Jandasky User


    Thank you so much.

    I bought 1 year membership already, I am playing in GB2 server.

    Looking for guild now, getting FE soon.

    Mega happy hour is 7pm UK time right in GB 2 server
  7. thanks xD
    whats your name on there? gimme a shout if your on global chat the names>> ShᴏᴐᴋᴡᴧᴠᴇGB2
  8. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    No problem bud :)
  9. If you need a guide go here
  10. jackknife

    jackknife User

    Don't hope go to far too fast some players have played for years ( unless you have a lot of money)
    chixonator's do and don'ts it has very good info. in it I think it is under noobs section
    and remember most of all dying is free.

    it is a good game and i like it
  11. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Ahh, yes. Don't forget that thread! It's pretty helpful.

    This is the link: (and yes, it's in the "Newbie" forum)
    jackknife likes this.