[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Silviu

    Silviu User

    Personally, i believe that they firstly should remove the player after the 30 seconds have passed and kick him out rather than doing this. The other day i tried to play a TA match, after an opponent was found, i pressed Fight, than waited until server restart to be able to warp ships because all i had in my TA status window was a countdown that reached 0 a very long time ago. Logging out just was just a reset for the countdown. :mad:
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    They don't just have a list in front of them where they can number the issues in what order they want them to be magically fixed. Some issues will take less people and but a lot quicker the fix than others.
  3. Okapi do you know if there will be an Anyversary GG? Ty :)
  4. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    The Cold Wave GG will most likely be this years Birthday gate.
  5. only why to switch ships when you get stuck in ta is to log out switch hangers and what ever else and log back in...same thing happened i got frustrated and just hunted with a spearhead/started a new server lol
  6. SauronL

    SauronL User

    since i realized its lagging thing i stopped doing TA , will try it in year when they will fix it
  7. I hope this year there is a birthday galactic gate

    Past year was no GG for real -_- that left me the hopes even lower for this game, that i stopped playing for months
  8. Birthday gate always comes up on December 11th and to get it you have to log in on that day.
  9. 2013 It didn't show up.
    But i'm happy to hear that this year we have some kind of birthday gate. :)
  10. Any news about the 3D mode?
  11. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Not that I can see, I think test4 has the 3D mode on it right now but it's been hidden behind password protection for a long time now and last time I posted something from test4 it got removed.
    I think we will start to really see the 3D mode after Christmas, December will probably be a slow month, only new things I'm expecting to get see is the LoW / battleray changes.
  12. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Okapi, do you know if, after we get the gate, can we complete it anytime we want? Not limited to the Cold Wave event?
  13. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I'm not sure it will be a proper gate, do you see the white rips in the maps that act like portals? I think that will be how we get the the GG, so once they go then it goes with them.

    Once you complete the GG the Skoll will say - "Don't you think you have defeated me, do you? This is just a small delay for me. I will recover my power soon to open a new breach and I will have no mercy for you!" - so there will probably be different version of it later on, but not necessarily all during the Cold Wave event.
  14. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    Yeah. My friend tried to jump in there once, and he got teleported to an incomplete 2-1 map with nothing in the map. He couldn't even switch ships out. So I guess the gate hasn't been loaded into the game yet.

    But what I'm asking is, the gate will be opened on the 11th, but will we be able to complete it, lets say, sometime in January?
  15. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    As I said probably not because once those portals go you will have no way to enter to gate.
  16. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    I see. Just asking in case it ever arises in question.
  17. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Group Gate changes OA:

    Greetings, Pilots!

    Thanks to your feedback we decided to redesign the group gate and make it fairer. Now it is what it is supposed to be: a gate which is meant to be a challenge for a group.

    For this reason, the following modifications have been made:

    • To be able to jump into the group gate you need to be in a group of at least three players.
    • The group gate can only be started as soon as all group members jumped into the gate.
    • The group gate can be continued if a group member leaves the group (e.g. due to a disconnect).
    • If a player has left the group gate, e.g. due to being killed, he will be able to rejoin the group gate as long as it is still active and he is still member of the group.
    • In the case that the whole group dies (no group member is still in the group gate) the group gate is lost and cannot be continued.
    • If a player leaves the group or was kicked out of the group beforehand the gate starts he will be moved to his x-1 map.
    • If a player leaves the group or was kicked out of the group after the gate has started he will be able to continue to play the gate. If he gets killed he will not be able to rejoin the gate.
    • All NPCs need to be killed to be able to activate the next relay station.
    • The NPCs in the group gate will have the threefold strength than before. According to this modification, the rewards will also be threefolded.

    Enough talking. We wish you loads of fun with the new group gate!

    Last JPA of 2014 will be special ^^:

    Greetings, Pilots!

    With the last Jackpot Arena in 2014 DarkOrbit is going to close the year with a big bang. The top 32 players of the Jackpot Arena on 14 December 2014 will be rewarded big time!

    The following prizes can be won:

    • 1st place: Up to €10,000, depending on the individual jackpot amount.
    • 2nd place: Premium, Doubler Advantage Pack and Rebate Advantage Pack 6 months each; 5,000 Extra energy, 100 green Booty keys and the following Galaxy Gates set up ready to use: Epsilon, Zeta & Hades.
    • 3rd & 4th place: Premium, Doubler Advantage Pack and Rebate Advantage Pack 3 months each; 2,500 Extra energy, 50 green Booty keys and the following Galaxy Gates set up ready to use: Epsilon & Zeta.
    • 5th-8th place: Premium, Doubler Advantage Pack and Rebate Advantage Pack 1 month each; 10,000 Uridium, 1,000 Extra energy, 25 green Booty keys and the following Galaxy Gates set up ready to use: Zeta & Beta.
    • 9th-16th place: 1 month Premium; 500 Extra energy, 10 green Booty keys, and the following Galaxy Gate set up ready to use: Zeta.
    • 17th-32nd place: 1 month Premium.

    What are you waiting for? Register now for the final JPA in 2014! Enjoy and good luck!
  18. Just a random thought.......IF they make this game 3D, doesn't that change the game play??....Heck, it changes everything right???... I mean ...It wont be Dark Orbit anymore , it will be some 3D space game, like battle Star :confused::(.
  19. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It will be a 3D mode, so you can turn it on and off.

    As for what the 3D mode will actually be like, nobody really knows. Seems like it won't have any z axis which is weird to think about.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2014
  20. Interesting, so perhaps you see things grow and shrink along a flat horizon ?? and you can rotate 360 degrees around left or right, and move left, right, forward, and backward?
    Kinda like DOOM or any other first-person shooter.
    (Jumping up or down in Doom, or going up stairs would be the equivalent of moving on the Z axis, which D.O. 3D can't do as you stated).

    All just spitballin, but if this is the case, you could have objects hiding behind things that are closer to you, blocking your view....hmmm. If it was an angled, birds eye view, where the camera sits just behind and above your ship, the 3D view would show the map well ;), and you could see "behind" things (I thinks thats it:D), but then you couldn't see behind you :eek: ! (rear view mirrors? )

    Last thought....how could these modes interact, as it can be turned on and off, all very interesting.
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