[SC] UNOFFICIAL: DarkOrbit Revealed Archive

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by =SERAPH=, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Happy 8th Birthday, DarkOrbit!

    Make sure to accept today's Cold Wave mission to open the Breach gate, our Birthday present for you! But be careful, Skoll is waiting inside!

    Oh thank you Darkorbit ... I must admit, that it was interesting portal, but i must say, that i feel like robbed after i completed easy one.

    Mission reward gave me good feeling. "Oh good... i can earn some uridium with this."

    After i completed gate (With struggle, and little anger) i counted, that i earned ~8000U in total from that portal, and used worth of ~8000U X3 + Lots of RSB + SAB, that i didn't even count how many went waste!
    That was supposed to be easy, then why did i need to use such ammo to get damage to that running piece of ice block, when i was taking way too much damage from "mini ice metroid's" that was thrown on me!
    Its too hard, considering that it's supposed to be easy.

    It put me thinking, how hard is hard one, and whats the point to try to complete it, because reward is same. I will surely lose even more uridium.

    That is not fun. I have played so long this game, that easy gate should not be that hard to me.

    I am really disappointed your way to make your player's feel, setting up that kind of hoaxes.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2014
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I don't think DO pay attention to this thread after all they made everything that is getting posted so its no news to them ^^. Just something for the players / mods to have a look at and speculate about.
    Better of posting this kind of stuff in the discussion thread:

  3. where was you find this?:)
  4. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    He has connections
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    I have no connections that give me any information, I get it myself. I'm fairly confident I see the OA's before the moderators do so that would mean that if anyone was giving the info it me it would be the devs x)
    However as by thread rules, I can't say how I get the info.
  6. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    I refuse to believe. :p
  7. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    11 new mission added, no descriptions to go with them just yet but my guess would be that they are to do with the new LoW gate and a way to encourage players to do it.
    512011 (This is just here to remind me where to look for the descriptions later)
  8. Kangal34**

    Kangal34** User

    cann you tell us more about missions .. what need to do in ..

    and i come on Forum only to watch what you post new ..
    and continue your good work
  9. SPSAT99

    SPSAT99 User

    He just said, there are no descriptions yet.
  10. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    A condition for influence has been added:

    <item name="q2_condition_GAIN_INFLUENCE">
    <![CDATA[ Collected %count% Influence. ]]>

    Might seem like nothing but probably means the re-worked influence/domination event is going to come soon on the test server. Influence will also be connected to Loyalty so hopefully info about that won't be too far away either.
  11. On battle for influence looks like they had a bug on points for tdm, sector control and capture the beacon.
    You just need to take beacon and you get points per min or sec.
    In sector control write you get 30 points for win, on the end you get 50k.
    For TDM write you get 45 and get 50k.
    I hope next time will work good.
  12. whoeva

    whoeva User

    If they don't adjust the point system that was heavily weighted towards tdm and sc and/or address the unscrupulous actions of players from one company started an event with accounts in a different company then the whole thing is set up for fail.
    prometheis2000[ITGS] likes this.
  13. `Luke

    `Luke User

    I would hope they would fix the previous bugs of influence before giving us a new update. I mean, that would be common sense.
  14. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Those are the new values. It says 45 now because for the next event you will get 45 not 50,000 ...
    The CTB bug was fixed and people had their points removed during the last event, I don't know why you complain to me about them either - I don't make these updates ^^

    If you look at the influence page now and go to personal influence the values for TDM, SC, CTB etc have all changed from 50,000 to no more than 45. Hades is the most valuable now since it gives 75 points.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2014
  15. whoeva

    whoeva User

    Good, that certainly seems a lot more reasonable.
  16. The Hard gate was easy... Did it with X1 and Kami.
    (First kill the 2x Ice Meteoroids)
    All you need to do is smash Skoll into Bottom right corner and circle into the corner every 20 seconds so its shields don't regen (If they regen, it starts shooting you again). Every 45 seconds (2 runs in) you sit on skoll and kami it with the icys around you. Repeat the process (you will your rep shields on the first run around and hp on the second if you aren't hit).
    When you get hit with the target marker, travel away from skoll in a straight line until it spawns more icys, then circle back in ASAP to stop shields from regenning - kami if appropriate. Skoll spawns Icys in Hard mode about once per 5% hp.
    Let all Icys gather at the bottom right corner, then use the Icys that spawn when Skoll hits 1% hp as kami bait for finishing off the bottom right corner from a distance, then kill off the last icys and you're done.

    Takes just under an hour in total.

    I've always said you can do it with a premium max speed vengi with 100k shields or full speed tank and lv3 kami. Don't need moth, don't need SAB, don't need anything but X1 ammo, a dribble of shield, prem and kami. Earned 45k uri or so in total from the 2 gates.

    EDIT: I just noticed that you said that you wasted all that ammo in the EASY gate... Damn, you can do that with prommed SAB and a little bit of X2 blasting since it only has 700k hp and 700k shield and kami drops icys in one go.

    EDIT2: Also, hard gate gives 5x the uri rewards of the easy gate, since the aliens have 5x the stats. Also, 20k uri for completing it.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2014
  17. -AdamantiumDragon-; my tip for you, if you use the P.E.T. you won't use lots of uridium. If you don't have a P.E.T. with kamikaze level 3 you'll have little chance of surviving.

    After the December 11th, the missions were took of the missions of the last year (2013), so if you wrote or save it somewhere, you could look it up.

    The team will organize and repeat the next events of Influence and Domination, that's why Okapi32 the new missions for it.

    They will also plan the new website for Clans soon. But first, the group gate will be renewed.

    And the 3D-mode is moved.
  18. What do you actually mean by the 3D mode has been moved?

    Do you mean updated or online by then?
  19. fluffy101

    fluffy101 User

    okapi u know if they gonna do the big 20% off sale for boxing day just like how it was for black friday? and also buying a certain amount to get u additional prem and hercules etc.?
  20. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    No I don't, sorry.
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